The absolute state of RPAN

1  2020-05-08 by SQLerection


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I know it is probably confirmation bias. Stemming from being in such close proximity with my fellow deuxbros but I am starting to think White people specifically women may have a propensity to engage in borderline sexual acts with their canines.

I tried to be devils advocate but the third time that person reached at the dick removed all doubts


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the šŸ¶šŸ’Š strikes once again

That's indeed the secret ingredient

Damn this be like my 80th dogpill

For real Iā€™m about to overdose


No direction and it talks about meaningless garbage posts on reddit. This sub is like something beneath reddit, eating whatever shit falls out of its ass. Pathetic and cringe. End your existence, all of you.


  1. The absolute state of RPAN -,

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thats a joo guys cmon

poppin dogpills like dem perkies

Ew penis