We crushed Pakistan in all wars, but in 1971 we made them surrender in 13 days and liberated Bangladesh. We took 90,000 of them as POWs, the largest surrender since ww2.
Pakistan is a far more formidable opponent than anything the USA or UK has faced since ww2.
China is a lot less smelly and already owns enough land/capital/influence in the west to win. Sorry gurndeep, best you can hope for is a few hundred bucks from grandma after you convince her to buy iTunes cards to pay her taxes.
TFW you're a retarded inbred albino that you actually think the Greeks and Romans were Albinos like you and not MULATTO or black which they really were
You demons are good at rewriting and fabricating history but all you need to do is put a shirtless albino out in the sun at any lattitude where ancient Civilizations are and see how long until the sun kills you and come back and say you're indigenous to that area
If Aryans are smarter why are German companies and engineering concentrated in the black Celtic part of country where the people look darker and less Aryan
If Aryans are smarter why are German companies and engineering concentrated in the black Celtic part of country where the people look darker and less Aryan
I wonder how your so-called "master race" is doing, today. Why do they always want to move to the countries populated by the "inferior races"? Hmmmm...
aryans conquered india and introduced the sanskrit language and hinduism LOL europeans are the closest genetically to the aryans aka 'fallen angels' in the bible. LOLOLOLOLOLOLL
1 AutoModerator 2020-05-08
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4 CriticalAttempt2 2020-05-08
You know its going to be some real pajeet cope when there’s this many words
Imagine not mentioning the most based indian ritual - burning widowed foids alive because even they knew that a foid with no moid ain’t shit
3 IAJAKI 2020-05-08
When was the last time India defeated a foreign nation in war?
2 Harambememes69 2020-05-08
Pakistan in 1971 and forced them to liberate Bangladesh
1 IAJAKI 2020-05-08
Not foreign powers, they were the same nation for 100’s of years and couldn’t play nice.
2 Harambememes69 2020-05-08
Because India was never one united country before British colonization. It was hundreds of kingdoms
0 AutoModerator 2020-05-08
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1 CriticalAttempt2 2020-05-08
Even autojanny knows
0 HormelCoffee3 2020-05-08
We crushed Pakistan in all wars, but in 1971 we made them surrender in 13 days and liberated Bangladesh. We took 90,000 of them as POWs, the largest surrender since ww2.
Pakistan is a far more formidable opponent than anything the USA or UK has faced since ww2.
1 IAJAKI 2020-05-08
Cool, name a conflict not on your subcontinent. It’s all just local wars amongst yourselves.
1 HormelCoffee3 2020-05-08
Name a country that the USA has beaten in a war since 1947? Iraq? Lol
-1 IAJAKI 2020-05-08
Lebanon (1958)
Congolese Simba Rebels (1964)
Thailand (1965)
Dominican Republic (1965)
Bolivia (1966)
South Zaire (1978)
Libya (1981)
Grenada (1983)
Libya (1986)
Iran (1987)
Libya (1989)
Panama (1989)
Iraq (1991)
Serbian rebels in Bosnia (1992)
Haiti (1994)
Serbian Rebels in Kosovo (1994)
Iraq (2003)
Somalia (2009)
Libya (2011)
Uganda (2011)
2 HormelCoffee3 2020-05-08
LMAO imagine thinking this is a better resume than India.
Get a life amerimutt.
2 ThouzandQueerReich 2020-05-08
3 Airplanesnshit 2020-05-08
Is this your masters thesis? Christ its got more words than a lefty meme.
3 GenderBendingMegaFag 2020-05-08
and that's really saying something.
1 48x31 2020-05-08
CTRL+C CTRL+V from wikipedia so this pajeet can have a we wuz moment.
1 Airplanesnshit 2020-05-08
3 inbredalbino 2020-05-08
3 WorldPeaceNeverDies 2020-05-08
That’s a whole lotta words to try to make it look like indians are chads. Shame I only need three to ruin the entire illusion.
Designated shitting streets.
1 Sennappen 2020-05-08
U fucking wait buddy, India will be a superpower by 2025. you'll be fucking sorry then
1 WorldPeaceNeverDies 2020-05-08
China is a lot less smelly and already owns enough land/capital/influence in the west to win. Sorry gurndeep, best you can hope for is a few hundred bucks from grandma after you convince her to buy iTunes cards to pay her taxes.
3 Jannieseatdoodoo 2020-05-08
LMFAO, imagine unironically seething at this. The fragile white ledditors are at it again.
2 arsepirate69 2020-05-08
That peak irony when you have to use the European, Mediterranean guy template to make Indians look acceptable... When comparing them to Europeans.
1 morethanjustasloth 2020-05-08
Where do you think those Mediterranean genes come from? That’s right, straight from Vishnu’a caring hands.
3 omegalolpoggers 2020-05-08
Vishnu gave mediterraneanoids chad genes but not actual indians lmao 🤣🤣
1 Ginkoleano 2020-05-08
0 inbredalbino 2020-05-08
TFW you're a retarded inbred albino that you actually think the Greeks and Romans were Albinos like you and not MULATTO or black which they really were
You demons are good at rewriting and fabricating history but all you need to do is put a shirtless albino out in the sun at any lattitude where ancient Civilizations are and see how long until the sun kills you and come back and say you're indigenous to that area
1 arsepirate69 2020-05-08
SHEEEEEEEEEEET nigga! Dem Romans was Kangz fo sure, dawg. Dem be wearing skirts insted of dat bullshit toga! Whitey be lyin agan!
2 inbredalbino 2020-05-08
1 arsepirate69 2020-05-08
1 arsepirate69 2020-05-08
For real though, dude, that site is a fucking gold mine :') great post.
2 inbredalbino 2020-05-08
If Aryans are smarter why are German companies and engineering concentrated in the black Celtic part of country where the people look darker and less Aryan
1 arsepirate69 2020-05-08
I've given you all the crumbs you're getting, dude.
1 inbredalbino 2020-05-08
Mad you retarded inbred albino idiot has autism
2 morethanjustasloth 2020-05-08
Here you see actual proof that DeuxCels are outnumbering deuxchads on this sub. The amount of pure rightoid seethe in this thread is palpable.
2 slapdaddybaddy 2020-05-08
Lmao at making a cartoon white man who looks the way curries do in real life.
2 Swagoverlord 2020-05-08
Then why did anglos, of all "people", make indians their bitches?
2 incellord1 2020-05-08
name a single european invention
2 aborto-de-cuy 2020-05-08
Currycels are coping hard on this one
2 Snazzy_Sausage27 2020-05-08
2 ro0te 2020-05-08
imagine taking posts here seriously
1 SnapshillBot 2020-05-08
You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.
I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers
1 penis_pump_broke_me 2020-05-08
Too many words sorry my eyes are hurt
1 inbredalbino 2020-05-08
2 GenderBendingMegaFag 2020-05-08
we hindu nuffin!
1 48x31 2020-05-08
Yeah another leftoid meme. Sorry, rightoid memes just hit differentely.
4 morethanjustasloth 2020-05-08
Mayos can’t even read. 🙄
3 48x31 2020-05-08
Reading is jewish witchcraft I don't wanna see any foreskin recipes
1 morethanjustasloth 2020-05-08
Jews are the only respectable white people.
3 suit_spider_26 2020-05-08
post nose
1 ThouzandQueerReich 2020-05-08
fellow respectable white people
1 morethanjustasloth 2020-05-08
Why would I want to talk to other white people.
2 fjsukwpkzvxn 2020-05-08
Sorry, I couldnt see what bullshit you just wrote.
1 Bruh_hhh 2020-05-08
tfw aryan invasion-pilled
1 meme_kid69 2020-05-08
nigga i cant read theres too many words
1 IllustriousBid7 2020-05-08
Good post.
1 meatpuppet79 2020-05-08
1 inbredalbino 2020-05-08
If Aryans are smarter why are German companies and engineering concentrated in the black Celtic part of country where the people look darker and less Aryan
1 HormelCoffee3 2020-05-08
LOL aryancels have to eternally cope because they know that Dravidian CHADS are far more intelligent than them.
1 AutoModerator 2020-05-08
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1 Ginkoleano 2020-05-08
Then why did Vijyanagar fall. Glorious Mughal hindavi master race will exile you back to the deccan
1 GURBOchad 2020-05-08
Absolutely FUMING mayo rightoids 😂 So much for the muh based radical centrist sub
2 Jannieseatdoodoo 2020-05-08
Lol first thing i noticed as well. But no bro they're not seething it's just ironic...
Btw trannies and women suck and seethe over everything amirite?
1 NewcastleGym 2020-05-08
Maybe by 2025 you can add learned to poo in loo to that list
1 Epic_Redditor1 2020-05-08
I wonder how your so-called "master race" is doing, today. Why do they always want to move to the countries populated by the "inferior races"? Hmmmm...
1 Meme_Institute 2020-05-08
You absolute fucking retard, the image for chad is a Mediterranean
1 thro0waway8978 2020-05-08
aryans conquered india and introduced the sanskrit language and hinduism LOL europeans are the closest genetically to the aryans aka 'fallen angels' in the bible. LOLOLOLOLOLOLL
1 OkayDyan 2020-05-08
tldr: street shitters
1 CanadianAsshole1 2020-05-08
poo in the loo