Superior race my ass

1  2020-05-08 by Whites-Go2Gulags


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When God was making bread for the first time, he was afraid he would burn them, so he took them out early-these were whites-uncooked and bland. Then God put in another batch and burnt the dough, thus came the blacks-dark and hard. And then, God, now having an estimate of timing and the experience of two bakes, baked out the perfect colour of bread: brown Indians.

I can't argue with this logic.

If you want to argue for Indian supremacy you've got to stop shitting on the street.

Just saying.

and then the uncooked dough took over the entire world

how dey do dat dayum!!!

And then they lost it all in the most hilarious and cucked way possible because they became too pathetic and weak to protect what their grandfathers gave them. Lmao.

“We wuz kangz”



Add a few emojis and make it a little bit longer, and this is a good copy pasta

is that Kool-Aids coming out of his eyes?


Fuck whitoids

😾😾I can't believe tou said this


Silence, Mestizo.


Lol you mad because god hates you enough to make 12 hours of the day potentially give you cancer. Fuckin weak.

I take anything Allah giveth onto me, Israelite

You're just mad you got Mayonoma.


are superior to mayos.

I feel like I'm reading another language when I look at that link in removeddit. Based? nu-male? And why do they hate the nintendo switch so much? I googled "soyboy meme" and now I'm even more mystified.


  1. Superior race my ass -,

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Based. I can't fathom why the melanin deficiency of white "people" isn't considered a disorder.

Day of the sunburn when?

unironic Indian


Keep seething, mayocel.

go do tech support for apple or something

Go get cancer from the Sun or something.


It's called Oculocutaneous ALBINISM

Indians need to unite Hinduism has great esoteric knowledge with melanin and the third eye and heart chakras and sungazing knowledge Islam has great patriarchal knowledge and family values and prophecies

In reality, though, I don't support Hindu-Muslim unity. The two religions are fundamentally incompatible. Muslims in India must yield to Hindu rule or get out.

Imagine being a proud currycel 😂😂😂

Imagine being a cumskin.

A shit skin could only dream.

Swans are the real white, ur just a pale karen. Get a tan kiddo be healthy and happy.



Mayos can easily protect their fragile skin with sunscreen, but there is absolutely nothing that basketball-Americans can do about their abysmal IQ.


Yuck mayo sauce

Sometimes I can figure out what’s funnier.

Mayos dying from overdosing on fentanyl

Or mayos killing themselves when they hit 35

Mayo depression sucks

Killing jogging niggas.

Not as funny as Mexicans killing jogging white girls and getting away with it cause their food is delicious though.

Nor as funny as grooming British children lmao

Yeah tbh you're right. Non whites have us beat when it comes to criminality. Always have done, always will. Genetic or cultural? Who knows? But its what keeps you in poverty as white wealth grows with every minute. We're richer now than we were when you started reading this post...and you're poorer. He he.

Lmaoooo massive cope 😂😂😂. Richest groups in the USA are chinks, Jews, and pajeets. And that shits just growing.

Even I grew up privileged as fuck while mayos a few towns over were dying of fentanyl. And even though my parents both made six figs, I got a full scholarship to college based on “muh diversity”.

Now that I’m a a manger at my company, I always push to hire non-mayos over mayos too, and help non-mayos get promoted faster too.

Also while you’ve been reading this, more of your jobs and wealth has been outsourced, more immigrants have entered your country and taken your positions, more companies have decided to go “global” and are getting taken over by non whites. More land is being bought up by “foreign nationals”.

So actually, you’re getting poorer, while we’re getting richer.

It’s okay mayoid it’ll all be over soon though. Well finish diversifying your race in a generation or two and then the world won’t have to deal with your disgusting barbaric nature.

Sorry bud, but your grandparents sold you out so they could buy cheap Chinese shit.

Heh heh. Little tip, try to sound less triggered, it makes you look retarded.

Also foreign nationals buying land and property here makes us richer and their nations poorer. That's kind of economics 101.

You're really not very bright. Which is why white people have run the world for the last 3000 years.

Lmao nigga you posted on 3 of my comments on a row. Let’s not talk about whose “triggered” 😂

Lmao, you think having your country and capital owned by foreign nationals makes you richer in the long run? Have you even passed high school Econ you moron? You realize that when that land increases in value, or gets used as capital, the profits get transferred back home?

Have you not noticed al the non-white countries getting massively wealthier in the past 2 decades? Fucking lmao. You’re actually retarded bud

Also read up on history lmao. Asians ran the world for most of history while whites sat around accomplishing nothing but petty wars with one another. You had a nice run for the past few centuries, but the worlds going back to its natural order of you on the bottom.

Long you like to play the long game dont you? Youve been saying for100 years that India will be a super power in the next 5 years...yet here we are, approaching the second quarter of the 21st century and you're still shitting in the street and too poor to bury the dead.

Whites have led the way since the ancient Greeks. We will always lead the way. We are the most intelligent and the strongest physically, as anyone who can recite the worlds strongest man finalists and Nobel prize winners will be able to confirm.

Internet, computers, mobile phones, world wide web....all needed for this conversation ...all courtesy of the white man.

Bow down brown boy, we are your masters.

Lmao cope. One random Indian on 4chan said that shit 20 years ago and you beat it into the ground.

This is just sad. Your “dark ages” lasted for a thousand years. Meanwhile, everyone else was building great successful civilizations. You got dominated by the moors for like 800 years. Your “Nobel” winners are pretty much just Jews, so not real whites. And the Greeks are also like the least white whites.

Your financial companies, owned by Jews, your tech companies, owned by Pajeets, your pop-culture is dominated by nig, and all your best schools taken over by chinks. And all this while Your population declines.

The only thing rising with whites is the rate at which you commit suicide.

We can all see you’re butthurt because the writing on the wall is clear, you’re going down and getting weaker every day, while non-whites get richer every day. It’s literally economic fact.

There’s absolutely nothing you can do. You’re literally being taken over and the funniest part is that you guys don’t even realize it. I would tell you to bow down, but you’re race won’t be around much longer anyways.

Nah lol. You are literally saying it now you absolute mongoloid. You like the west huh? Indoor toilets are lively aren't they? And the way we dony leave bodies to rot on the street? Paradise!

We were built the point du gard, Westminster abbey and Salisbury cathedral during the so called dark ages.

No, most Nobel prize winners are white.

Barclays, Chase, RBS, Visa, Mastercard, Berksgure Hathaway, Microsoft, Disney,McDonalds, Walmart, virgin, General Motors, Heinz, McVites, Amazon, Coca Cola, Hilton hotels, Pepsi, Dyson, Penguin publishing, Fox News, Gillette, PayPal, Lever Brothwrs, Johnson and Johnson....and many many many more besides...all owned by the master race.

Suicide rates in Asia outstrip those in europe.

Yep, the west is great. Which is why we’re having a phenomenal times taking it away from you.

One thing I could do without is the constant state of war, but then again, being hyperviolent barbarians is pretty standard with you whites.

Poin Du Huard, Westminster Abbey, and the Salisbury Cathedral are trash tier and dogs shit ugly compared to various architecture from around Asia and the Middle East.

Literally 3 of the companies you mentioned have Pajeet CEOs you moron.

Richest ethnicities in the USA:

Also btw, i should mention that I love rich white guys, because 90% of the time they will out their own to Jews, Indians, and Chinks.

You’re literally bragging about the people that sold your country, culture, and people to us for a quick buck. Hahahaha

Try to sound less triggered when you're attempting to bait people, it undermines you and means you are unlikely to achieve what you want to.

Amazon, Pepsi, Coca Cola, Walmart, Fox, Disney, IBM, Microsoft, Gore tex, Heinz, Hilton Hotel, Exxon, AT&T, Shell, BP, Boeing, Geneal Motors, Chevron, CVS, Costvo, Cardinal Health, Verizon, Morgan Chasee.....all owned by white people.

You're still seething...we can get through this. Funny thing is is that YOU dont realise how much Westerners are taking out of India. Literally every time a brown boy uses his 300 rupee credit card he is enriching the West. Every western union payment. Every DVD bought. Every time he fills up his 50cc scooter.

We are getting richer every single day.

Mate you started this discussion on a shot post. You’re absolutely shaking with how upset you are.

Pepsi, IBM, Microsoft, etc are all run by Brown CEOs you moron. The upper management in lots of companies are also brown people.

Look we could do this stupid shit all day, but the statistical fact is that pajeets in America own a significantly disproportionate amount of wealth. That there the most successful ethnic group in the country, and that the rate at which Asian wealth increases relative to white people is much higher.

You obviously don’t even understand the basics of economics or how business works. I’ll take it your not quite well educated are you?

I don’t think you realize just how much money is being sent to India and China. Every time a mayo boy loses his job, every time a Asian takes money they make from whites and sends it back home, every time a Jew takes profits made in America to invest in Asia, every time a white boy gets pushed out of his home come a rich chink priced him out...

The fact is that American and England debts are increasing while the balance of trade shifts more and more in Asia’s favor. There’s a reason your politicians are constantly crying there eyes out about it.

Sorry you’re too stupid to understand basic economics though.


And England is being flooded with Arabs and taken over by Muslims hahaha

Keep coping Achmed hahaha 😂

There goes what little money you did have 😂😂

Thanks for the money pink boy 🤭

Lolololololololool they made their money from the street shitters and spend it in England. The brown people are giving their money to us you silly sod. You are genuinely one of the dumbest cunts I've ever encountered.

Lmaoooo, buddy I can’t even argue with how unbelievably stupid you are. Read a book and learn economics you dumbass.

Did you go to a community college or something? Didn’t make it into st. Warbershires? Fucking lmao.

We al knew you brits have fallen off and become a second rate America, but this is honestly just fucking sad.

You're really bad at this, so bad I feel second hand embarrassment. You come across as a awkward fuck who doesnt interact with people on the real world. Everything about you is more than a bit odd.

You're a very strange little man. And immeasurably stupid to boot.

😂😂😂 what’s absolutely hilarious is that you actually think you sound clever. This is next level delusion.

Keep trying to sound tough cuckie. You’re really coming off as more and more desperate. You don’t have to project so hard and try to pretend you’re not a sad failure

"Next level"

Oh boy.

Lmaooo. Sorry for using young people slang grandpa. 😂😂😂

"Young people slang"

Fucking hell. You're beyond parody at this point.

It’s trying to put it in terms you’d understand.

Be angry at the youth is a normal thing bro, don’t be ashamed.

Ok kid, I'm genuinely laughing at you now. You're so bad at it and it's something you've tried really really hard at.

You've failed at being an internet troll. Let that sink in, buddy.

Shh shhh it’s okay buddy. You don’t have to cope anymore.

I guess I’d rather fail at trolling than fail at life like you though 😂

Seriously little guy, this isn't working.

Have you tried call centre work?

Craiii whyte boiii


Lol they filled a quota by letting a couple of house negroes on the board. Owned by white people though hehe.

I'd love to bait you with facts all day but you're so dumb you trigger yourself.

I'm going to leave you now. Try not to rape anyone in your rage, theres a good boy.

PepsiCo board

Lmao there’s literally Pajeets, Mexicans, Jews and even a nig in your link.

Do understand the concept of “relative proportions”, or “statistics trends”

All you have left is clinging to the quickly fading remnants of your past glory. How pathetic

You also know that CEOs get massive stock options and take a lions share of the income right? Hahaha you’re pathetic? Do you even work at a company, since you don’t understand how they, or economics works at all.

Did you even go to college mate, or are you just another working class loser?

Sorry mate, you mayos are on the decline, no matter what you tell yourself, and there’s absolutely nothing you can do to stop it 😂😂😂

Well clearly you’re butthurt has reached maximum levels.

Have fun raping 11 year old Thai girls you worthless subhuman.

The amount of rage here is hilarious.

Lmao did you have a nice good cry and get all your butthurt out?

It’s okay mayo boy it’ll all be over for you guys soon.

Although, it never really started for you in particular did it cuck?