Amerimutts, what race is this? 🤔

1  2020-05-09 by WreckingYourHome


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La creatura....

Broken branch, ancestor cry

Not sure but the dog pill is definitely involved.

albino mystery meat?

it's a riddle for the ages


Looks Canadian.

Shut the fuck up you absolute lobotomite. What a joke. Get a grip on reality, stop saying "cope" during a serious conversation just because your two braincells cant ever send signals to eachother to form a response. Honestly pathetic. Oh guys look at me Im so funny COPE! Its so funny and quirky right guys? Hahah. Shut the fuck up you absolute fucking dusty toilet. I would flush you down the drain in an instant.


  1. Amerimutts, what race is this? 🤔 -,

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I noticed you dropped 3 f-bombs in this comment. This might be necessary, but using nicer language makes the whole world a better place.

Maybe you need to blow off some steam - in which case, go get a drink of water and come back later. This is just the internet and sometimes it can be helpful to cool down for a second.

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Shut the fuck up you absolute lobotomite.

Filty abomination

Mayocide when?

I'm infatuated with that face. I've stared at it for over an hour now. It makes we want to travel to America and build further upon the anthropology work done by Josef Mengele.

African facial construction, yet white complexion... Interesting.

my official guess is albino african trooner

gentlemen? 🍷

IT GOT WORSE. I am ready Allah beam me up.

American is Morphing into a Race of its own Nicknamed
This is amazing

What species is this more like



Melting Pot in action is my guess because what the fuck.

That brow ridge could shelter a Hopi village

La luz extinguida...

looks like that evil lady in emperors New groove 🤣

Izma lmao

Purge it with flame

there was a little ring creature in film lord of rings.She looks like him

bitch, what species is that?


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Snow chimp

El Troon dos las Propagandos Judaica


He/She literally looks like a Gremlin.



Ooh ooh ah ah no headdress no no no