Covid Cult

1  2020-05-09 by GWashingtonsGhost


Have I told you about DeuxCHAT?

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Listen to me, you little Slav fuck. It's too early here in the morning for my sister "flower oven" to wake me up to call me to help, so I'll make it short, as THE ONLY GENUINE NAZI ON THIS FUCKING Reddit, probably on the entire internet as well.

Hitler NEVER in his life approved any of these self proclaimed divisions, he was au contraire EXPLICITLY against forming them and banned it absolutely!! They were formed at the end of war to fend of commie partisans I'm their respective lands as an AUXILIARY defence forces and at the Führer's orders BANNED to enter even Wehrmacht, let alone SS! Yet... Genetically speaking Bosniaks ARE clean, they are mostly I2 haplotype, like Swedes, probably some leftover from Ostrogoth invasions, BUT.... have you ever met a Bosniak? They are LITERALLY bearpigs. Hitler WASN'T racist as any of us true Nazis isn't. He was culturologist! He OPENLY despised mudslimes, and there is AUDIO recording where he EXPLICITLY says it. STOP spreading lies over the internet, we will NEVER accept subhumans into the white superior race. BTW, that handžar "division" staged a coup. Not in Bosnia. But in France, killed SS officers, and was arrested, executed and disbanded. Learn your facts before you talk to high Nazis, you subhuman

OP is mad because his rent is due and he has no way of paying for it

OP is a dumbass rightoid who deserves having to wait for treatment in an overloaded hospital after his wagie cage collapses on him. He can truly experience freedom then.

Seething cultist

nice cult

Gotta be a contrarian no matter what. If there was no lockdown youd complain that the government is letting people die for the economy and to cleanse society of old people and some other shit.

If there was no lockdown youd complain that the government is letting people die for the economy and to cleanse society of old people and some other shit.


Yeah that's the thing

Hate to seriouspost but I'm day drinking here so gimme a break

The kind of people complaining about the prevention measures would 100% be complaining either way. If the gov chose to let all the boomers die it would be "see they don't actually care about keeping the proles safe, this is why central government doesn't work"

I'm as classically liberal as the next guy and I think there are some dangerous implications to some of the measures but like c'mon

I'm ok with old and fat people dying.

Post your belly and birth certificate


I will post my fem penis and my Brewster icecream frequent customer card. Final offer.

Ya, what about it?

Wrong. There would be no complaining.

So according to you I am a coward because I post stuff on the dick show subreddit when I dislike Dick (absolutely nonsensical on every level already, why shouldn't I post, why posting be cowardly, why should any post on the internet require "courage"?). After you pathetically failed trying to zing me, I explained to you why I post in r/freefolk and other subs and you still can't get two neurons to fire in your oversized skull in order to put two and two together and deduce a potential answer for your question (very stable genius).

So I'll be gracious now and tell you exactly why I posted on the sub, if you can point me to any of my posts there Sherlock. You brought it up, so you must have a specific post in mind.

Link me the post and I'll enlighten you! Tick tock.


  1. Covid Cult -,

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But that less then 1% is boomers


if it was no one would give a fuck about quarantine lmao

Rightoids out

They can’t go out because the (((government))) won’t let them!!!

Hey with that covid stuff cam girls got cheap

People enjoy the lockdown because for the first time in their lives they are finally good at something (staying inside and being a loser), and can boss people around and act all high and mighty.