Cool and epic dance parties

1  2020-05-09 by waselny


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lmao this shit was on OKBR long long ago

hope the trannies didnt remove it though

Strap me to a missile if that is what it takes to destroy Tel Aviv

"israHELL lelelelele bad, dey kil palestin kid"

> 56k Upboats

> 18x Platinums

> 56x Gold

> 34x PupperChungus Awards

> 28x Le quirky le silver awards

> 14x Gilded Funko Pop awards

> 48x Hogwarts Invitation awards

> 172x le yasser arafat says le trans rights awards

> Keanu Reeves himself files over to your house and fucks your wife

Shut the fuck up. Chances are you will never have to face issues related to abuse or racism (assuming you’re white) and because of that it will always be something you can “joke” about, because it will never seriously affect you. Maybe if you actually knew what it felt like to be secondary or othered because of your race, or if you were traumatized from domestic violence or knew someone who was, you’d know why this makes the people actually affected by that uncomfortable. This meme could trigger flashbacks and other trauma for an abuse victim and ruin their entire day, possibly their entire fucking week or even more, and they’d have to deal with that because some edgelord thought it would be a funny meme format.


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