BASED Asian woman puts disgusting mutts in their place, kicks dogs and punches owners in Vancouver

1  2020-05-09 by silverpanther17


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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They targeted gamers. Gamers.


  1. BASED Asian woman puts disgusting m... -,

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Wow, that makes it even more based. Thanks, SentiBot.

She’s just tenderizing the meat

Ancient Chinese Secret

Damn people don't realize how many problems can be solved by stopping, looking around, and fucking BLASTING her face in when no one is looking. Then calmly walk away. One time a drunk boomer pushed me when I was walking home. I looked around, bashed him in the face, and walked away. If you're bigger and stronger than someone, just use that shit you work out 12 hours a week to keep that shit hidden?

In minecraft of course

when they "believe women" and she says you assaulted her for no reason u r fucked if its not recorded

You only do it if she doesn't know who you are. If you're some random dude in a place you don't usually go to, just smack and walk. Threaten the bitch afterwards and keep walking and just forget about it. Believe all women but when subjected to violence, a concept completely alien to them, they turn meek. There's a reason abuse victims are usually quiet, while "" "" "abuse" "" "" victims will spend all that effort to imprison the one incel who said hi to her on the streets

All this in modded San Andreas, of course

Any man who says “you’re assaulting me” to a woman should automatically be sent to gay conversion therapy.

This is what happens when insectoids don't get their daily dose of bat soup.

Why are asian women so based bros

Why doesn't he just push her away and leave, I don't get it