This. Is. Everything

1  2020-05-09 by BlazeBro420


I have information that will lead to DeuxCHAT's arrest.

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If you own a Funko Pop regardless of any other trait you bear you should be given a free chilean helicopter tour.

And this is why you post to r/DEUXrama. Let people enjoy things! šŸ¤—šŸ˜‡

t. Owns 0 funko pops.

Implying that conversing with deuxchads isn't the sole remaining merit this platform has..... You can enjoy whatever you want until I disagree with it then it becomes worthy of ridicule and persistent harassment until you either cease whatever queer thing you're doing or you an hero. Either way I win.


And actually I agree man.

I would say more thinly veiled seethe really. Regardless, the way you defended the owners of Funkos leads me to believe you have a vice similar in nature. What is it? Play a little Switch every now and then? Indulge in a some light reading of Harry Potter books so you can make parallels to modern politics online?

nigguh you own a PS4 you have no moral high ground

I donā€™t even own one. I had to and may Allah forgive me for saying this had to borrow one from a mayo šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®

you have sinned by dealing with the kuffar filth and for punishment I will now Allah in your Akbar

It gets worse brother, my sins are innumerable. Instead of seizing it in the name of Jihad I actually returned the device to the filthy Israel supporter. I have lain with dogs and arose with fleas. I shall forever burn in Jahannam with the jannies.

Filthy g*mer

I havent played videogames in years, however I am guilty of indulging in Harry Potter books when I was like 14. May Allah forgive me.

wow imagine not owning a single funko pop in the current year, be better sweaty

Can someone please help me understand why Funko Pops are so pop-ular? Aren't they basically bobble head dolls?

Excuse me, no. They are collectible vinyl figurines

They make funko pops out of everything, so a relative will walk by and say ā€œoh he likes x popular franchiseā€ and buy it.

people are mindless sacks of shit

Super easy """"hobby"""" to get into because they are pretty cheap and they come out with 1000 new ones every year.

Female figures

Oh God, I can already see how this ends

Does it rhyme with pot due?

it rhymes with mum far

I can't decifer this one

H[]t G[]ue.

Snot glue, and bum star.

In unrelated news: Significant increase in jar sales

wtf i love funkopops now

Yes you do, you fucking imbecile. If you are rejerking you have to put /rj in front of it and if you are not rejerking you put /uj in front of it, although some people donā€™t use /uj but yes you need to put /rj on comments that are rejerking. There are people who come here to un ironically say that shit so thatā€™s what /rj is for.


  1. This. Is. Everything -,

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Hope they release a Kim Yo-Jong figurine to promote inclusivity in the communist dictator sphere

r/feminism r/humansbeingbros r/cummingonfigurines