Brave mdefugee performs his signature move: citing crime statistics. r/TheRightCantMeme seethes.

1  2020-05-09 by Chessen113


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Man they sure get angry when are they called out for their virtue signalling. Like clockwork whenever you mention crime rate they always say joggers are just arrested more like there are thousands of felonies unreported and not investigated in mayo filled areas

Because theyre not smart enough to connect the dots. They shouldn't deny blacks causing more crimes, they should analyse why that is. Poverty and undereducation has always lead to an increase in crime.

But murder and rape, is it possible to say it is related to poverty

White men murder and rape just as much, and as for gang violence, yes obviously that's linked to poverty.

How the fuck are you trying to justify rape as its fault of poverty. Murder make sense

Rape is more of a cultural problem, and culture is linked to education, and joggers are under educated due to poverty.

Yeah make sense joggers got no education

Why are majority "mayo" countries generally safe and have lower crime, whereas it's the opposite for majority jogger countries? You're honestly dumb enough to think poor white areas are as violent as poor black areas? Lmao. No, in poor white areas, people are overdosing on drugs, not committing drive-by-shootings over drugs.

they can't cope with the fact that their narrative is just a facade

I honestly think you’re all just faggots. Especially that one queer moderator who skulks around in here. Gee I really do appreciate the thought and all the psycho analysis I really hope that you didn’t have your parents spend their hard earned money on the pressures education to choose a field where you know you’re just bad at it. But my U Penn degree and cybersecurity masters, would beg to differ, thanks for playing though. You realize this sub is nothing but a bunch of fat losers who cry about peoples opinions on the Internet in a sub with other big fat fatties. This sub is the equivalent of a liberal rally, just on the Internet and with less of a purpose and is way less respected.


  1. Brave mdefugee performs his signatu... -,*

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