Choicecels and abortlets DESTROID

1  2020-05-10 by DeweyoftheDank


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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Being a racist loser that makes fun of racist losers doesn't make you any less of a racist loser. Pretending you're too stupid to understand how you spend your free time doesn't make it any less pathetic to spend your free time that way.


  1. Choicecels and abortlets DESTROID -,

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I'm anti-choice

I'm 6'2" and before Corona I lifted a lot, so I'm bigger than most people but there's still enough people out there for me to not be bigger than everyone so I use this logic 80% of the time and then when I'm not bigger I just use bigger words like the n word to establish dominance.

before Corona

Bitch made.


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Ikr. Nigger needs to go exercise

False, I still lift, just not as much because I don't have as much weight at home as I have access to at the gym. I've been doing different one legged squat variations and hill sprints to try and keep my legs strong and overhead press/pushups/pullups/dumbell chest presses along with dumbell rows for my upper body. I don't have enough weight to even bother deadlifting. It's gay but the gym should be open again soon and once that happens I'm sure I'll shit on whatever you can do so show me some respect you hebrew manlet.

False, I still lift, just not as much because I don't have as much weight at home as I have access to at the gym. I've been doing different one legged squat variations and hill sprints to try and keep my legs strong and overhead press/pushups/pullups/dumbell chest presses along with dumbell rows for my upper body. I don't have enough weight to even bother deadlifting. It's gay but the gym should be open again soon and once that happens I'm sure I'll shit on whatever you can do so


show me some respect you hebrew manlet.



For the low introductory price of a geissele upper, you can get a little respect. With the addition of gucci gear, you can get me to acknowledge that you're stronger than me (i can play pretend).

Nice choice of upper but I won't give you a single shekel until you admit that I can squat more than you.


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I'll want to see that sweet tuchus wink-free with parallel hips, and then we'll talk.



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The only acceptable male heights are 6’3, 5’7, and 4’10. Everyone else is a manlet. Also 5’11s don’t deserve human rights


phew just barely made it out of manlet status 😊

I chopped up my legs in order to make it to 5'7, get rekt rightoids

Fetuses just take resources without giving back, so turns out that makes it okay to kill them. Remind you of anything?