MDEfugees out

17  2020-05-10 by Dimbledorf


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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A lot of words just to say you’re upset someone made fun of your Funko Pops

bro I can't read

Lmao more than 10 words sorry can't read lol

Imagine taking a meme someone made in 5 minutes this personally


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Holy fuck that was hilarious! I cannot stop laughing! Take my upvote! Take another from my second account! Hell, take a silver, why not? Scratch that, a gold! Scratch that, a platinum even! God, just come to my house and plunge your 2-incher into my gaping asshole already! You can have my wallet afterwards too! Take the credit cards too, I’ll even give you the PIN numbers! Hell, you can take the whole damn house while you’re at it! You can even have my wife and kids if you want! I’m willing to go into poverty just because your post on was that funny! I think there’s only one thing that would have made your post even funnier, though:

If it wasn’t a goddamn repost


  1. MDEfugees out -,

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This comic is hella based(4chan lingo for COOL)


At lease MDEfugees get their point across without writing a damn essay.

had me fooled with all the 🅱️xpert CSI analysis

Proof radical centrism is the superior ideology

Virgin words vs Chad nigger


That's Jogga to you, cracker.




MDE was banned like 2 years ago and you’re still thinking about it lmao

the game

Trollface trollscience


Good post but use less words next time

Also >today's equivalent of rage comics. Wojak is from 2010 but didn't die like rage comics please don't make fun of sad white guy meme I like it :(


When's the next novel coming out OP?

Wallahi not my creation. I would just write nigger.

Image reading that. Not me, not never.

Short version:

I like product

No look at comic that make u look ugly me look good and my product good