This shit writes itself

8  2020-05-10 by TheUnbannable2


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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what are you gonna do, force me to watch contrapoints?


Fuck, I'll look up their Youtube channel.


implying troids are human enough to be referred to as “he/her”


-man who was forced to watch contrapoints

She is hot

I wanna suck on her toes 😍

lmao leftoids cancelled her

rly? explain plz

She said something about Non-Binary people. Something like gender is important because she identifies as a woman. But the Trancels got mad because Contra has money to look like a woman. But they don’t have money so they can’t afford to look like their preferred gender.

Contra has money to look like a woman

they certainly don't fucking use it lmao


where am i, in fucking tumblr?

yeah cause no one but trannies and le es jay dubbleyoos has ever used single person they.

das rite crakkka

I mean really, you use it all the time, you just don't realize it. Thaas rite, thas rite.

I think heshe said somethin about not wanting to gas all incels. Good riddance I say.

What? Huh? Imma look into this.

the rough idea is that heshe said that incels shouldn't be mocked but helped

(sperg rage warning)



A majority of incels are mentally ill, and have issues with suicidal thoughts and that is actually shitty. As a person who has had normal fucking conversations with incels and has had some fucking fun with incels, this hurts despite being far from an incel myself. The fact that they think incels shouldn't be HELPED really hurts. As a human being, ANYONE should be offered help when needed.

Incels dont have to deal with gussy nonsense they have it good compared to the rest of us

What are you on about retard they crave that shit deep down and they know it

they can crave it all they want they dont get it so they dont have to put up with it. call me a retard white boy

Incels have been crushed into a whimpering shrivelled wreck by gussy nonsense.


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Sentient and based

They're mentally ill but you're falling for their grovelling misdirection. It's less about loneliness and more about a lack of being validated as a male. Look at their aversion to betabux or having to settle for much uglier partners. They don't just want companionship they want to be seen as a guy who fucks. It's involuntary celibate not involuntary single.

The only help one can give them is either making radical changes in their behavior(hard) or by helping them accept a different set of values for male actualization like in menslib(easy).

They need to see their GP and get professional help. Adding menslib is just doubling down on their illness.

Fuck that noise bully them to death

I think it was just your generic "half the country voted for Trump, we can't afford to be massive fucking purity testing radicals over the most minor issues" kinda thing.

Real hero of the ILGBT community

Something about him thinking that all the pronouns asking is annoying as fuck. And that makes her phobic against non-binaries and "what the fuck are you even supposed to be?"-looking troons.

Tranny ideology is a self destructive one

She said troids were unconforatble about non-binary people and "she" complained how obnoxious "they" are.



As an exiled fag, I assure you the war between the Troids and the faggots is a bloody conflict.

I am no fan of Troids (especially trendy made up ones), and I am no fan of self righteous, condescending wokeness either.

But with that said

Natalie makes me laugh, and i enjoy her ridiculous theatrics and aesthetics.

So while I don't agree with her thesis statements most of the time. I have to give her some praise.


Lmao that’s a dude bro


This was a great video too. Gotta love how she slipped in meta-commentary preemptively calling OP a smoothbrain too. Natalie's on another level and she knows it.

Got around 15 minutes into the video, anyone else find the whole fag tranny mannerisms extremely cringey?

That's the whole point. It's called irony, sweaty. Lmao

tries so hard to be feminine

The ironic weeb in “”her”” natural habitat

We’re doing drugs. If i wanted to hear “don’t do it man” or any other sort of social stigma about wanting to put meth in my ass I would have asked my mom what her thoughts were. Obviously if I’m ready to put meth in my ass and I want to know whether or not I should take a shit first, I’ve already made up my mind. It’s going up there.


  1. This shit writes itself -,

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> trannie tells you why saying cringe is a nazi dog whistle for an entire fucking hour

tranny calls you a nazi for 80 minutes [ASMR][deep voice][shaming][nazism]

Dude lmao what if this was P O R N 😲😮

Anyone who claims to hear nazi dogwhistles must be, by definition, a nazi.

Or a dog 🐕💨

Stop it, you're gonna lure in the mayo women.

I just heard high pitched screeching

And people pay for this content.


I mean that's not what it's about at all. It's almost entirely talking about the trans community.

> actually watching this shit

Ummm sweaty please don't post her she's cancelled kthxbye 💅💅💅

If she cancels two other trans YouTubers in this video, does that mean she gets un-cancelled? I don't know what the score is, but that's +2

I wonder if she is just a longwinded, self righteous tryhard that feels like she has enough interesting content to fill 90 fucking minutes, OR she just wants people to stare at her expensive FFS mug and hormone tits.


If it makes my peepee hard, it's a she BIGET.

It's most likely a symbiotic realtionship between a troid getting his attention he craves by spouting off a script written by a committee of (((writers))) who feel smug about preaching in an echo chamber

Remember how they try to pretend this thing passes

volcel if you wouldn't

Guess I'm a volcel

Sorry not into obvious men

Damn, could have been a chad if he hit the weights

Volcel fake zoomer trad>>>> contra gussy


What does it talk about


This youtuber is transphobic and a nazi btw


I dont understand why anyone would care about a troids opinion. Can someone please explain?

It was a slippery slope, our first mistake was caring what gussy thinks.

Just watched it. Basically it's a deep dive to answer the question: "What is internet cringe?" It breaks down, then the video delves into trans cringe culture, even canceling two trans YouTubers. It also featured some great meta-commentary and meta-meta-commentary which makes OP look like a dipshit for posting this.

Ok so now explain to me why anyone would care what a troid thinks

That frame mogs 99% of reddit users.

You can tell it's making the MDEfugees seethe already. They think calling Natalie "he" and "cringe" is so clever but it's such a deliciously obvious hard cope.

The MDEfugees are right that "Natalie" is a he and will never be a she with that body and face, but even with bad makeup and a huge choker he's more of man than they are.

That's the first time I've ever watched one of his videos.

"Cringe" is an understatement, is this shit normal now? Like it's just a freakshow with garbage random opinions.

I haven't watched it but that seems like a self-aware jokey thumbnail/title combo

Contra has somehow managed to be cancelled by both rightoids and leftoids at the same time, all the while being completely self aware and still managing to have the dumbest fucking take

sounds kinda based desu. this ladyboy knows how to elicit maximum butthurt

I watched the whole thing and it was good.

Troids think ContraPass? Jesus Christ.

Ikr? Look at """her""" shoulders. They're sui fuel for incels.

imagine already being a mayo moid and WANTING to become a foid.

she’s hot

I can’t listen to this dudes voice