This is what they took from you. I will never forgive demokkkrats

6  2020-05-10 by dont_stop_themusic


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he didnt construct enough pylons

zerg master race though tbqh

Real zergs play ling bling muta in all matchups. Base race every game, every matchup, every map.


This shit used to make people so mad, nothing funnier


I guess all candidates were mentally disabled then

Diamond protis = silver teran

Anybody can be silver teran.

Terran you fucking space pleb.

not bronze terrans


Diamond playing protoss literally takes a week. 4 gate every game just micro a handful of stalkers and you win without any difficulty at all.

Probably just did 4 gate rush every time

What’s Biden’s gamer score?

Maybe all gamers scores should be tattooed on the inside of their arms ?

inside...? Should be on their cheeks and foreheads!

Listen here you baneling face proxy pylon executor.

He once owned drumpf 5 to 3 in a round of arcade Pong.

Diamond Protoss...he couldn’t even win with an easy race.

post this on gcj theyre gonna flip their shit LOL

I’m aiming this post at guys who are still in high school, or younger

Please leave this sub, delete your account, block the address, do whatever you need to do, to get yourself away from this sub, and any similar community.

Take a long break from anything like this, and go out and live your life, you don’t know it yet but you have such great opportunities if you are still in school, so many people (guys and girls) who are available to talk to, even become friends with. Girls are so much softer on guys in school, their standards are lower, and some will be open to speaking to you. You have the chance to be happy, please don’t throw it away before you’ve even left.


  1. This is what they took from you. I ... -,

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Well said master. Unfortunately it's too late now & there's no stepping back from the doomer lifestyle.


he deserved to be robbed of the nomination

Surprised he wasn’t Terran with MULES raining free UBI minerals from the sky

Of course the Asian boy is a StarCraft player

There needs to be a Zerg player US president.

Anyone who plays video games is clearly a virgin loser.