8  2020-05-10 by Steward-of-Barad-dur


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AHS is fuckin ass cancer

It’s a deep cover irony and satire subreddit with the best seetheposting and troonposting going and you faglets take the bait every time 🤣🤣

The greatest shitposting ever so meta this fugpacker is humbled


I can’t believe they haven’t been banned yet, reddit is really run by white supremacists

Judenpedia calls that "political indocrination" but American schooling is prefectley flawless and unbiased for them.

Stop downvoting the lolcow it has a plethora of mental problems and will more than likely an hero if he loses anymore karma you retardphobic cunts.

I actually get paid by George Soros for every upvote, so you cucks are costing me money

It's okay though I'll just get it back in welfare

blumpfff in username

1 million wholesome Keanu 100 Nintendo switch points

cryposts when gets 'bullied' online

This is the average Reddit communist/anarchist revolutionary lmao



Imagine using Reddit 20 hours a day you fat miserable sack of shit

So when are you planning to kill yourself?

Have you ever had sex? Genuinely curious


how many hours of sleep did you lose over a comment on reddit?

BadUK is the only euro sub worth a shit, those dudes aren’t even close to what they are being accused of by the cp spammers

It's nice to browse but the amount of effortposting going on is on fwr level.

I too am a very intelligent Redditor who believes everything some random dipshit on Reddit writes

If it's on the internet it must be true 👌

Also don't downvote the guests.

So how fat are you? We talking like 300? 350? Above that?

I had to knock my bedroom through to my living room to make space for my ass

Fortunately I get £10,000 a week in welfare benefits so I can order pizza 4 times a day

Seems reasonable for your average ahs user. Have you begun to transition yet or has your mental illness not peaked yet?


I updooted, where are the nudes? 😠😠😠😠

Don’t expect bussy. He’s too fat and lazy to even wipe his own arse by the sounds of it.

DM me you're name and address and I'll get them sent out in 7-10 business days

Are they really nudes if there are zero distinguishable sex characteristics? 🤔

I have a complex system of pulleys and harnesses to lift my gut out the way so you can see my nutsack

Engineers are hot 😍

Upvote. Waiting 4 Bussy pic!!

Going with the “rolling with the punches” strategy I see.

You’re a master of 4d chess, just like the object of your endless obsession.

Please entertain me more

Even though you're a worthless trantifa, I respect your ability to handle the bantz.

What ronaldo are you referring to in your username? And does t stands for trans?

I'd assume it's a spoonerism of "donald trump" with the letter o added twice.

Is it true that you are an advocate of communism/ far-left politics while also being an overweight jobless welfare recipient? If yes then, do you feel any shame when you get your benefits check and realize that you are the very reason your political ideology will never come to fruition? If no to the original question then may I see your Deux posting liocense.

Based and breadpilled

Is it true that you are an advocate of communism/ far-left politics


while also being an overweight jobless welfare recipient?

Not true

If you're not an overweight mentally ill scrounger why do you support communism?

Because I don't enjoy the taste of billionaire cock

Stop sucking it then? How would your life be improved by living in a communist country? Apart from the fact you'd finally lose some weight what would be better about it?

'Sucking billionaire cock' is a metaphor for working 60 hours a week so some other cunt can get rich

Think about how much less you'd have to work If some rich fucker wasn't scrounging off you

Most people enjoy working. It's your fault if you're doing a job thats pointless and unfulfilling. And you could start your own business or go self employed if you had marketable skills. You're just blaming other people for your own laziness and incompetence.

Most people enjoy working 60 hours a week?

That's the most retarded fucking thing I've ever heard. Don't you have friends or family you want to spend time with? Oh.....

>Doesn't like working

>is a commie

I have bad news for you

We'll be sending you retards to Siberia to do all the work

So much for the tolerant WORKING class

Who is working 60 hours a week? Most people work much less than that, if you have to work 60 hours a week in some dead end job just to support yourself you're doing something very wrong lol.

You wouldn't rather work 30 hours a week than 40?

What sort of retard are you? Stop being such a pathetic fucking cuck

Like I said most people enjoy working. If you've managed to go through life without learning any marketable skills or finding a job you enjoy that's down to you. 8 hours a day is fuck all you're just lazy.

You've really proved that people who support communism are just lazy lol.

lol youre just lazy, nos go take out a loan at goldman Sachs for your hormones, i need those interest payments

What if that billionaire is a trans BIPOC jogger? You sound like a bigot, sweaty



Sounds like something a landlord would say

But you get free man protein tho 🥛💪

Imagine being such a shill that you have 1.6 million karma.

You just saying you got denied PIP after they interviewed your sorry ass?

Many years ago sweaty

And PIP is an in work benefit - it doesn't make a person unemployed

So you’re no longer classed as disabled? Did the bad tories force you to get a job?

Disabled people can have jobs. I know that must sound unbelievable when your disability is being a retard who was breast fed until he was 8 but it's true.

Yes people with disabilities actually want to work but you’re not disabled. Being overweight with mental health problems isn’t a disability and nor does it prevent a large proportion of society from working. Were you forced to seek employment due to benefits being stopped? Do you believe you’re now a functioning member of society due to gaining employment?

I can hear the sound of your mommy taking her bra off, it's feeding time bby

I'm genuinely curious, has being breastfed for so long rotted your brain to the point you think bipolar disorder isn't a real thing? Are you actually that fucking retarded?

Are you actually that fucking retarded?

This is coming from an obese bong that cryposts in ahs 😂

I see you buddy. you're very cool and very funny. You can stop crying for attention by replying to all my comments now.

Your nonchalance isn't fooling anyone. Seetheposts in disguise are still seetheposts lol

Ahs poster lol

You can stop crying for attention

Omg that's so sweet, it thinks it's the zoo keeper and not the chimp 🐒😍

My men prefer to suck my nipples. They thoroughly enjoy it. As do I. So moving on. Let’s try to remember that you’re an adult man in his late 30’s and see if you can act like one. Doubt it. But still.

Do you have a fuckin job or not?

has being breastfed for so long rotted your brain to the point you think bipolar disorder isn't a real thing?

Holy shit you can't even answer a simple question? What a pathetic fucking cuck.

Imagine getting owned by an AHS retard like me. What an embarrassment. Put the screen away and go to bed mate.

Lmfao. You’re still unemployed then and using mental health as an excuse to be a workshy arsehole. Plenty of people with mental health problems work. You’ve certainly not owned me. Serious cope on your part or your mental health issues kicking in. The only thing you’ve actually confirmed is that you’re a lazy fat bastard incapable of taking responsibility for your own life and wellbeing. You’re just a loser and a total drain on society. Sad. Sort yourself out.

I love how you've just invented the fact I don't work and are using it as an insult. 10/10 reasoning

I don’t need to insult you. You’re insult to yourself.

All you know about me is:

  1. I have bipolar disorder

  2. I claimed disability benefits some years ago

From that you've somehow decided I'm currently unemployed, obese and take no responsibility for my life.

Sounds like you have some issues mate.

Anyway you can continue seething about shit you've imagined, I'm done with you

Fuck! Don’t go. We have just met. It was still getting to know you 🎶getting to know all about you 🎶... fuck that...never mind!

You actually report people to the admins. It's not a question of if you are morbidly obese, it's a question of how morbidly obese.

Bye bye, fattie!

Man, saying stuff like that, and having over 1 million karma suggests that your life is fairly limited.

And that's okay, everybody is who they are, but you do sound a trifle unhinged. Maybe instead of arguing with strangers online who hold different views to your own you should try a hobby, or a job would help to, Something to really focus the hate that's eating you up.

This sort of stuff is probably the reason why no one respects you online or irl

As opposed to the dipshit running around shouting that bipolar disorder isn't a real thing

Jesus fucking christ

It's not real. But being an ahs-tard is a mental illness 😂

This is so unfunny it actually became funny

Well done

This is so unfunny it actually became funny


Got his fat commie ass

Being diagnosed with Bipolar disorder is a real mental health problem. Doesn’t prevent people with bipolar disorder working.

The only people saying I don't work are you and the dipshit in the OP

Maybe if you stopped making shit up you'd more rewarding conversations

No we all get that you work at Burger King 80 hours a week and still have to live at home because of a crippling weed addiction. It's been well documented.

Good, I'm glad we're on the same page

Are all those free whoppers really worth it though? Couple months and you could be a certified welder and be making stacks instead of stackers

You don’t work. You USE your mental health diagnosis as an excuse to do fucking nothing productive. The only rewarding thing about you? Light entertainment for an hour or so on a slow evening.

You're actually delusional. You know making shit up, and then becoming obsessed with the fantasy to the degree you are, is a symptom of a number of disorders, right?

Seethe more tranny

Sounds like the other guy is seething tbh

Projecting your own mental health issues onto others is just a way for you to cope. Just cope more. Seethe at your situation. Dilate if need be. But ffs ... at least attempt a CV!

Well if you continued reading you will see that I requested, as required by the queen, a scan of your posting liocense you bloody twit.

Cope faggot

Yes you do, you fucking imbecile. If you are rejerking you have to put /rj in front of it and if you are not rejerking you put /uj in front of it, although some people don’t use /uj but yes you need to put /rj on comments that are rejerking. There are people who come here to un ironically say that shit so that’s what /rj is for.


  1. AHS troomer DESTROYED by FACTS. - archive.org, archive.today

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Arsenal fan = confirmed mentally ill