Feminists are trying to get this video scrubbed from the internet!

1  2020-05-11 by pomegranate2012


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What if you... clicked my link to DeuxCHAT... Haha just kidding...


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I was gonna start playing league again til I saw they auto filter the N slur now. Noped right out.

Gaming is basically dead.


  1. Feminists are trying to get this vi... - archive.org, archive.today

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At least she knows how to cook....a grenade😂

She didnt cook it threw it raw you mongoloid, obv born after 1993

Throwing like a girl

Yes. You have grasped the basis of this post.

Men trying to throw grenade be like :

Unironically when i was in the military every time live grenades were used 1 in 500 or so fuckers dropped it or threw it into their own foxhole

Moids gonna be moids

Did you see that personally or is that just the story they tell you morons to cover up the nonzero defect rate.

That's not a troid tho.

Statistically, women exceed men in almost every thing they do, a retarded woman is still better than the most alpha male, its just biology :)

By now I’m not even sure who on this sub is joking


moid smash

Ok smug college liberal

you're joking, right? you'd have to be an absolute 'tard to believe that.

Ok moid, facts dont lie you can research it

so you're saying that despite having more muscle, a man is weaker than a woman, as well as slower. surely you're trolling.

Yes, a man while having a little more mass is still a MAN, he cannot comprehend philosophy go to school or be a functioning member of society without women, such dependancy must be dealt with severely, a gulag if you will for the moids

thank you. your jokes are funny.

superior in genus occidere et redire possunt cadere in hominem magis quam Roma, tuum numerare beneficia pro degeneramus masculum quisquilias

I don't speak Latin, but I see some questionable shit in that sentance.

'count your blessings, degenerate masculine trash' - fuck off

vana vestra responsa sunt masculi mares ex ovis societatem corruent superiori potestate generis Acta iustam fortasse intellegere posses olim

stop speaking a dead language, I don't have the effort to use a translator.

Magni roboris in societatibus fiunt, in hominibus non est motus, mentis et corporis facultatem ad auxilium, in tantum ut labore hominum non est constitutus in statu esse pauci numero

lac filio irrumatus

ita ut solus munus est ad verbum in hominum societatem, nequeunt movere absque tuo esses iam morte jactatus, ne obliviscatur.

lac filio irrumatus



Its latin

uh huh.

ne interficiat animam tuam dabo operam eu castra

quoting the bible?


ok then.




why are we still 'talking'?

Because you are a rapist

your point?

Dont do deugs3

wasn't planning on it quite yet.



no molest pls

so why do you keep replying to me? genuine question. It's been almost a day now.

I am the CEO of commenting as long as you reply, it is my duty to not leave your shriveled dick hanging

I'll have you know my dick is of the larger proportions, you foul wretch.

2 inches aint big boi

thou grotesque gargoyle, thast not what thine motherling sayeth last nightfall bout mine bulbous shaft and balls.

Breed me pls, such poetry 🥰🥰🥰🥰

tis indeed.

men are actually disgusting in every single way and I am personally revolted by my insane, unstoppable, driving biological compulsion to mate with them.


Lifelike this is what your lifelike

alright then.

People really know you, push your buttons like typewrite

does that sentence makes no sense? or am I just dumb?

I don't have anything better to do so i was quoting follow god by kanye west at you

what a tremendous faggot.

You are the one still engaging me, i wanna give money to china should i give gold awards to our comment threads :)

please don't fund those cunts. give that money to charity, strippers, drugs, whatever. but not the chinese.

I am really tempted now i might do it


Yes :)

No :(

also waifu flair, nice.


this conversation has gone on for way too long. almost as long as a normal conversation.

I dont mind tbh

me neither. so what you want to discuss?

Idk, the devolution of society and the replacement of the workers movement with identity politics could be a good start

well, employers would rather have a diverse workforce than a good one, which sucks dick bigtime.

What if a diverse workforce was coincidentally a good one

then it is a good workforce. I have no problem with diversity, but forced diversity is bad, for sure.


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suck my dick robot boy.

The automod is retarded, you have commented a good thing

indeed. he needed to be put in his place.

He's a jannie dont expect much

well jannies are always doing stuff for free, so no complaints really.


why do you reckon jannies do stuff for free. I mean robo boy has no choice, but the humanish ones have free will.

And they still use their free will to be jannies lmaooo

yet they wonder why we disrespect them.

I am gonna dm you because reddit doest notify me for messages

Tis a boring and a lonely day, gotta pass time somehow

Based radfem mommy, pls step on my balls while telling me how worthless I am



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Smh people taking the bait from a self described gamer girl 🤦‍♂️ they don’t make deuxchads like they used to


she cute

She's Russian, so she probably has a nice body.

Unlike white women.

She'd deadass be like a 3 in Russia. Ruskie foids are something else, man...

I tried this tinder passport thing to st petersburg, the women there man, all the sudden this cutie im seeing seems ugly as shit.


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Only simps wouldn't jump on that grenade

Real strong women can take the impact from granades

Remember deuxchads when giving an object to a foid ask yourself would I give this is a child.

giving an object to a foid

Do we use the same thot process if it's a benis?

Yes. Do you not give your penis out to random children?

lol dumb broad