Welcome to DeuxRAMA daycare! Drop the kids off then head off to work. Just don't look back!

1  2020-05-11 by WhyAmILikeThis24


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Literally what the fuck is this garbage

What is the thought process of getting children to watch a pole dancer

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Y'all can't behave.


  1. Welcome to DeuxRAMA daycare! Drop t... - archive.org, archive.today

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teaching them to objectify themselves from an early age so we don't have too is based

Based Mayonnaise, Peak White Culture.

As an aspiring pedophile I call this progress.

Based future AHS jannie

Of course there are people saying there is nothing wrong with this in the comments...

Woke ledditors insisting on pushing sexuality on children need to be [removed] in the back of the head with a shotgun

In Minecraft, of course šŸ˜ƒ

She's shapeless, like the kids. It's OK.

Bruh Iā€™m gonna puke

The king Chad supreme leaving to go wash the vummies out of his underwear @2:05

If it was a male stripper or a drag Queen talking about gender pronouns there would people people screaming pedophilia or complaining that children aren't old enough to understand sexuality but since it's a female stripper it's totally ok.

Yeah people are super ok with this, hence why it got posted and upvoted in r/cringe