It's official. Elon Musk is now the latest enemy of Reddit

1  2020-05-11 by SendWhiskey


God the way they always say that any personality aspect they don’t like is a mental disorder is really starting to make me seethe

Yeah he’s acting like a fucken gimp but that doesn’t mean he’s sociopath or whatever

"But he is so WHOLESOME when he talks about SCIENCE! Now he prefers to get shit done instead of being wholesome! This makes me feel sad."

Musk: "We should make public transport more cyber rocket space weed with flame throwers and science and technology future in electric digging company disruptive!"

Reddit: "Iron man much?!? What an innovative genius. He is literally like me. We need more people with a vision. Real life Iron man Tony Stark Marvel guy for sure. I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE!"

Musk: "If businesses in California aren't allowed to operate much longer, I will move my business somewhere else."

Reddit: "Omg, he lost his mind! What is wrong with this asshole billionaire???"

Now I want to see Elon Musk and John McAfee run for office together.

Make America Troll Again

Spoiler: anyone on Reddit that's reeee'ing over Elon now would never have been able to afford a Tesla to begin with. These are the same people that whined when SpaceX employees cheered and chanted "USA USA USA" during a successful Falcon 9 test

USA is racist reeeeee

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this is less drama, and more pathetically sad

he has such an undeveloped set of social skills and lack of awareness of the size of things it's piteous


  1. It's official. Elon Musk is now the... -,

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Based Elon making money off of the same people who are angry at him.

Redditfags finally stopping sucking his dick? Never thought I would see this day

. Lmao he's been using child labour to mine cobalt for years (which i don't disagree with btw i blame the counties that allow it not the person who takes advantage) it's funny that he gets assblasted because of him being libertarian.

Child labor is literally the only source for cobalt

Idaho has more than potoats. Also Ontario

. Lmao

i blame the counties that allow it not the person who takes advantage

You know people who allow it are also taking advantage? I'm for child labor though nothing wrong with it except low quality service

. The countries use them as slaves, but yeah kids should be allowed to work if their parents allow it and its especially good for poor countries.


Now I'm waiting for them to stop sucking Keanu dick

b..b..but muh space weed man :(

noooooo what about my hyperlooperino?

I want to see him make the hyperloop and exclude liberals from riding it

You must be this white to ride!

Hell the NPCs would be pushing for the gates mark of the beast "'proof of vaccination" to ride it if they could . Who would have thought that with all those dystopian kiddo books most of reddit was reading a few years back that they would agree with the antagonists in them.

"Fuck Elon Musk" the democrat politician said, rubbing its worn, semitic hands together while showing off the rotting and dilapidated teeth inside its gaping maw. "How DARE he, move out of the great state of California, just because we shut his business DARE HE...Doesn't he UNDERSTAND that we need his tax money to pay more nigg..uh, single mothers?? Who will pick the fruit? Who will bring us avocados?"...The reptilian politician laughed wryly as it hit send on his twitter post, knowing the rewards from this singular post would garner it many good justice points from the important intelligencia class of twitter star. "Hmmm, seems my post already has a reply," The politicians face dropped as it saw what "@ bigdix69" replied to his post with...a single letter..."N"

Yes. How dare he make those robots do most of the labour amidst a pandemic. I hope he at least installs McAfee's screen guard at in cafeteria so social justice robots can have their lunch in peace.

this. his facilities are 99%+ robotic. anyone going in for maintenance is still social distancing. imagine being so much of a globalist shill using any excuse to damage the economy that they will shut down robots because of a biological virus.

wtf i love Elon Musk mow

elon musk alt right confirmed

This article is quoting a tweet from a random politician. I don’t think anyone in the thread actually read the article.

Where do you think you are?