Tranny Twitter is the greatest circus in the world and the tickets are free:

0  2020-05-11 by NannySharkBooper


Have I told you about DeuxCHAT?

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Tf is this mongoloid link

It's a fucking streamble link you Albanian jewess. Sorry your halfwit brain shits itself when you see a sentence longer than five words.

I'm not a leftoid I don't read

Don't ever make me download shit with your links again faggot.

Would you have preferred I hosted it on pornhub degenerate coomer? I'm sure you've got those links whitelisted.

Hang yourself faggot for making me download fag shit

I refuse to engage with someone who needs mental help.

ahhh yes, I didn't make any death threats. I've just called you fat and gay


  1. Tranny Twitter is the greatest circ... -,

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faggot link

403 forbidden, you retard

Next time get here sooner smoothbrain

Well if were a true Deuxchad you'd at least explain what the link was.