I'm gonna JOOG

17  2020-05-11 by W00x16


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Can someone explain to me what happened? I had my sister rant about this yesterday but she is a woke feminist.

Read news stories on it. That’ll tell you the series of events and the alleged crime. However, they fail to report that the man who was shot was reportedly seen burgling homes in the area. There are some reports that he was 13 km from his home, and was wearing clothing not appropriate for jogging, and that he was armed with a hammer, leading many to believe that he was out to rob houses. That’ll be in the news although they won’t report on the nuances of why people think he’s a robber. Hope that helps

There’s not any nuance any more we have the CCTV footage of him robbing the house

Is that the footage of him on the construction site or somewhere else?

lol this nigga lyin

  • he was shot 2 miles from his house, not 13
  • no proof he broke any laws
  • no evidence at all he had a hammer
  • whiteoids are dumb as shit
  • look up a pic of the murders and tell me those fat hicks aren't out to kill negros. They aint the fuckin neighborhood watch.

--right before the chase, Ahmuad went into a home under construction and stayed there for 3 mins. He only left when he saw the security cameras.

--a week earlier, there were a series of break ins, which this guy matched.

--right before he was shot, a homeowner saw him peeking through windows of houses.

--he has a criminal record; assault, armed robbery, and suspected to have tried shooting up a high school basketball game because he brought a loaded .38, but was thankfully stopped.

--he was 12 miles from his home, "jogging."

--he wasn't wearing jogging gear.

--when the two men jumped out of the truck, they told him to stop and that the police are coming.

--in the video, you can CLEARLY see that he then attacked one of the men, punching him and trying to steal his gun.

--you are allowed to open carry and make citizen arrests in Georgia.

--the police corroborated that he met all the descriptions of the suspect that broke into houses in the EXACT same neighborhood.

--whether you like it or not, this became a clear cut self defense when Ahmaud attacked them. "But MuH fLighT or FiGHt!1!!!11" No. Anyone who didn't have a motive to escape would have surrendered immediately, but he didn't because he did not want to get caught by the police.

Any source tho?

There are tons of sources

I mean I'd like some because google literally only points me to comments of people saying those things but no actual article or anything whatsoever providing anything other than people on forums saying someone said something.

> expecting unbaised results from Google

Lol why don't you just give me one of those "tons" of sources then? duckduckgo has the same results and so does bing... So this sounds a lot like you're full of shit if instead of providing sources you're treating it as some hidden secret.

As to prevent the inevitable leftoid "moving of the goalposts" provide the EXACT data points you want a source for.

>makes dubious, hard to confirm statements 

>doesn't source them

>says there are tons of sources

>doesn't provide any when asked

>says providing sources is wrong?

> Not knowing how to perform basic reddit formatting

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only meth can cause the longposting of bullshit above

it never even began for mayocels

Good retort. Really got me there fag

speaking of fags, how many times you think those good 'ol boys are gunna get black dick in the ass as they spend the next 15-20 in prison?

They should get a medal tbh

you're living in black america now. they gunna fry.

SHEEEEEEEEEIT, we'z kangz?


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Nah we voted out that half ngger president Obongo. This is Trump's America now. Nggers out

Imagine degenerating niggers so much that you instantly assume theres always a niggerfaggot that would be in prison is ready for bussy.

Not that you're wrong, you're just stupid.

can't argue with that

Probably more than when Ahmed spends them in the fucking ground.

None since they will be acquitted



plus Georgia’s state investigative team said it was the whiteoids within 36 hours of review the evidence

I love how all the meth-heads are raving about this

This is literally my favorite news item

dramacel 🤮

N*ggeroids out

downvoated but based and true. heck, I'll downvote you too

To a humble salt miner like myself, the downvotes just mean I've hit a rich vein.

Two fat jobless hicks chased down an unarmed black man in their pickup and blew his ass away with a shotgun.

Subsequently, every rightoid on the internet has become a legal expert.


america is a shithole country

you're all gunna die of the rona and imma be up here laughin

EDIT: downvotes are just the burger butthurt meter <3

As twelve immagrants make you watch your wife get raped and then they kill you. Or alternatively when you get arrested for misgendering someone

yup this is extremely common occurrence in canada i’m sure that you have all of the facts and statistics to back this up

I misgender people daily and you're much more likely to get raped and or killed in america, my public schooled friend

LMFAO I actually have been private schooled since middle school? I even go to a private college? Even then what does that even matter? I bet you went to a public school too

way to own the public school normies 😎

I misgender people daily and you're much more likely to get raped and or killed in america

I see you're deflecting from getting owned by facts. Nice play, it almost worked....

Laugin, at your lack of rights

American Rights

Can't even say Nigger

> americans have rights

you obviously haven't paid attention to your country for the last 20 years



you're the one in here seething from my low tier b8

Yeah well we'll see who's laughing on the Day of the Rake, you subhuman leaf

yeah just don't OD on meth before we get there, eh cletus?

Fuck off syrup guzzler, you're not the boss of me

What's the hammer about tho?

what hammer?

you alt-lighters are dumber than any negro, i swear



look at this kid, funniest shit i've ever seen

you need to go back, this is an AMERICAN board


All the rightoid serious posters and downvoters are fucking up this subreddit.

Naw it’s fucking great.

We can’t ping, so we gotta get em here somehow.

Anyways I looked at all the footage. He was not a "jogger" lol.

i don't care what the kid was doing, it's not like he had a VCR on him

those fat hicks are gunna spend the next 20 years getting assfucked by black prison gangs

Imagine trying to grab a person's gun and thinking they have no legal right to shoot you for it.

Go back to chapotraphouse you fucking mong. Just to let you know, I'm actually a leftoid, but you retards that buy into media brainwashing need to be quarantined.

Leftoid agendaposters and their consequences have been an absolute disaster for r/deuxrama

Funny enough, I am a leftoid too. But I don't let that get in the way of critical thinking and objective viewing.

This is going to be Trayvon 2.0. Dude's are gonna walk and everyone's gonna say "DAS RAYCISS". I bet the only reason they were arrested was to appeal to the kangaroo court public opinion brainlet mother fuckers.

You're just making them sound more based than they actually are

Niqqa I can't afford that shit.

jog jog jog jog jog jog jog jog jog jog jog jog jog jog jog jog jog jog

leftoids seem to not understand that the major critique isn't really in defense of the fatty whitoids, but more in questioning the media for giving this so much air when black-on-white crime is twice as common despite the monumental population sizes difference

also ignoring the "jogger" was a felon with no known occupation, using the HS graduation pic in a suit is cliche at this point

no known occupation

lol what occupation did the fat toothless hillbillies have?

Neighborhood protectors the most based occupation

If a felony is relevant to the situation. Is the older wildling looking mfers association with the kkk relevant https://www.reddit.com/r/Bad_Cop_No_Donut/comments/gg9fv0/050820_travis_mcmichael_at_klan_rally_in_rome/

Lol some sideways picture of a guy who looks vaguely similar to Mc Michael is your evidence he’s in the KKK?

Nope (((jooowish))) media photoshop. (((They))) did that. You know (((“them”))) wink wink

Yes you fucking retard

Wait, nigga how you even know that’s him that could be any whiteoid they all look the same

no jew media company is portraying the fatties as anything but scumbags though, unlike the criminal "jogger". You can be against the vigilantes without buying into the retarded narrative that he's a good boy that din du nuffin

and wonder why do white-on-black homicide gets so much air while being half as common as the opposite

Look who were talking with. ThE (((joOos))). Same white men will cry that they’re the most oppressed. The joooos are white stop it. The jooo media will jump at the opportunity to smear him when the time comes.

But he wasn’t wearing timbs and didn’t have a hammer. Those white hicks gonna fry. 🤣

the media was trying to portray this all as a shooting that happened NOW because there's one serious problem with their narrative otherwise.

there were reports of burglary in february. arbery is on surveillance video committing trespass, B/E, and attempted burglary, with 2 cops in chase immediately after in february. the media is saying it's now may, and there were no reports of burglary since february.

so here's the problem... most people don't realize this because the media is actively suppressing it, but the entire event happened in feb. the shooting you see on cell phone footage happened minutes after the surveillance video. arbery is still wearing all the same shit as in the cell phone video. it wasn't reopened as a case until the cell phone video was released just recently and made it all politically charged. two prosecutors refused to charge the case as they know it's unwinnable.

the media can push propaganda all they want, but this is just going to be another michael brown case... thug with a criminal record gets donked for thugging. the media narrative will break down and collapse because courts don't play by those rules. a first year law student could defend this case and win.

edit: for those looking for sauce, there are now two separate videos of different angles, clearly showing arbery, we're talking at least 4 separate instances of B&E

here's the surveillance video from minutes before the shooting https://www.ajc.com/news/surveillance-video/itEEj5ftMXkbkKeXrCFBTK/

here's the surveillance video from the nights before, showing 3 separate instances where arbery or someone who looks substantially like him is up close unlawfully inside the building https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQIuIcqi9sA. the hicks knew about the prior B&Es, they saw it happening and went to effectuate a lawful citizens arrest. for the state attorney to win this case, the state attorney has to basically argue that citizens arrests in the pro-gun state of georgia do not authorize use or threat of force even when there's direct probable cause to believe they witnessed the crime themselves, and even when the subject of the citizens arrest is attacking those effectuating the arrest.

Yeah you can use all those words but simple matter is they murdered him, they pointed guns at him and shot him, in what situation does someone shoot and kill someone, that is clearly not self defense, and not get arrested?

Right ugly ass white hoe

Your mom ate my butt

Pussy 😴imagine feeling threatened by a small unarmed black guy

i'm a tall, giant, heavily armed, black guy, so no, i'm not threatened by unarmed guys who are smaller than me.

first you sound goofy asf second then why you supporting mfs that are😂

cappin or coonin?

arbery is on surveillance video committing trespass, B/E, and attempted burglary, with 2 cops in chase immediately after in february,

Source for the cops in chase and attempted burglary?

https://www.ajc.com/news/surveillance-video/itEEj5ftMXkbkKeXrCFBTK/ it's on video. this is literally minutes before the shooting.

again, media is intentionally misleading people into thinking the burglary was in feb and the shooting was in may. that's false. the burglary is on video in feb, and the shooting was in feb just minutes after.

I've seen that video (And the one from inside the house) and it doesn't track for "attempted burglary" to me. He walked in, stood around and left. I don't believe for a second that he was just jogging, but saying that there is footage of him committing attempted burglary is an overstatement. You could build an arguement that he was attempting to steal things or had stolen things, especially if we find more information about the $2500 of fishing equipment that went missing from the boat seen in the other angle, but this footage isn't enough.

And of course the cops showed up in this footage, the shooters called the police, we've always known that cops showed up the location of the shooting. I thought you meant there was some other video of him being chased by the police.

You could build an arguement that he was attempting to steal things or had stolen things

that's literally what attempted burglary is... entry into a building illegally with intent to commit a crime, especially theft. he's on video going back at least 4 separate times. that's why when they knew it was happening, they did something then and there. they attempted a citizens arrest, which under georgia law is legal.

I thought you meant there was some other video of him being chased by the police.

the AJC video shows him run away from the house. the pickup goes after him. then a cop car goes blazing by at high speeds in his direction.

your idea of what happened objectively doesn't match the video. are you saying the video is fake?

You're assuming that I disagree with your idea about the media's role in this when all I did was ask for sources on two of the things you claim. I posted all these videos yesterday in /r/hatecrimehoaxes if that gives you any idea of how I feel about the case at large.

that's literally what attempted burglary is... entry into a building illegally with intent to commit a crime, especially theft. he's on video going back at least 4 separate times. that's why when they knew it was happening, they did something then and there. they attempted a citizens arrest, which under georgia law is legal.

I didn't argue what attempted burglary was - I argued that there is no footage of him committing it. There is footage of him in a house that you could use to build an argument that he was committing it, but you could also use it to build an argument that he wasn't. It's evidence but it isn't footage of him committing the crime. You could just as easily build an argument that he was merely trespassing - if it was an attempted burglary, what stopped him from committing the crime?

the AJC video shows him run away from the house. the pickup goes after him. then a cop car goes blazing by at high speeds in his direction. your idea of what happened objectively doesn't match the video. are you saying the video is fake?

I wrote that we've always known that cops were there scene, why would I think the video is fake? To clarify, I guess - you said that there was video of him being chased by the police as if it was breaking news when we knew that from day one (even prior to the video being released) so I thought you were referring to another incident in which he was chased by police. We didn't need video to know that police were speeding down that street in pursuit of a suspect, we heard it on the 911 calls. There is other footage of him being in the house on other dates, so if there was footage of him being chased on previous occasions it would useful information.

You could just as easily build an argument that he was merely trespassing

he broke the threshold of the building. it doesn't matter that the door was open or not even installed. it's still legally B&E in virtually every state. he was trespassing, he crossed the threshold of the building. that's B&E.

even worse, the jogging story is fucking ridiculous. his mother said he ran out for a jog, but he was 10-12 miles away from home depending on the route... basically saying on some random day in the middle of the week he decided to run almost an entire 26 mile marathon if you count there and back.

I argued that there is no footage of him committing it.

burglary (or attempted burglary) is almost ALWAYS charged along with B&E, and if the B&E conviction lands, so does the burglary. this is because attempted burglary elements are almost exactly the same as B&E. they're far enough away that it doesn't invoke double jeopardy, but close enough that circumstantial evidence alone will virtually always be sufficient for a conviction.

if it was an attempted burglary, what stopped him from committing the crime?

this is not necessary to prove. he might have gotten spooked and just decided not to. still attempted burglary.

regarding your entire last paragraph, the AJC video is minutes before the shooting. a black man matching the clothes, approximate height and build, and race of arbery is seen unlawfully entering the house yet again, just minutes before the shooting. he runs out of the house full speed, and the white guys jump in the pickup and go after him. minutes later a cop car goes blasting by at high speeds in the same direction. that's chasing a suspect if i've ever seen one.

Sorry man, but you seem to be really stuck on the idea that you can tell with this video what his intent was and I disagree. It's obvious that the man trespassed but saying that doing so meant he was attempting burglary just doesn't make any sense - how do we know he wasn't attempting to murder someone? Or attempting to juggle?

Alabama has a criminal trespass law - I'm not a lawyer, just working off of what I've researched in the past few days - and it 100% covers everything caught on video here. Burglary requires intent to commit a felony, which again - you could make that argument when you look at the other incidents, his criminal history, etc. - but there just isn't any footage of him attempting to burglarize something.

As for the cops, I've already conceded that the cops were pursuing a suspect (Aubery) down that street. We knew that before any video was ever released and we could have known it before a single article was ever written about the incident if we just looked at the 911 records. I thought, mistakenly, that you were speaking about an additional example that wasn't widely known, but apparently not and that's okay.

It's obvious that the man trespassed but saying that doing so meant he was attempting burglary just doesn't make any sense

this is not how the legal system works. you like so many of these leftoids will use these ridiculously high standards for your social justice bullshit that the legal system does not use. probable cause certainly does not require direct evidence, and even proof beyond reasonable doubt does not require direct evidence.

intentional unlawful entry across the threshold of a conveyance is always B&E and is almost always sufficient circumstantial evidence for burglary (or attempted burglary). that's just a matter of law. there is no room for you to dispute it. you can disagree all you want, but then courts will ignore what you say because you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. trespassing is what happened when he stepped onto the open property. when he crossed the threshold into the building, that's B&E. trespassing is often not charged with burglary, and trespassing is rarely even charged, as it's only a misdemeanor and in most cases, either the incident is serious enough that they don't do it again, or they don't give a fuck and next time they're doing B&E.

and even then, the video clearly shows B&E regardless of your ridiculous assertion on burglary. and this is in georgia, not alabama. in georgia, B&E is a felony.

Georgia’s state investigation team still clapped these white guys in chains and charged them with murder.

only because of politics. FL did the same shit to zimmerman. MO did the same shit to a cop. they will win.

So the guy didn’t steal anything, was chased down by two fat hicks in a pickup and blown away with a shotgun.

Am I getting your story straight sir?

no. you're not.

the surveillance video shows he was in the commission of a felony for the 4th time in a week. two white guys noticed him and he ran, booked it out of the house. the guys pursued him in a white pickup with two guns. two cops also pursued but didn't catch up in time. this is all on video. there's no evidence contradicting it at all.

then there's a gap. we'll get back to the gap in a sec.

then there's video from a cell phone after the gap. the video shows a physical confrontation. arbery and one of the white guys are struggling, and arbery punches the white guy in the head. the other guy is standing in the back of the pickup, presumably shouting at them. as arbery is punching the white guy, the white guy shoots arbery. then the white guy shoots arbery 2 more times. arbery falls down and dies on the scene.

now the background... arbery has a criminal record for bringing a gun to a high school basketball game. he dropped it on the ground and someone saw it, and then he was tackled. in contrast, the white guys not only don't have a record, one was a former detective.

your proposed rejection of reasonable doubt comes entirely from that gap i mentioned before. because before that gap, they have the law on their side the entire time. the context of the cell phone video is completely from the first video and the gap. so once the white guys get up on the stand and say they pursued him to make a citizens arrest, they told him to stop, and instead he charged them and started swinging, the case is over. the video even supports this. their statements to the cops support this.

so now there's no legal basis to reject what the white guys are saying. there's no evidence that contradicts it. there's not even a rational basis beyond general skepticism to reject it with any sort of circumstantial evidence. but general skepticism is not proof beyond reasonable doubt. there is only the racism-porn fantasy hypothesis that it was a racist modern day lynching. and there's no evidence for this. they don't have facebook posts about nignogs or any dumb shit that actually racist people say/do. nothing.

when you add on the fact that this is arbery's 4th felony in a week ON VIDEO, plus his prior gun crime, plus the white guys' lack of criminal history, the case wouldn't survive a preliminary motion to dismiss, and certainly not judgment as a matter of law... if it wasn't for politics. there is objectively reasonable doubt, and the prosecutors know it. that's why they declined to prosecute in february, and after the video came up and political pressure was put on them to file charges, two of them recused themselves. just like with trayvon martin, they know this is a loser case, and it's completely the media blowing this shit out, and the facts do not support a conviction. a law student could defend this case and win.

where is longpost bot in our time of need?

Great rebuttal

what about me being here to harvest your seethe don't you understand?

do you think I'm here to argue in longform with literal meth addicts?

> gets rekt

Lol jokes on you I was merely pretending to be retarded



here's another vid, up close, different angle: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQIuIcqi9sA

the media story is shit.

Tim pool is also shit

i dunno man, he's got premature soyboy balding and still bangs more women than you.


tim pool bangs women

source pls

dude, he's your wife's boyfriend. put down your nintendo switch, pull up your diaper, and just ask your wife like a big boy.


still waiting on a source for tim getting laid

what, is your wife not talking to you anymore? try your mum.

still waiting on a source for tim getting laid

Mmm yes the rightoid spergouts from this are truly a sight to behold 👌

love how we got around needing to ping by just letting the retards gather here to begin with

  1. Where’s longpost bot?

  2. Those mayos are gunna fry





Dilate is the last one

oh i didn't see the comment chain. you're correct.


fuck off MDEfugee, we're full!

Even if I take everything you said as true (which I don’t think is actually true), it’s not self defense of yourself or your property if you Days or Weeks later find the guy and challenge him, and if he argues back, then you gun him down. You created the hostile situation at that point and it’s no longer stand your ground (all the states revised their laws after Trayvon martin to where it’s not easy to use stand your ground off your property).

get salty all you want, it's on video in the minutes before the shooting: https://www.ajc.com/news/surveillance-video/itEEj5ftMXkbkKeXrCFBTK/

and another video of arbery up close committing more crimes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQIuIcqi9sA

How do you know it’s him?

we measured penises. definitely him.

it's not days or weeks later. it's minutes after.

all the states revised their laws after Trayvon martin to where it’s not easy to use stand your ground off your property

this is false.

argues back

yeah okay


when u jump for someones gun and get blasted into your next life xddddd

But they’re (the fentanyl Americans) the ones who claimed he had a hammer and wore timbs. Since that’s not true, then they’ve been lying the whole time about other shit.

that's irrelevant to the fact that he literally jumped for the guys gun (that wasn't aimed at him) in the very first video we ever saw.

im still curious though, where did you hear he didn't have a hammer? and where did they claim he did?

There’s been no proof he had a hammer at all.

theres tools on the ground in the first video. unless the white guys were cleaning out their truck while chasing this guy idk why they'd be there

where did you hear he didn't have a hammer? and where did they claim he did?

Sums up the entire conversation that's been going on about this incident.

The police report makes them look really fucking dumb too


I always jog with miles from my home and take breaks trespassing on construction sites

Hope you get shot in the face for it then


well if he jumps for someones gun i probably wouldn't be surprised if he got blasted

Should always learn to pussy out when two white dudes come running at you from a pickup truck.

well if pussy out means not dying then yes. not like white people kill for no reason in today's america. the same cant be said for every ethnic group

Pussying out isn't a guarantee of not dying. It's a guarantee of being a pussy. White people kill all the time.

minority moment

Despite making up 52.7% of the population, white pipo are responsible for 50% of violent crime in AmeriKKKa

That's what you tell yourself to convince yourself to be a cuck to whitey.

I do too because that shit ellegel bruh

are you also a felon and have no known occupation?

my joggah

Wich is sufficient ground to summarily execute him

If it's not, defending yourself against violence is

Those boys deserve a medal wtf

Total price: $13.52

You guys are weird...

juug all day 🎶just to keep the lights💡 on
🕺🏾I would juug all day everyday🎶 I was tryna get
Good always🎶 all work 💪🏾no play 👎🏾just juug
I can’t fuck you🚫 right now nah🤷🏾‍♂️ i gotta juug💵

Jogging today, sexing ur wife tomorrow 😎

Beware the Eternal Jogger