
18  2020-05-11 by Goes_Down_on_Women


I have information that will lead to DeuxCHAT's arrest.

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Should be mashallah not inshallah, you infidel idiot

Should be “kaffir” not “infidel”, you kaffir idiot.

Infidel is the christian word for nonbelievers.

Salami ayyycum brother

Walaikum assalam brother. De*th to am*rica

in minecraft


I do like how muslims willingly equate their religion to a world-destroying virus without a hint of irony.

You're dealing with people who genuinely believe they're going to heaven because they dress up as garbage bags

Imagine simpin for a 7th century pedo in current year, mudslimes lmao 🤣🤣🤣

U got da century wrong my guy

Is the virus bad in any Muslim countries? Besides Germany and UK I mean

It’s ravaging Iran

Based chink bat flu

But they are right about women.

And homos

Better than assigning everything to random chance.

Random chance? We live in a predetermined simulation.

Allah has willed it

And Allah runs that simulation through jihad.

you're just mad the goatfuckers picked the right god and now allah is smiting you

I believe women are evil and that the gender of the devil is female. Products of the female psyche including liberalism, political correctness, multiculturalism, promotion of the metrosexual (woman with a penis), yoga and Marxism are all evil. Humanity will become redeemed when women become human beings. Right now they are mercenaries and blame everything on men. Pure evil.


  1. Inshallah -,

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Subhanallah brother

Good bot.

Foundationed, right on!


Somebody please xpost this to insanepeoplefacebook!!

Praise for Allah has found a way to cover women's faces.

About time really.

Mashallah first China, then the world!


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What happened, Abdul? The goat won't let you fuck and you're angry?

lmao based china

Somali cum Wala ass slam

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つPraise Allah༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

Lmfao I love this so much, this pandemic and the resulting quarantine measures have obviously illustrated sth that was already obvious, and to the really stupid Low IQings could've still been explained via a hypothetical epidemic (that's transmitted through air/contact) - handshaking, socializing, large crowd gatherings (sth the rightoids particularly don't consider a vice, eh?), have become temporarily discouraged practices without themselves being declared as moral vices, degenerate, sinful, sth God demands people to abstain from on principle and then backs up with a plague or sth if they disobey.

Contards have trouble computing this, but by the same principle actvities like lots of promiscuous (and gayyy - still no gussy, remember that!) also aren't intrinsically or inherently a bad thing, in fact can be seen as a good thing despite the STDs that happen to accompany them and make them discourageable for now.

So all their smug drivel about "degeneracy", "being a slut should be shameful!" etc. is all just a relic of our primitive dumb ancestors being too dumb to understand those distinctions.

That of course makes one wonder, what if there was a religion/culture somewhere that did consider normal activities like socializing etc. to be inherently "sinful", immoral and so on - how would they react to all this, would they consider this kung flu thing to be a punishment from the Gods for too many people talking to one another?

And of course here we go, look no further than the towelheads and their dislike for women showing their faces in public - of course they now think God created the flu to enforce face covering lmfao

I bet if at some point we'll get nasty gem rain or sth they'll start saying the same thing about their praying hats roflol

This is ur brain on autism lmao



goat fuckers put star peg into circle home