Joggers have a swift stroll through Armed Robbery’s neighborhood with their weapons - Reddit flip flops and comes out as Pro-2A!

11  2020-05-11 by ShemaleSlammer


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So weird. Just a week ago reddit was losing their collective minds over white people with guns gathering because of covid-19. Nothing here but “wow finally some good guys with guns”. It’s always odd to see how fast you guys can flip flop.

Found the Chad

Someone posted that about them demonstrating at some capital last week and it was top comment for a pretty decent time .

Oh me oh my Joggers are rising up

Rising up and wanting to exterminate the jews, naturally:

“Our lessons talk about the bloodsuckers of the poor. … It’s that old no-good Jew, that old imposter Jew, that old hooked-nose, bagel-eating, lox-eating, Johnny-come-lately, perpetrating-a-fraud, just-crawled-out-of-the-caves-and-hills-of-Europe, so-called damn Jew … and I feel everything I’m saying up here is kosher.”

— Khalid Abdul Muhammad, one of the party’s future leaders, Baltimore, Maryland, February 19, 1994.

It’s been my civic duty to remind redditors who exactly the BPP are, lol.

They really don’t like that.

Thanks for your service...Careful this mans a hero^

Damn what a monologue. Link?

So I have a question. And I mean this for real. No trolling. No joking. I am a white guy. A jewish dude born in germany and raised in texas.

If I wanted to support them and came out with my own gun to protest with them would I be welcomed? Or am I the enemy because I am white?

When the /pol/ memes become a reality



Oy Vey

Jews are always against gun ownership. Can we make jews racist?


I gurantee that manlet has never considered owning a gun before typing that out.

Sort by controversial of course.

It was brought up by colleague that the New Black Panthers also advocate for the extermination of Jews.

As if there is any other way to sort by

New black panthers are essentially black Israelites then.

Das rite wyte boi

We wuz Hebrews n sheeeit.

It makes sense when you realize your average redditor is a self hating mayo, or they haven't seen the fbi crime statistics

your average redditor

Also can't jog for shit 😆

Apparently they spend all of their free time wandering around construction sites though.

Redditors literally have no principles lmao.

Their "principles" are whatever they think will get them the most public approval in any given situation.

I think despite everybody referring to them as "meaningless internet points", the majority of Redditors unironically value upvotes.

insert smug face over crying face wojak

Wanting mayocide is a principle.

I posted the FBI homicide statistics by race in the comments. Let's see what happens

NOTE TO ALL JANNIES: I saw that post before I saw this post, there was no brigading

“Our lessons talk about the bloodsuckers of the poor. … It’s that old no-good Jew, that old imposter Jew, that old hooked-nose, bagel-eating, lox-eating, Johnny-come-lately, perpetrating-a-fraud, just-crawled-out-of-the-caves-and-hills-of-Europe, so-called damn Jew … and I feel everything I’m saying up here is kosher.” — Khalid Abdul Muhammad, one of the party’s future leaders, Baltimore, Maryland, February 19, 1994.

Righties, please explain how yoir ideology accounts for a king being this fucking based

Obviously an Uncle Tom.

E: based autocorrect capitalizing Uncle Tom lmao

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Don't ask me how I know but I want to point something out I've noticed over time. Basketball Americans don't go beyond basic sights on anything. Always iron sites even on rifles specifically for long range. Start paying attention now during these marches and demonstrations they've been doing lately .

Usually you’ll get the urge to upgrade when you’ve been practicing at the range for a while.

Yeah that's my whole point. They are flashing guns that probably have 100 or less through them. Not practicing