Damn who knew greta wasn't a jogging enthusiast

4  2020-05-12 by boyoyoyoyong


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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Wtf I love Greta now

That look of absolute disdain... She knew.

Obama is right. Lefties are a circular firing squad.

If the world becomes a leftie heaven, cannibalism would be legalized. I am not saying it shouldn't be, btw.

Obama is actually sane compared to these lefty freaks though he's still a drone-striking pos

Didn't we have consensus that we all love drones? I am out of loop if it changed.

I must have missed the meeting. If you have the required reading pls provide.

The consensus exists because we think consensus exists. Don't you think so?

WTF I love Obama now. But he isn't as drama causing as Biden so he's not true daddy. Dementia daddy ftw

They'd ban all meat except human

babies included?

You absolute numbskull, you bumbling idiot, none of the constant dribble that has came out of the word spewer you call a mouth has made any sense in the slightest. I hate you and everything you stand for, you fucking devolved orangutan wasting everyones time. Instead of constantly spewing nonsense, pick up a book and learn something, you IDIOT. I have never met someone that's as much as an absolute CRETIN as you. You are a childish and idiotic excuse for a human, you absolute fucking idiotic, brainless, believes everything people tell you, BUFFOON.


  1. Damn who knew greta wasn't a joggin... - archive.org, archive.today

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This is why I voted for her

Is this real?

It is. Greta went full 1488 after she read seige.

How many windows, on average, do you lick each day?

Classic lol

I wish this was real😭

She's still my waifu tho

I honestly can't tell if this is fake or not