omw to get banned from another community

1  2020-05-12 by NlGGABOD_CRANE


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I'm not taking the gay stairs

I was just removed as a moderator, and it saddens me greatly to no longer be a member of the mod team. I'm a tall bearded burly man, and I ugly-cried about it into a pillow last night. Being removed as a mod has ripped my guts right out of me.


  1. omw to get banned from another Redd... -,

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avoiding HIV

sir i think you mean AIDs.

common mistake sir don't worry.

I prefer to call it by it's original name, GRID, or "Gay Related Immune Disease"


curse of the monke

One of my mains and its obvious alt just got banned reddit wide for subreddit ban evasion. The reddit ban happened after I sent to the local jannies.

The virgin exposed deuxcell vs the VPN deuxchad

Lmao I still have >20 accounts that aren't banned. And the ban on these two accounts is only for a week.

The previous time I got caught banevading (read: admitted to it openly on the subreddit I got banned from (/r/drama) with multiple alts), they banned most of my alts (but not all) for a week. I was still posting during the ban.

I think you only get reddit banned for banevasion if moderators report your comment to the admins. So a VPN is useless.

I had one get permanently banned because I said I'd rather kill myself than be a Reddit janitor.

I was promoting violence or something.

Two of mine got permabanned.

One got OniTan'd.

The other got permabanned because of the name (KillAllMales )


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btw I recently bought a 16 seat lifetime vpn subscription when it went on sale for some reason even though I’ve only got maybe 6 devices. Potentially willing to give a link to a deuxchad or two if you promise to use it for a dragon energy level of shit posting