Foid befriends and helps jogger get out of jail. Jogger double dips and kills her too. R/leopardsatemyface can't handle a post not being about rightoidcels. Major cope in the comments

1  2020-05-12 by failurehuman


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I've heard people say "Society was built to protect women from men." I wonder if society was built to protect women from themselves. Really gets my nignog joggin.

Society was built by men to protect women and children from being eaten by tigers. God damn women are ingrates.

Good morning I hate redditors

Dude, joggers, LMAO

White foid gets btfo by nubian king👩🏿‍🦲👑

This is why r*dditors will never reproduce

And that's a good thing! 👏

Suffering from too much empathy just feels like a betrayal on humanity’s part. I can’t fault someone for naïveté the way I can for being uncaring.

I can, and I just did. The only bright spot in this tragedy is that none of these woke retards will learn from this, and hopefully many more will repeat her mistake.

She was even warned by family and friends several times. Maybe she wanted to die but not commit suicide.

Woman pair bond with men who murder their loved ones. Its a left over biological imperative. The act of killing implies a dominate male, and women are compelled by millenia of evolution to mate with them in order to pass on strong genes. We see this behavior in all sorts of ape species, and not long ago we were apes ourselves. If a female chimpanzees entire colony was murdered by other monkeys, its first move would be to integrate itself sexually with the killers.

Basically, it's not her fault. In fact many foids would do the same thing in her place, and all of them have repressed sexual feelings towards the killer. It is simply how they are programmed.

Mental health experts could probably study this thread. Congratulations patso. In a sub about autism full of autists you manage to be the most severely autistic. This is truly mind-boggling. What's stranger is that you can't even slightly see how insane you are. You genuinely have some sort of mental disability to continue to engage.

You're fat too. But you also can't see that. Reverse body dysmorphia on top of the autism and of course retardation.


  1. Foid befriends and helps jogger get... -,

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Its actually sentient holy shit

Never relax.

The replies lmao

Average woman

Mayos and pathological altruism, smdh. One of the people her parents forgave went to jail later for raping a disabled woman.

Yeah that one's fucking revolting.

In France we have a saying for this: 'Burn le coal, pay le toll'.

Nigga this is France

A few walls of text in that comment section, lmao



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She stoked the coal, she paid the toll.

On one hand she didn't virtue signal and actually did what most redditors say they would do.

On the other hand lmao you dumb bitch.

hmmmm who could have predicted this would be the outcome?

Gold- "Ooooh I don’t know if this is the sub for this story. She truly believed in people and was killed for it.

The world would be a much better place if we were all like her, not worse.

This is just a terrible situation but she wished good will on everyone and deserved better."

The world would be a much better place if we were all lie her, dead

Mayo foids and dangerously overblown misguided sense of empathy, name a more destructive duo.