jog-posters get out

1  2020-05-13 by CornReaper

I don’t care about your unfunny seetheposts about ‘muh hammers’


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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Holy fuck. They're all just saying the same things. Cuck, cuck, cuck, cope, cope, cope, beta, beta, beta, cope, cope, cope. And these are the same people who'll call others NPCs. God, redditors are such an insecure, miserable bunch.


  1. jog-posters get out -,

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Shout it from the rooftops snappy

Thanks Snappy ☺️☺️☺️

I really need this support in this trying time

Imagine watching that video and trying to say that those cornfed rednecks were in the right at all. Hell the low T posters were even calling them Chads. The Chad was the guy who chose fight during the half second fight or flight instinct kicking in and charged an armed pud pointing a shotgun at him.

'but but he was 12 miles from home and was seen going in a construction site'' Shut. The. Fuck. Up.

They chased him down and blocked his path with the truck . He tried to run around it . Fatass wannabe punisher pointed a gun at him and they fought. The other bubba was shooting at him the whole time from the back of the truck . What they did was a literal lynching. When they scream he was lynched it's because he was. I'd gladly throw both of them on the sacrificial pyre to appease the didndunuffin crowd.

Dude what the fuck? lmao

Wtf are you on about mate?

Not hard to figure out retard

And yet he mentioned no names in his retard rant

Get the fuck out from under the rock you live under retard. Why even comment on something you don't know jackshit about?

Probably cause I want to know about it you dumb autist

Oh my bad . I'm the autist because I'm the one totally unaware of the news and the shot agenda posting going on here? I can understand not being aware of the agenda posting in deux lately but dude what we are talking about is literally on every news channel

unironically watching the news in [current year]

Fucking loser

Oh look guys it's a virgin trying to project a tough guy persona and failing. I like your name and agree with you that even though it's not considered a southern state Maryland has many of the same aspects of the southern states I've visited and the one I live in. Especially the absolute shitstains of communities they have there. I really congratulate you all on achieving that. Usually you have to go far off the beaten path to find the crushingly impoverished shitholes in the south. You guys though have them right along I-95. Anyway remember to dialate buddy

All of the shitstain communities in Maryland are majority black and in Baltimore, run by blacks, policed by blacks and inhabited by blacks. Blacks ruined that city and the surrounding area. Otherwise Maryland is the wealthiest state in the union by capita.

Well that doesn't sound very southern to me. We don't let our nignogs really get much power in the true south. The places I stopped to get gas had hillbillies though so idk maybe your theory about it being the blacks doesn't really pay out to an outsiders point of view. Don't worry I met far more white trash in CT for the 8 months I lived there ( foids make young men do stupid things . You'll see when you actually get a girlfriend ) but yeah it reminded me of some of the more Podunk off the beaten path places I've traveled to in my free time.

I’m 19, have a girlfriend, not a virgin. Western, Southern and Eastern Maryland vote red every election and are populated with more stereotypically southern people. And yes, the blacks ruined Baltimore.

This is deuxrama have respect we don't say the B word here. The proper term is kangs , basketball Americans , or the rare nignog. As much as you all are trying I really don't think jogger will catch on . It is funny but it's kinda like eating Mexican: you like it but don't really care for the people making it. Also the only thing you told me about yourself I do believe is that you're 19. Which explains everything.

“Fight or flight”

If you run at someone who has a gun and you don’t have a gun, that’s natural selection. Hopefully your retarded ass does the same thing one day.

300lb 40k nerds have no say on what goes on here. Go back to your smelly store in a run down mall and play with your toys. The rest of us are going to keep laughing at some apebrain who ran at a hillbilly with a shotgun.

Coopppeeeee. Hillbilly jumped brave kang, and now it’s going to go to jail

Lol imagine being so smooth brained you think that upstanding citizens go to jail for stopping a didndu who was doing

Cornreapers giant sausages he calls fingers are too big to paint his overpriced plastic toys. He’s told the employees he’ll become the local stores loremaster. He’s been buying books about 40k despite the fact he lacks the fifth grade reading level to understand them. The store employees tell me they need to blast the place with deodorizer after he leaves, and even then they can still smell him. Truly disgusting stuff.

The “R” in “CornReaper” is capitalized

chad shit

Boy you sure do know a shit ton about the thing you're making fun of. Thats pretty telling there. Sounds like a classic case of self hatred. .

Another heavy 40k player in the comments trying the “you must be a fag since you hates fags” defence. Truly pathetic, his rent money has gone towards plastic toys again, one more month of this and his mom might finally remove him from the basement forever.

Dude you're literally educating me on the game in the comments. Deny all you want but you're just projecting your self hate and low esteem on others.

But if you don’t much about the game how could you say I know a lot about it? Go back to watching sargon videos and screech “ur projecting” at everyone who makes fun of you for playing with toys.

You said stuff like loremaster and figurines and apparently they are expensive or are you just so poor and frustrated that you can't buy more because they are just expensive to you? I was a counselor for a few years before getting a way higher paying job so let's break all this down. So lay down on the couch sweaty and let me at your head ok? You try to project yourself as a badass manly man and any fool can immediately tell that is an insecurecel coping and coping hard at that. You keep bringing up " we " and " us" in your posts like you are the member of some elite group of chads but in reality you have no friends outside of reddit really. You have a few from school but it's not like you keep in touch. You go to places like consoomproduct not because you're some Spartan living type. It's because deep down you're jealous of the people who can actually afford to waste money on shit ( I agree some of the stuff people blow money on is sad. But that's how some people try to fill a hole in themselves they think they have.) So it's literally sour grapes. Your spelling of defense in queens English also tells me that not only do you have bad teeth and look like a toad but that your racism isn't from observation (since there's not nearly as many nignogs over there as there are here. Lovely country btw I went there in 2015 and really liked it. They put down your food but I liked it and my foid did too. I however only saw about 20 nignogs the whole time I was there. A ton of inshallah brothers though) so you most likely either admired a girl that ended up with a Kang , (a plain girl at that because you didn't want to aim too high. You're very aware of your limitations. ) Or in your loneliness you latched onto a community of other lonelycels and was indoctrinated into it all. You have a whole persona you try to portray online and it's becoming exhausting for you trying to keep it up and remember all the bullshit you made up about your personal life on reddit. See that wasn't hard at all was it sweaty? When we can look into ourselves and admit the faults we have then we can heal. This was my Jannie like act btw cause I, like them, did all this for free.

The guy who gives out reddit gold responded with a novel, what a shock. You’ve got toys that need painting, maybe try washing them beforehand to get the smell of the store off of them. Who am I kidding? I doubt the store smells worse than your room.

Deny it all you want but even a 2nd year psychology major could tell that all the put downs you throw is projection. It's also very telling that to try to defend yourself you tried to find something on my profile. We don't do that in deuxrama sweaty . If you were even remotely a true deuxchad you would know that. And just FYI I gave that out to a troid ironically that I posted making fun of on this sub and the brave little lolcow came in here to defend himself so I gave out the reward to them since I somehow had 800 coins. Also even if I did pay for them I can by far afford to unlike the europoor that you are. So gon on and deny it all you want but when you laydown in your wrinkled bed that smells like fried fish in the morning ( and it'll be the morning sweaty because you have no real obligations so you make your own hours and I bet it pisses your mum off something fierce her boy sleeps until 2pm) just know when you closes your eyes and you think about this interaction between us that


You checked my post history on your previous novel, moron. You can’t even get which continent I live on right, if this is the autistic rambling of 40k players with psych degrees then man are the memes true. Hope the student debt you incurred was worth the power to be absolutely wrong on everything you’ve guessed so far. It’s especially worrying that you got past grade 3 councillor with this total lack of ability.

Imagine being so poor to think that someone isn't capable of paying off student debt. You seem a little specific about that too. Me thinks someone wasn't smart enough to get in ye ol University with a scholarship and was to poor to go.As much as you keep going back to the 40k stuff you are just showing that everything I said is true. You're a broken record with that. Also I can absolutely confirm I never checked your profile. You can call me a liar as much as you want but I can assure you it's true that I didn't. I have no way to prove to you I didnt as much as you have no way to prove I did. As for your denial of my analysis of your life just based on our interaction here I believe in my professional opinion ( and oh sweaty I've had plenty of professional experience in things ) that you might even be an incel. Now take a deep breath. Relax. Try to cope as much as you can and deny what I said isn't true but we can all see that it is. It's written plainly in your angsty posts. So go on and project your faults on the ones who disagree with you online but when it comes down to it the person who is unhappy with this interaction is you.

I’ve never experienced such concentrated autism be so off base before. You can’t get anything right, and it’s not like your guesses are close. You’re basically a television psychic who keeps prattling on even though every prediction they spout is wrong. Another embarrassing display from a psych student. I get it though, I’d lose my mind in one those programs too, the amount of dumb whores that take those classes is mind boggling. Listening to them talk all day for four years really has fried your mind. Even the profs are beyond dumb, I mean look at Jordan Peterson. He’s writing about dreams where he fucks his cousin (likely similar to your case) and breaks down on camera over Soviet paintings. Which is saying something because he’s considered successful.

Sweaty your rambling now and the envy is showing even more. You are going off topic with the Peterson rant.We all see the small little manlet you are and hopefully our interaction ( I'm having fun! I kinda miss analyzing someone thanks for that at least) helps you become a better person not just online but in real life too. I wouldn't even recommend you go to counseling either. You're not a total retard so maybe listen to this advice I'm about to give you: your insecurities show to everyone who reads your posts. I wont say the usual shit people say to redditors who you can plainly tell who's social life is almost completely online. Sometimes people just aren't cut out to interact with society much. So try to just accept your life and aim for happiness with that. I can tell it's going to take a bit of work but sweaty I believe in you.

The “I’m having fun” and “you’re mad” are weak copes. I mean you wrote six novels because I made fun of your dumb hobby. This is all so typical of the average redditor who posts around 40 plus comments a day. Which is way more than me, and according to you my social life is all online, says a lot about you. I doubt you got a higher paying job than councillor, because this analysis you’ve done was beyond bad. You probably couldn’t even help the eight year olds because of how totally autistic you are. Go tuck your cousin in, and please start taking your meds again. You need to repair the brain damage your psych degree gave you.

And yet again sweaty you're projecting your insecurities on me when I never defended that game at all. All that and role playing stuff is pretty faggy so when you continue to project the shame you have for something either you do yourself or at the very least are interested ( which goes back to the inability to afford to play it and the seething it causes in you) so you can't help but continue to bring it up. Imagine thinking that I only have one degree too. See I had forsight and made sure to also major in a complimentary degree that really opened the corporate field for me. See here's the thing : I'm letting you in on a personal details in my life : I was a counselor for the state for 4 years. I then transitioned to the very lucrative field of human resources for a fortune 500 company which paid excellent. Well here's the big secret : my family owned a 780 acre farm that was literally 20 minutes away from the company . I really lucked up on that. So not only was I making way over 100k a year but I literally had a free place to stay in one of the 4 farmhouses on it. So I built up a ton of money. Well the foid I ended up marrying was a nurse and nurses make decent money so that ended up building up and building up even more. Well my dad died and left the farm to me and my brother. 50/50. Well hell I didn't farm so i let him do it while he was teaching and got 35% of the profits because it was in my land too.built up even more. Well after 2 years of that happening a law was passed in my state that was really promoting the growing of hemp . I mean like big time man. So the layout of the farm was perfect for that so the big investment groups came a knocking. Well jokingly I told my brother to sell it for a huge sum of money thinking they wouldn't take the offer. Well after a week they came back and accepted it. See they wanted to hurry up and start production of itand converting to hemp farming. So lo and behold I was officially loaded. We had to immediately leave in a week which was a hassle but we rented a nice little home and put our belongings in storage. Oh yeah I forgot to mention : my wife inherited a nice little hobby farm from her grandma that was just sitting because it was so far out in the country no one but Mexicans really wanted to rent it . Trust me you don't want to rent to Mexicans they pay on time but like 49 of them live in a house then try to say only 5 do. Well we spent about 78k remodeling it ( which took annoyingly too long) and settled in there after 5 months. So not even 100k on a nice new home. Needless to say I'd long since quit the rat race and made my foid do it also so we literally sit at home , have nice dinner parties for friends , travel a ton when we can ( had a 9 day cruise in September cancelled cause of corona ) and literally can live off the interest that me and her had built up in our best egg working and then the selling of the farm made monstrously huge. I'm totally ashamed to be bragging on it but since you questioned my financial security I felt the need to enlighten you . See this whole time me and you have been chit chatting you never would have imagined that you're seething coping and denying to a dude who's literally retired at 42. How did all this luck fall into my lap? WHITE PRIVLEDGE BOYO WHITE MUTHERFUCKIN PRIVILEGE

Oh an additional edit : you sure seem hung up in cousin fucking. That's extremely telling too

Man you can’t be LARPing about your shed in rural Alabama like this. Real life isn’t 40k, you gotta be more believable.

Ok buddy 👍. You can deny and cope all you want but when It comes down to it you can call me whatever you want but everything I told you is 100% true so none of your seething can remotely affect me . Glad to see your mummy finally made her boy wakey after he wasted his time all night denying and coping.

Opening someone’s profile to bolster an argument reeks of desperation, well said fellow dickhead.

I looked at his profile. He posts in a video game sub and bitches. The deuxchad nailed it on the head with his long post breakdown of his personality.

One post in a “video game” making fun of trannies = I play video games. Some forty year old dude with no kids posting on reddit all day doesn’t win at anything.

Whatever poorcel you got btfo. Every person saw it too

If I’m poor because I don’t spend money on plastic toys then neither of you retards have any idea what being rich is. You’ve probably never even met a rich person before.

My God dude the cope and seethe just flows off you. I think he was right you do play it. You keep bringing it up for no reason. Go back to complaining about video games you " don't play". If I was as big of a loudmouth idiot as you are I'd hate myself too. Pathetic poorcel cope.

Basic bitch reddit losers have nothing else but faux psychoanalysis, embarrassing stuff. No children, only shiny possessions to brag about. They’ve got assume you play all kids games like they do, because it’s not fathomable anyone could have a mental state past fifteen.

Weren't you the one assuming they played kids games? You do post about video games after alll. You're the one who has been completely embarrassed and outed here. Just you, no one else poorcel.

Weird that you needed to create this account and only comment on this thread days after the fact. Looks like you’re either samefagging or running interference for the 40 year kidless larper. It’s the same story as you seething telling me you’re having fun while I laughed at you. Now you have to keep writing that you’ve destroyed me so you don’t cry yourself to sleep, alone with all your possessions. Possessions you have to equate with wealth too, as if 90% of the population can’t afford shitty plastic toys. Respond with another book like the rest of the fat nerds did.

Actuaplly faggot I made it specifically to make fun of you newfags that no one wants here. Go on and accuse me all ya want but you're still a faggy lil poorcel Larping bitch who we are all going to post on r/imverylbadass

Post me on your mainstream sub, I don’t care faggot. You redditors are embarrassing, accuse me of larping when you’re a kidless loser who buys plastic toys into your forties. You have to cope by calling me poor, when you’re addicted to video games and buying plastic toys. You claim you’d hate yourself if you were me, but I’d kill myself if was childless in my forties. Even if you man up and have kids, it’ll be too late, they’ll be retards. You wasted your life, and it was all for nothing. I hope the nursing home you end up in is worth the funko pop collection, maybe you won’t be abused too bad.


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Goddamn dude stop rambling like a fucking retard and saying the same stupid shit over and over. You're impoverished ass is pititfully evident. You just add more and more random shit. You're not trolling . You're fucking retarded.

Listen reddit, you’re going to die alone and you know it. I’d tell you to change your ways but we both know you can’t. Keep telling yourself you’re rich, maybe the facade will keep up into your 50s. We both know you created a new account because you’re ashamed of yourself, you’re an embarrassment to your family.


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A 19 day old account bitching about a 4 day old one. This was an excellent read and I agree with everyone else : you're a projecting little poor bitch. Get a better job loser.

post body BITCH

4 days a week working out in my home gym, it looks great man. Degenerate drug addicts should be more worried about not ODing and dying at 28 though.

ok post ur body if it looks great

It's the fake tough guy persona that was already outed and deconstructed. This fatass poorcel is LARPing.

lmfao BTFO'd

the only reddit paragraph ive ever read

bruh ur rhe only one who plays whatever faggy game that is

Why are you going to the same theoritical store if you don't play the game?

Talking to store employees doesn’t mean you shop at the store retard. Listen now, If you keep heckin taking dumb theoreticals seriously I’m going to post ur ass on r/I’mbadass and expose you. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to dump all money in epic reddit rewards, which you won’t do because you’re clearly poor.

What a super retarded answer from a super retarded poorcel.

Oh jog on.


i thought they were pretty funny wtf

i guess black people can't jog on this subreddit either 🔨

This but unironically. The rightoid agendaposts are out of control, after 109 banned subreddits now their unwashed masses try to destroy our island of radical centrist. Ironic, they claim to be so superior to the jews, yet try with all their might to emulate them. Too bad their neanderthal brains lack the intelligence of God's chosen Chads.


Me looking through high powered telescopic equipment searching for someone who asked

Me, retard

Also stop it with “le redditism”

you replied twice. seethe.

It’s cause I’m in quarantine and I’m bored so I’m making rightoids angry.

