Nibba Ask For Money

1  2020-05-13 by Local_Lizard_God


I will soon and over time be the recipient of thousands of dollars. I have thought hard about this. Not long, haha that isn't my deal.

The thing I know about people is they like whores. Who doesn't? And I don't mean to sound rude but your Mom is a slut. They all are .Gay guys to. So, we have ourselves a chance to make a difference. Not for the world lol fuck that but us. This is probably your only chance to not marry some fat hoe who only bitches.

After extensive research and my own personal travels I have pinned a location. Now, I can't just give away an idea this good. I can however offer you exclusive discounts and preferential treatment. I am offering for a limited time only a free nut and 20 beers to anyone who pledges $250(but you know I don't turn down lesser money). And buddy if you act soon it wont be one of the ratchet ass bitches I pass around later.

I thank you for your time, reading and money. I love you.



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Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand.


  1. Nibba Ask For Money -,

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What is your offer for some primo bussy?

That's a rare deal. I'd say $400 all you can eat.

Do you take Dogecoin?

I take cash motherfucker

Sorry, I only hold various lesser known cryptocurrencies. Good day merchant.