Oh, poor sad angry little poodle yapping away its aggression on the internet. How bloody typical. If I were a better person I'd pity you. It is, however, not my fault that you are uneducated and have to fall back on silly childish insults. As it is you have provided amusement my little ankle-biter. Looking at the nonsense it seems that you are in one hell of a lot more misery than I will ever be my angry little brat. You should thank me for letting you get your anger out in a safe place. I thank you for the giggle.
i think it has to do with Joji's past as FilthyFrank, in one of his past FilthyFrank videos he says the nword. so this asian lady on twitter starts a cancel party but when a black guy disagrees she calls him a coon.
1 AutoModerator 2020-05-13
What if you... clicked my link to DeuxCHAT... Haha just kidding...
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2 le_ebin_trolecel 2020-05-13
Berniefags address low information voters, colorized.
2 SSoylent 2020-05-13
ah yes the classic high intellect "I AM SILLY" comic
1 SnapshillBot 2020-05-13
Oh, poor sad angry little poodle yapping away its aggression on the internet. How bloody typical. If I were a better person I'd pity you. It is, however, not my fault that you are uneducated and have to fall back on silly childish insults. As it is you have provided amusement my little ankle-biter. Looking at the nonsense it seems that you are in one hell of a lot more misery than I will ever be my angry little brat. You should thank me for letting you get your anger out in a safe place. I thank you for the giggle.
I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers
1 VulvaRevolver 2020-05-13
This meme is accurate and I've got proof.
Go to r/BAMEVoicesUK.
Check the jannies.
75% of them, responsible for most of the content of the sub, are openly mayo 😂
"Hi BAME POCs, I'm here to colonise your subreddit. Don't worry though, I'm a socialist."
3 dont_stop_themusic 2020-05-13
What does BAME stand for
1 jzekyll7 2020-05-13
Black Asian middle eastern?
1 VulvaRevolver 2020-05-13
Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic. Think it's more of a Bong acronym than Burger.
4 embrace- 2020-05-13
Interestingly, to britbongs "asian" means street shitter asian and not bat-eating asian.
Guess my chinky ass is white after all...
1 AnotherLibtardRekt 2020-05-13
Yeah you don't even get your own letter
1 FroppyHoppyMyFloppy 2020-05-13
Bong speak meaning “nigger”
1 Wopitikitotengo 2020-05-13
1 [deleted] 2020-05-13
1 [deleted] 2020-05-13
1 fjsukwpkzvxn 2020-05-13
1 ThouzandQueerReich 2020-05-13
JoggA, this is not a racist sub
1 fjsukwpkzvxn 2020-05-13
My bad,institutionalized raysism got me acting strange.
1 pomegranate2012 2020-05-13
What was he going to say before the black man rudely cut him off?
1 _reason_biden_lost_ 2020-05-13
1 Infidel6 2020-05-13
You forgot one
1 Love-Sex-Dreamz 2020-05-13
Hiphopheads and blackpeopletwitter when Kanye is brought up
1 cubev6million 2020-05-13
I hate jiggers
1 Mayos_side 2020-05-13
Really ends on a cliffhanger. Can't wait for next episode.
1 DoodleIsMyBaby 2020-05-13
Did something specific happen recently? Cuz I've been seeing this sort of meme all over the place all of the sudden.
2 Party-Bison 2020-05-13
i think it has to do with Joji's past as FilthyFrank, in one of his past FilthyFrank videos he says the nword. so this asian lady on twitter starts a cancel party but when a black guy disagrees she calls him a coon.
2 DoodleIsMyBaby 2020-05-13
Holy shit, gotta love that hypocrisy being put on full display
1 SNCA_ 2020-05-13
Go back to smuggies