Redditors buy ‘I’m Deceased’ awards for Ahmaud threads, and jannies whine that they want a cut of the profits

1  2020-05-13 by ShemaleSlammer


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wickedplayer494 17 points 1 day ago

As I said yesterday: reddit lost the plot with awards months ago. Gold worked great for years on end. Then we got the split to silver/gold/platinum, which while "platinum" is now a more accurate analogue of the old gold (since gold was nerfed to just a week of premium), was still for all intents and purposes alright.

Now, we've got these badges that are better suited as profile trophies doing fuck-all productive on posts. But hey, it somehow prints money for the site, so it's allowed to become the absolute mess it is.

I had gold/"premium" for years on end from other people, and if it remained the old system, I probably would've coughed up my own money to keep it going. But I didn't bother, so I let my streak lapse, and I don't regret it.

How will Reddit ever recover!?!

Lol, imagine caring that much about validation from other always-online losers.

It genuinely disturbs me how much stock people put into their reddit activity. It makes me think they have literally nothing else going on in their lives, so this is the only source of ‘meaningfulness’ they have lol.

Reminds me of a certain mod from a certain sub...


Too easy mate

Oof and/or yikes

They’re a tranny who’s always online - you can tell they don’t do much else that way, and they seem to care SO much for policing reddit that they dedicate themselves to it.

No person with anything else meaningful in their life would care that much - so you can deduce that reddit is their only ‘safe space’ from the world, and it’s the only thing they have going for them. Being an ugly non-passer, this is also not shocking and makes sense.

Yep - troids, not even once man

Look, even when this janny looks too deep to it, he made a good point - Reddit awards were a massive fucking mistake and shouldn't have existed

The fact that they make powerjannies seethe as much as they do shows they are indeed a good thing.

"Make sure to buy emotes to support Reddit"


Mod Support is a goldmine for jannies whining.


So a flair of "animals" was applied to every post even though the sub isn't limited to animals; we allow cute objects and people.

So when a gif of some black kids dancing around made it to the front page, we got a bunch of angry modmails asking why the gif was flaired as "animals".

i want the person who wrote that to look me in the eye and say that isnt funny

Man I'm so glad I stumbled across this place for my popcorn instead of that place. What the fuck goes on in there is beyond my understanding


  1. Redditors buy ‘I’m Deceased’ awards... -,

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Wahhhhh why won't they let us have input. Jogga look at how much they pay you, that's what they think of you. And they're right cause you do it for free

Hmmm, I didn't see anything similar when there were literally dozens of "wholesome", "I'm deceased", etc awards on posts about things like Boris Johnson catching bat flu

Noooo! You cant point out double standards nooooo


Based reddit consoomer

Openly lold at the screenshot

They let recipients hide awards now.