european agendaposting

1  2020-05-13 by coldera_


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Eurocels coping since they losing their culture to Islamic Chads👳🏾‍♂️

In 40 years Europe will literally be a brown country. Idiots.

At least they were tolerant 🤡

Amerimutts when they realize being 20% Irish 20% Anglo 20% Dutch 20% French and 20% Italian doesn't make them "supreme aryan" but makes them mongrels.

I blame the 20% Italian 😂

kek everything you listed were countries not ethnicities. y'know there can be a country with the same ethnicity as it's neighbor right? FAGGOT

Dilate mutt

not a mutt, silly Europoor. Glory to the People's republic

Only faggots say europoor unironically

you're still a Europoor LOOOOOL!!

Lel have fun being red flagged to shit.


Ok, so slavs, celtics etc.



Amerimutts and Europoors are both the same. Glory to the People's Republic.

China numba wan!


Chinese eat dogz and bats

Cope mayo. Grory to me.

You’re 5 feet tall wang and your sister gives out 100$ blowjobs at the massage parlour she works at. Wether you want to admit it or not, you’re just really tiny hillbillies.

Ching Li Qou no care for what mayo has to say

Dont get cocky riceboy, we could end your entire country with nukes alone


Winnie the Pooh

My leader is a lovable bear, yours is a Jew

Americans dont have a learder unlike your dictatorship, our government is made up of large and sma unorganized loosely allied politicians

not enough muslims

best thread in a while

Imagine thinking that amerimutts and europoors aren’t both coping embarrassments.

Sounds like someone's country needs some freedom.

Mutts have better genes and have less complications than purebreds, so a mutt I will be.

Exactly. Look what the Queen's selective breeding did to Pomeranians and the Scots.

Imagine having one shot at life and being born an Am*rican

Sweet Kanye flair, your favorite American?

Wait so you're telling me that when you throw thousands of ethnicities and cultures into a melting pot they won't have one true culture?

I mean arguably you could say that the west and small town culture was American but we stomped the shit out of that for consumerism. Literally got to see my small cow town turn into a cesspit full of the same ugly condos and starbucks.

they won't have one true culture?

You seem to equate culture with whatever sauce peasants made 500 years ago to make literal slugs somewhat palatable. This is actually understandable because of course you don't notice the real culture you're fully immersed in, like a fish in water. But you might notice that the US is exporting something to the rest of the world in astonishing volume (yes, including starbucks). If that something is not true culture, or is weak culture, why are they lapping it up and imitating it?

Traditional cusisine isn’t culture

Starbucks is culture

This is your brain on soy

How many countries have Starbucks and how many copied traditional French slug preparation methods?

Are you using the usual Nazi logic where something that's supposed to be strong and superior is wilting, while inferior weak shit proliferates and rules the world? Words have meanings, lol.

West Europe would be nothing without America. Most countries they colonised have surpassed them militarily and with population size


This better not awaken anything in me.


  1. european agendaposting -,

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Americans dont have culture

The entire world adopted American culture in the 20th century.

Sad but true


Only Americans would think consooming media or using modern technology equals culture.

Imagine if Koreans would be like this: "Wow, Americans listen to kpop. They totally adopted our culture."

Or Germans: "Dude, I kid you not: They have cars in America. It is really amazing how German culture is everywhere in the world."

No one said anything about consuming American culture. That isn’t adopting. Adopting is taking something like rock music and mimicking it as your own. In almost any country around the world I can go to a clothing store and buy blue jeans with American dollars. I can then walk to the local discotheque and dance to local rock music from musicians who were influenced by American invented rock music. Then I can use my American dollars to buy your sister for a night.

You still think consooming media is culture.

Besides, with your logic rock music is African culture adopted by Americans.

And last, your dollar take it a total brainlet take. One currency can easily be changed into another currency. You could take some Botswana funny money, go to the US, and buy whatever you want, too. At worst you have to change it into US dollar.

Jfc you’re a retàrd.

Lol, imagine saying this with a straight face when America women and probably your own Mother is the biggest whore on the planet.

He is probably right, though. Did you ever pay for sex with an American woman? THEY DO IT FOR FREE! They come to Europe and have sex with another guy in every city because "it is different".


In almost any country around the world I can go to a clothing store and buy blue jeans with American dollars

Your dollars are useless in Europe. We have our own currency here, and believe it or not, don't have a side trade in US dollars. Also what sort of middle aged faggot wears blue jeans

TIL currency is culture

The American Dollar is definitely part of our culture. It’s on clothing, it’s in song lyrics, your mother takes it when I leave it on the dresser.

America is the culture center of the world, sorry bud.


If its true (partially) then it's incredibly sad cuz american "culture" is retarded


true, and tranny shit has infested a lot of the world.

we need to nuke muttistan ASAP

Pretty much, and especially Europe and it's getting more intense by the day. We are pretty much America with more taxation and less representation 😂

ever ridden a car before


the first car was invented by a german

wheelbarrows don’t count, antiquity Nigeria takes that one

amerimutt can't handle the truth apparently

Damn, now we are in for another month of Americans telling us in endless agenda posts how much they never ever think about Europe.

That's because Europoor's inflated egos have yet to catch up with the fact that they're irrelevant on the world stage.

You're nothing more than a footnote in history. Your grand achievement is that you still manage to sell street shitter Chinese tourists enough tickets for tours to buildings you built 500 years ago to support your practically nonexistent economies.

In 100 years the only remnants of "European culture" will exist in gift shops.

yet to catch up with the fact that they're irrelevant on the world stage

It tells more about Americans than about the world, if you only think about big African dick while talking about what matters on the world stage.



I've literally never thought about the united states

dont even know where i learnt those words 😤

It's spelled Yurop.

I feel for Europe but I can tell you that most Americans do not think about Europe

At this point I would be more surprised if you tell me that they think at all.

rent-free eurofag

Healthcare free, too! u jelly?

why would i be jelly my job covers it, politics obsessed fag. you guys are all clones of each other, idk how you can call yourselves superior to americans. ive only met a few europeans who were self thinking

what have i done 😰

🇺🇲 You're welcome for keeping you safe as you sleep at night, unless you wanted to man the Fulda Gap on your own? 🇺🇲

HaVe YoU GoT a LiCeNsE fOr ThAt JoKe. Ameripoors are mouth breathers with 0 banter. They can dish it but can't take it. Imagine being so sensitive you cry over 9/11 every year. Only 3000 people died you fucking pussies

The funniest shit is when they discuss with each other:

American 1: "I do not think America is bad. Unpopular opnion, but I have to say it."

American 2: "I agree, but our health care system is terrible."

American 3: "Yes, but it is annoying how Europeans think they are better."

American 4: "Yeah, anybody else not thinking about Europe at all?"

American 5: "I am, too, very much not thinking about Europe at all."

American 6: "FUCK AMERICA! I am American, btw."

American 7: "I agree, fuck America. But Europeans are so annoying everytime thinking about us."

American 8: "But America is still the best country in the world, amirite, guy? Even if we suck."


You can stop reading my comment after half the words, and it is still a good comment, though.


banned for redditard talk

"America might be on the same level as a 3rd world country, but at least we can say nigger."

Yeah I can't afford to go to the doctor, but hey we just spent 50 trillion to fight a war in a middle eastern country that benefits only Israel and the super rich, I love America


Imagine being so sensitive you cry over 9/11 every year. Only 3000 people died you fucking pussies

They still do after almost 19 years ?

Gosh what a bunch of pussies

Lmao, we couldn’t continue to fight random middle eastern countries if we didn’t keep milking it.

What’s the difference between a cow and 9/11?

Can’t milk a cow for 19 years straight


Imagine crying over 9/11 every year and supporting Israel :)

edit: no I will not fix my carot nose

Amerimutts have no culture. It’s why they take those retarded dna tests. And why they larp as Italian, Irish, etc.. because they have a great-grandpa from there, but are just a mutt.

Did you get your box full of coom yet?

Ancestry.comcels SEETHING

I can trace my lineage back to Ukraine and each one of my ancestors is of the same small ethnic group. Im Canadian, but plenty of Americans can do the same still

"Jesus, I wonder if I am 23% Irish and 26% German or the other way around. This is so important to me that I spend money on DNA tests that don't even work. And all this just to tell Europeans how much I do not care about Europe."

We want those DNA tests to prove we aren't Italian. Have you seen Boston or the Jersey shore?

Are they nutella colored ?

Aren't all real Italians?

Oh god so Boston and Jersey Shore are full of Italians ?

I am retarded and misread your comment

Well, italians def are mayos

Bostonian here whatcha trying to say 😖😤

Nothing wrong with repping Italian or Irish ancestry. If being proud of being autistic is ok, so is being proud of your ancestors.

Europoor's inflated egos have yet to catch up with the fact that they're irrelevant on the world stage.

You're nothing more than a footnote in history. Your grand achievement is that you still manage to sell street shitter Chinese tourists enough tickets for tours to buildings you built 500 years ago to support your practically nonexistent economies.

In 100 years the only remnants of "European culture" will exist in gift shops.

Imagine being proud of the fact that all of your DNA comes from a 50000 mile radius.


what is that

I’m sorry. I forgot the rest of the world uses peasant measurement. It’s 2.08409e+17 liters.

50000 mile radius

That's all DNA, sweaty


the best 5000 mile radius!


Tgats rich coming from a country where Whites will be a minority by 2050.

Imagine unironically saying this when cumskinned americucks will be minority in 20 years lmfao

Besides, your women have been ravaged by BBC for much longer

Me in top right.

Alexa, pull up the macron blacked video

Lol europoors don't realize their "culture" has been wiped out for decades. Your kids wear our blue jeans, watch our movies, use our websites and follow our celebrities. The only things unique about your cultures are things we didn't want.


Jeans were invented by a jew using french cloth


your movies are fucking trash, the good ones copied foreign concepts like the ones in spagheti western


Copypaste from latino and Caribbean music, even the southern country sounds are an heritage from the spanish culture, not the British one.

I do not even own any blue jeans, btw. They look like kids clothes.

Imagine basing your cultural identity on buying (((Levi Strauss))) and watching movies made in (((Hollywood))). "Oooghhh, I have to consoom!"

It is funny that you think you own anybody but yourself with this.

Imagine buying anything ever 😂 paying someone money for something is basically like getting cucked

And what is your culture little europoor? wood shoes and buying things with a currency that your country doesn't control? Failing to contribute to your own nation's self defense because you rely on american military bases on your soil? Speaking languages only people who live inside your country care about or bother to learn? Revering the great works of men who would hate your way of life?

The only thing euros have going for them is that their cities are old, that's what history means, old.

My culture is drinking beer as a 18yo, together with my buddies, sitting outside in the grass below a 1000 year old castle and watching the sunset. Yes.

The French do the same, but with wine. A little bit pretentious, but that is why we have different cultures.

That's not culture that's an activity and you and I both know more and more we drink Jack Daniels and whatever other shit. We go clubbing and partying where we exclusively participate in an entirely American culture.

In Germany they now eat Kebab more than sausages too. Europe lost it's culture, progressively after world war 2.

A sausage is not a meal, burger. Also, "burger" is just based on Hamburg. Like, we Europeans literally tried to give you an identity. Because, well, actually you do not give yourself an identity, rather identity is given to you by others. And the best we could think about is naming you after one of our cities.

And most important: You burgers are obsessed with culture. That is why you do not have one. Just do some activity over multiple generations, and then it is a culture. It is not rocket science. I do not even know why you are so obsessed having a culture.

we Europeans literally tried to give you an identity.

Literally am a European

A sausage is not a meal

Throw in a side dish and it is

Also, "burger" is just based on Hamburg

The name is, so? What is the point? American literally ARE Europeans mixed with Africans and what not if you look at it that way.

That is why you do not have one. Just do some activity over multiple generations, and then it is a culture. It is not rocket science. I do not even know why you are so obsessed having a culture.

You've just again made the cause of "Culture in Europe is dying"

Because we're progressively doing less and less activities that originated in our countries and more and more participating in American activities. So yeah. Sorry but America has a culture, one that we all consume and participate in as our own cultures are dying.

We go clubbing and partying where we exclusively participate in an entirely American culture.

Oh yes

Raves totally didn't originate from uk...

You listen to American music, drink American drinks, wear American fashion and probably do things which you saw Americans do in American movies. Like stfu lol. We aren't doing European things anymore. We're on our way to be a literal carbon copy of the US with the exception that we have higher taxes and not as much representation.

The fact that we write "Europe" to refer to ourselves instead of using the respective countries and hating any kind of unity between ourselves is a completely alien, non-European phenomenon. We hated each other SO MUCH that we're the reason behind the modern statehood, we're historically literally the least peaceful and the most hateful region in the world. Yet now we bowed ourselves to Merkel and completely gave up national sovereignty.

And because of whose intervention are we in this position now? The US.

You are only partially right but whatever

Climate change is going to kill us anyway so I don't really care

I sure hope it does before Europe's favorite dish becomes Doner Kebab.

below a 1000 year old castle

TFW Eurofag culture is sitting amongst the destroyed ruins of your better ancestors.

It is not destroyed at all. Otherwise, yes.

Sounds Scottish. Make sure to stay off the skag bro.


Noooooooo. You can't enjoy shit that is for free!!!!

Every country has the sun you fucking retard, that’s not European culture!

"Actually, old Egypt had no culture, because they worshiped the sun. Everybody has a sun."

stares at the sky because there’s literally nothing else to do in Eurofagland

Wow, this is the same thing as the Cult of Ra!

It literally is, though. How do you think the Cult of Ra started?

Cool, so where’s your eurofag sun cult?

lmao, YOU claimed that European culture is looking at the sun.

Also, are you able to make one comment without inserting the word "fag" into another word? This makes you sound like a 12 yo.

My culture is drinking beer

Pretty much European understanding of culture: CONSOOM BEER

It is $1 a liter. Cheaper than your water.

Consoom water, I guess.

Must be why “Coca-Cola” is the most understood word on planet earth.

"My culture is [insert brand]."

How are we even supposed to make fun of your culture if you admit it already?

Because your culture now is whatever we decide will be the brand we force down your children’s throats!

Tell this to Trump next time he complains about the American trade deficit.

It is $1 a liter. Cheaper than your water.

yeah, I know, how else would europoors afford it lmao

That is why me make everything for free. Because we are so poor.

lmao, imagine being "rich", and then making everything so expensive that you need to be a millionaire to live just like an unemployed European. We could do the same shit: Raise our wages by 10x. And then making everything 10x more expensive. That is your economy on burger logic.

is this the famous European "banter"?

If you guys write the banter against yourself, I would be a fool to not take it.

lmao, imagine making fun of someone for getting better products for less money.

Like what is next? Will you tell us that you waste your own tax money to protect Europe against some imagined enemies?


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"lmao@American culture just consooming shit" and "we get cheap beer and it's really good, our culture is so much superior" is just big brained cognitive dissonance. But apparently butthurt sperging all over the thread counts as "banter" for you.

A small local brewery exists for 600 years and they sell high quality beer to a prize that is just barely higher than the prize of all ingredients.

While Coca Cola fills tab water in a plastic bottle, calls it Coca Cola water, and sells it for $2.

Thinking that these two are different is not cognitive dissonance. Rather this is exactly what makes you cultured.

utterly based

that’s not culture that’s the human condition

Guess our culture won, then.

Besides the gay castle Americans do the exact same thing retard

No shit. You copied our culture after all. Now you just have to keep it up for 1000 years, and you can join the club of cultured nations.

Why do Americans make you mald so hard?


Speak English! Or French. Or German.

> my culture is underage drinking

lmao, sorry about your brain cells kiddo

Americans would think a 31 yo is underage if their government tells them so.

Which is ironic since there is a lot of pedos in the us gov

Is this a christcel ?

yeah, because the legal age is 21 everywhere

Your dead brain cells don't care what the law was when you started killing your underdeveloped brain with them.

at least some of mine are still alive though

no u

Apparently you killed the bantz cells first

It sounds awful.

Yeah, I agree. Wine drinking baguettes!!! But if you do awful shit over centuries, it counts as culture. I assume they even like it.

Awful shit to low-hanging fruit in Africa doesn't count.

Having democracy

You know, it's european thing

Much more important than your retarded Hollywood capeshit

careful, I'll have you brought before a tribunal for saying mean things to me. Imagine thining democracy can function without actual strong first amendment rights. And yall seem much more like Germoid vassals than actual autonomous democracies to me.

US isn't even in Top 10

And yall seem much more like Germoid vassals than actual autonomous democracies to me.

So how many billions have you given to Israel so far in 2020 ?

oh yeah, I'm totally going to trust some random UK think tank with obvious political incentives to accurately gauge the easily measured concept of "democracy". They put countries with literal monarchs above the US, get a grip.

Biggest fucking americuck cope in this thread lmao

Nice cope fatty.

Europe calling america fat is funny, you guys are like one year behind the US in fatness and you'd be caught up if you could afford food.

They put countries with literal monarchs above the US, get a grip.

As if those monarchs actually had some power...

It's funnier for you to say that considering that your beloved, 1st amendment abiding goverment is literally about to ban end to end encryption lmfao, that's like the most undemocratic fucking thing your shitty goverment could've possibly done

lol let me know when that actually manage to do that, I can personally trivially create a new app that does end to end encryption.

America invented the political systems which every European country enjoys. The American constitution was what most European constitutions were based after and even after that changes that happened to America were mirrored in Europe such as judicial review.

This was taught to me at my German University, we have none but Americans to thank for democracy.

This was taught to me at my German University, we have none but Americans to thank for democracy.

TIL that ancient greece never existed

You need an elementary class on history so you know what Greek "Democracy" was. Lol. It has little to do with constitutionalism which is what we refer to as "democracy" nowadays.


No lol. I literally studied political science at a German University. You clearly have no idea what you're talking about so stop embarrassing yourself with your self-studied YouTube video knowledge and give up.

Democracy is just a catch all word, the proper terminology is constitutionalism, Greek democracy wouldn't be considered democratic at all today, as the requirements for a democracy are quite high and Greece didn't fill any of it.

You actually wrote direct and indirect democracy 😂. Dude.

wood shoes and buying things with a currency that your country doesn't control?

Who do you think is in control of your currency, my amerifat friend?

Our own central bank

consumeproduct brainlet


What is your culture, and what are the underpinnings of its identity.

Take your time answering, no rush, hoss.

I literally answered already and caused a lot of burger seethe with my answer. My job is done.

imagine buying clothes and not making them on a loom yourself lol 🤣

Idk why you europoors would make fun of this when you guys already replaced your culture with it

So true.

We wear American clothes, listen to American music, watch American movies and TV shows, mostly read American or British books, use the American internet to go on American websites to watch American content creators. We also keep consuming more and more American food and less of our own (or if you're German, more Turkish food).

We celebrate American holidays more and our own holidays less, drink more American alcohol even though it's literally trash because it's cool, and completely ignore our own.

We listen to American politician and think tanks for how we should behave and what we should believe in ( especially Western Europe)

We idolize American celebrities and fictional characters.

And we constantly consume American products in lieu of our own.

And instead of celebrating our own culture we entered into the EU and are now forgoing our own identities in order to assimilate ourselves as one Europe. But it used to not he one Europe. Europe was the most diverse continent in the world, hence the concepts of politics and statehood were created here, because we hate our fucking guts. But not now, now every country is happy to willingly give power to an ugly middle aged German woman.

Hating what your culture has become is just another American export.

I don't hate my culture, it's just barely kept alive by 90 years old men at this point.

lmao, your culture sucks.

Also most youngins are middle easterns now a days

Thankfully my country is based and sad no to refugees and Muslims overall (not a single mosque and we're damn proud of that) so we're dying out more slowly lol

That is a lie all european nations govs in the EU said yes to refugees

Robert Fico: ‘Islam has no place in Slovakia’

Migrants crisis: Slovakia 'will only accept Christians'

Slovakia vows to refuse entry to Muslim migrants

Government of Slovakia stated that it would help with migration into Europe by receiving 200 migrants according to the EU plan, but on condition that the migrants are Christians.

Just some of the headlines

AFAIK we granted asylum to a grand total of 5 (FIVE) refugees.

Eh no one wants to come to a poor gypsy shithole like slovakia anyways

Gypsy population in Slovakia = 2% with a 98% white population.

Compare that to France where data related to race is banned from collecting but "27.3% of newborns in metropolitan France had at least one foreign-born parent"

Or Germany where first generation Turks are more than 10% of the population...

You get a pretty nice picture that most countries like this aren't ethnically themselves anymore. So where is the culture really? Because Turkish culture is technically German culture, or will be in a couple years.

I'd rather stay in my nice house overlooking mountainous landscape, drinking excellent water and be assured that at least the Slovak lineage is going to last even if we're cultural American lol

Slovaks dont even know what white is so how can you say that for sure? When your government census data only records nationality. Also Slovaks have a large hungarian population who are part mongoloids

Low effort baiting lol

And you fell for it you inbred slav mongoloid manchild

Shit I was talking to a furry, ew.

If you think this is true you're seriusly retarded

Based af fellow patriot 🇺🇸

Don’t forget that their culture is slowly getting replaced by sharia lol

Absolute facts

cope am*rican

Cope harder fatty

When will americucks realize that most of them are europeans who moved to murica lmao

Your "american" identity doesn't actually exist

American and northern/western European cultures are basically 95% the same and always have been, but everyone likes to cope that they're so speshul and unique because they eat their fries with a different sauce or whatever


They only act like its special because they feel stupid for their ancestors killing each other for thoudands of years, which makes them believe they are different

and most Europoors are Russian steppoids. The people who moved to america were the best of poorup who wanted to go where people could make real money. we've been brain draining your shit holes for decades. Imagine the kind of worthless creature that thinks it's better to live in poorup with a social safety net instead of moving to the US and making bank because they're actually useful people.

and most Europoors are Russian steppoids

Sounds based to be honest.

The people who moved to america were the best of poorup who wanted to go where people could make real money

lol, imagine being an American and not even a billionaire. It is your own fault!

At least in Europe all shit is free. Like, Americans consider themselves successful responsible adults if they make enough money to buy the stuff Europeans get for free. Like, you could literally be a poor European, and get all the same stuff for free.

this cope is hilarious. You get the bottom of the barrel garbage for free. I don't even consider basic amenities like the ones europoors seem to think it's impressive that they get for free, they're like 1% of my budget. I get great healthcare for like $100/month and necessities besides housing aren't even a blip on my expenses.

There is the weird thing europoors do where they imagine themselves as the biggest fucking losers ever if they were to live in the US, as if the only thing they could possibly be is some smuck making minimum wage, it's like ambition doesn't exist on that whole continent. Or more likely anyone with ambition already joined the winning team.

Sweaty, do you think that parents being on average 12% unhappier than nonparents in murica while in several european countries it's the opposite doesn't have a reason ?

Or are you some retarded childfree fur daddy who doesn't understand that society doesn't exist without kids ?

"Happiness" is a shitty metric for a variety of reasons.

Why are birthrates among mayo americans so low then ?

Do you hate kids or just the idea of having kids so much ?

Women are more educated here than elsewhere, the whole educated women have way less kids thing is pretty much a human universal.

Why the fuck there is no data for white foids only

I am literally fucking fuming rn

Okay, nvm, data I found says that 33% of white females in USA, in 2019, aged 25 or older has bachelor degree or higher

In Sweden which has high birthrates and is much more ethnically homogenic, 32% of females have post secondary/higher education (at least 3 years)

Prolly needs to be adjusted tho but I don't really have motivation to do so

Birth rates for europoors are much lower lmao

In Ireland or Sweden ?


They were specifically 1,640 in 2018

That's surprisingly high but I guess that religious folks are making much more kids than your average calliforniacel

Imagine the kind of worthless creature that thinks it's better to live in poorup with a social safety net instead of moving to the US and making bank because they're actually useful people.

Have you heard of this thing called HDI ?

Have you heard of not being poor?

I am amazed about the total lack of wit in this comment, and burgers still upvote it.

low effort comments can be discarded with low effort comments. I'm dealing with a swarm of unemployed pooripeans. There's nothing to work off of with the previous comment.

Half of the states have higher HDIs than Finland lol

So only some parts of your country are actually on the level of development of the most developed yuro countries like Norway for example, makes sense

Even our worst states like Alabama, South Carolina, and Oklahoma are on par or better than the largest euro countries like france, spain, and Italy

42 Oklahoma 0.894 Spain

43 Tennessee 0.892 France, Spain

44 South Carolina 0.890 France, Spain

Exactly my point 😂😂😂

I know lmao, I linked that wikipedia article for a reason

Doesn't change the fact that Norway and Switzerland are just as high as Minnesota, Massachusetts and Connecticut

And that’s why you can’t compare the entire US to an individual european country and should compare individual states

Imagine thinking celebrities and fashion is culture, this is your brain on america.

My only regret is that I don't know or care about any of your loser countries enough to show how pathetic what you think of "culture" actually is. It's pretty much always just outdated pathetic holidays and cuisine that was too nasty to be assimilated into the American cultural export. That's right, pizza hut made the list of cultural exports and your nasty mashed goat balls didn't, how pathetic is it to lose to pizza hut?

better look at the food you eat and the sports you play retarded consoomer. not so "american" now is it?

The last thing I ate was a burger with fries and the last sport I played was ultimate Frisbee. But this is a weird claim, the most popular sports in America are football, basketball, baseball and hockey. Do you think that Americans by and large mostly play soccer?

Burger, stolen from the city of Hamburg, Germany. Frisbee, inspired from Greece. American football, pretty much rugby with different rules. Baseball, stolen from romanian Oină. Basketball is canadian and hokey comes from an extremely old sport.

But this is a weird claim

is it?

Do you think that Americans by and large mostly play soccer?

No and I have no idea how you got that from what I've said.

He probably means American football is based on rugby

I mean, two of those four aren't even American and the other two come from rugby and cricket which are typical British sports


Ah, yes, the hamburger, from the city of hamburg, USA

I hope they were freedom fries!

*laughter in Rich Evans*

Not being able to distinguish consumer habits and culture 👆 is there anything more American than that?

He says, wearing blue jeans and listening to rap

"But we have culture in America: We listen to rap and wear blue jeans! That counts, right?"

Every single thing a society does constitutes as culture. It has obviously eroded since the 1960s with mass immigration, but to pretend America didn't have one is retarded. Why are you so anti-American anyways? Kinda cringe, ngl.

Technically, American culture exists, yes. But it is a lowest common denominator culture.

Also, I am not anti-American. I think America is above average. But somehow calling America "above average" is probably a worse insult to Americans than just hating America.

Jogga, you're all over this thread crying about "amerimutts" and shit. I think you'll find a lot of Americans aren't thrilled about the erosion of their culture and are waking up. You're literally encouraging the opposite.

tfw goths wear leather pants and you have to fight this to stop erosion of your culture

I think you'll find a lot of Americans aren't thrilled about the erosion of their culture and are waking up.

Oh noooo...

Not my heckin hollywoodino...

Jokes aside, what will they do to prevent it ?

Deport half of their population ?

It depends on a lot of factors. It's not possible to predict. Either that or maybe they'll just burn the entire world down. Who really knows?


Why are you so anti-American anyways? Kinda cringe, ngl.

America is just cringe

It is now, yeah. Like I said, downhill from the 1960s. Probably earlier, really. Name a country that isn't cringe. Poland? Maybe


It's pretty fucking cringe, at least nowadays

Yeah, exactly. It's just cringe all the way down, man.

i’m wearing tommy hilfiger shorts so you got me there

It would be easier to name the things which Europeans do or consume that are authentic to their own country rather than naming what's American... Because it's all American now..

As he posts on an american website


What are Europeans who let middle easterners/Africans destroy their country and culture called?

Do you want someone to remind you that you'll become minority in 20 years ?

Keep your daughter away from those moooslims pal

Not in my country, mutty

so are you one of the famine euros?

I come from GLORIOUS Greece

Your mamma maybe, but your dad is a Turk for sure

My dad comes from Arkadia, ethnically pure from antiquity since present day.

Cope harder and try harder, mutt.

I hate to break this to you but no "Greek" man has successfully reproduced in a couple centuries

I assume you're referring to the Ottomans and Slavs? Because neither managed to mix with Arcadians.

Cope lmao





Now Dilate for me baby, das rite

Huh, with all those McBurgers you've eaten for breakfast it's kinda hypocritical to talk about dilation,no?




Stop seething fatty, you'll get a heart attack

Now Dilate for me baby, das rite

Cope attempt #7


now dilate for me baby, das rite

now dilate for me baby, das rite

Have fun with your shitty economy in a country thats only relevant because of what better people built thousands of years ago

Cope harder mutt

-b-but your ECONOMY!(which is in it's state due to your corrupt banks)

-b-but it was thousands of years ago!

you know what culture is, yeah? Every civilization is relavant due to its history.

So your country is so shitty that its entire economy can be fucked over by our banks

Also america has surpassed greese's thousands of years in only a few hundred

Sure it has. Try not to choke yourself on that burger though.

Also, it's written Greece, not greese. With an c, you know. You're also illiterate,it seems. Can't say I'm surprised you don't know your own language. But you've definitely surpassed my culture.


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Name one relevant thing your County has done since the fall of the roman empire

Also I don't care how your shitty country is spelled I'll call it greese if I want to

*country, not county.

Bro stop seething for real, you'll get a heart attack.

We're talking about culture, you retard.

And greek culture is undoubtedly more sophisticated than amerimutt "culture".

Seethe more, let me enjoy it, illiterate swine. How does it feel that a foreigner knows better English than you do?

Autocorredt did that, but it may as well be a county with how little it matters

Also you're saying I'm seething but you're the one downvoting

Cope harder. Also, the fuck are you talking about? I can PM you screenshots if you think I'm downvoting you, cause I'm not. Maybe, just maybe, you're full of shit, and other people agree.

The only thing wrong with this is that bongs are on the right instead of the left

True, it’s funny how Brits act like they have some superiority over Americans. Brits are just the Americans of Europe. They are by far the worst tourists and the most hated in my country (Croatia)

watching aussies/kiwis, british and canadians bash yanks is like seeing a rooster fight it's own reflection. lmao.


nice language you’re speaking where did you get it?


30% of the population of Puerto Rico is descended from Juan Ponce de Leon

mfw I could be related to a conquistador

30% face

Mi ancestro.

God is an american, I'm afraid of Americans.

maccas, maccas, maccas, maccas.. because the local owned takeaways can't stop serving roaches.

European countries don't have free speech protection. /thread

My boy UStatez...heh...only 400 years old...



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Fatties mad that their culture is just cuckold porn and Rupaul's drag race


doesn’t include chad Bruce

Aussies forever forgotten until it’s time to have a laugh

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200 points


Oh, I can already tell this thread's gonna be more fun than I've ever had in years

just doing my part to bring the drama back to our sub

Thank you, citizen


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Ok europoor

Why do you need money? In Europe, all shit is free already.

Imagine giving a fuck about culture

Imagine thinking a lack of culture automatically equates to mindless consumerism

Imagine lacking so much individual conviction you cling on to some irreconcilable amalgamation of racial and national identity politics

Look, this would be a reasonable position. But instead Americans do the funniest brain gymnastics to justify how wearing blue jeans actually is culture.

That's what Levi Strauss, Kohl's, Target et al. would love them to believe eh?

Don't forget to wear your best pair on "casual Friday" (;

Yes embrace multikulti and islamic sharia

That's still culture you furry fuck

No, culture is drawing rainbow colored animals. That is true culture and freedom.

Every one of those yes faces is brown now


is this a slide thread?

I’m totally willing to admit europoor culture was superior. Then you started letting brown coomers rape whoever they want because they’re brown and arresting brown is racist. Some of the men who get raped even plead for their rapist to not be deported. Kinda confirms you all like dick in your ass now.

Imagine not loving bussy

But what about Argentina and Brazil? Why are we being left out?😤

As an english Irish French German Ukrainian American, how dare you call me a mutt!

me trying to identify with a nationality from which I'm only 60% at best

Hey guys remember that time europoors landed on the moon, invented the MRI machine, put a rover on mars, and basically forced the entire world to learn their language?

yeah me neither. well least your ancestors got play with rocks to poke things with spears for a while lolololol.

and basically forced the entire world to learn their language

More people speak Spanish than English FYI.