So I’ve noticed there is a lot of people who are extremely insecure about their height, and I think it’s insane!
I believe short men are much more attractive than tall men. I believe around 5’ and 5’5 is the perfect height for men.
For instance, the shorter you are, the easier you are to pick up and have anal sex. Guys who are tall usually weigh a lot more, and are harder to adjust it properly. In my experience men who are short also tend to be cuter than taller men, though that’s not a fact, it just happens more often that I see a cute small guy.
The weight is a major benefit, the fact that you can be 110 lbs without being super skinny is awesome. I can appreciate a man who is in shape but isn’t going to break my back trying to lift.
1 AutoModerator 2020-05-13
What if you... clicked my link to DeuxCHAT... Haha just kidding...
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2 KimYoJongGurlBoss 2020-05-13
Based. What man wants to share his gf with his dog?
1 SnapshillBot 2020-05-13
So I’ve noticed there is a lot of people who are extremely insecure about their height, and I think it’s insane!
I believe short men are much more attractive than tall men. I believe around 5’ and 5’5 is the perfect height for men.
For instance, the shorter you are, the easier you are to pick up and have anal sex. Guys who are tall usually weigh a lot more, and are harder to adjust it properly. In my experience men who are short also tend to be cuter than taller men, though that’s not a fact, it just happens more often that I see a cute small guy.
The weight is a major benefit, the fact that you can be 110 lbs without being super skinny is awesome. I can appreciate a man who is in shape but isn’t going to break my back trying to lift.
In conclusion, be happy about your height
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1 Lo_Fi_Liam 2020-05-13
i love twitters false unity of non whites as if asians and blacks aren’t the most racist groups often at each other 🤭
1 AutoModerator 2020-05-13
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1 Lo_Fi_Liam 2020-05-13
thanks cracker
1 FloatyFish 2020-05-13
Replace Asians with Hispanics, and you’re right on the money.
1 Lo_Fi_Liam 2020-05-13
im australian i don’t know what hispanic people are
1 FroppyHoppyMyFloppy 2020-05-13
Imagine the Spanish but rather than part Arab they are part Asian.
5 EasedArmadillo 2020-05-13
Bruh, we’re not all Peruvian, those are the spicjaps.
Brazilians are portugroes.
And everyone else is just a savage that was bleached by conquistards.
0 FroppyHoppyMyFloppy 2020-05-13
Cope, and here’s why:
1: There is no appreciable difference between iberoids.
2: Those savages were just darker-skinned russo-chinamen.
2 EasedArmadillo 2020-05-13
Shieeeet, you telling me I wuz chinamen?
1 FroppyHoppyMyFloppy 2020-05-13
Yes. Gooky cough is your fault too.
2 Lo_Fi_Liam 2020-05-13
that sounds disgusting
0 SpezKilledSwartz2 2020-05-13
Rude 😔
1 clean_it_up34 2020-05-13
0 20000meilen 2020-05-13
Cope harder mayocel, you‘re time is fast approaching. Your grandchildren will be bad at school and have small penises.
1 Ikdkes 2020-05-13
I forgot mayos need affirmative action to get into schools
2 goblincocksmoker 2020-05-13
0 I_Shah 2020-05-13
Mayo foids do
1 Lo_Fi_Liam 2020-05-13
are you an earlier humanoid or something ? also my children will be mixed cause my gf is asian you loser 😎
5 SamManilla 2020-05-13
At least they'll be good at school.
1 AnotherLibtardRekt 2020-05-13
My wife?
0 neigeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 2020-05-13
wtf? simp racemixer
1 Foch_Future 2020-05-13
Wh7toids BTFO
1 whatdoestherocksay 2020-05-13
imagine dating a white person
1 agrees2retards 2020-05-13
I don't have to 😒
1 seve_rage 2020-05-13
Couldn’t be me 😂😂😂
1 AllisonGator 2020-05-13