Ongoing investigation into Reddit admin bias for AHS

1  2020-05-14 by SendWhiskey

The Problem

Lately, the jannies have been seething hard at some of the custom awards that Reddit had thrown out, and how they spice up a hot post. For example a skull award on Boris Johnson being hospitalized Now this is a conservative example, but the jannies are loosing their minds.


So the admins have created these absurdly cringeworthy awards about 5 months ago. Remember the days of silver, gold, and platinum? You can kiss those days goodbye. As of now, there are 50+ sitewide awards, each one more cringe than the last. Here is a plethora of the first posts addressing some of the concerns of these awards:

Please consider giving subs the ability to disable certain awards and medals. The new Trollface medal is inappropriate for my subs. Allow moderators to turn off awards on certain topics! Reddit Awards: Its overload. Can we have an option to disable all the OTHER reddit created awards (leaving only Gold, Sliver, Plat, and community created ones?)

Notice how the admins were absolute crickets in these posts. Nothing came of them, nobody important cared about the issue


Today, a mod from AgainstHateSubreddits made a post addressing the issue. Once this was posted, the admins finally roused to the issue and took action in a post just hours later not only did the admins address the issue, but they developed a tool to resolve it as well.

What does this mean?

There is blatant bias for the AHS mods from the reddit admins and it's quite disgusting. They clearly didn't give a damn when other people raised the issue, but as soon as AgainstHateSubreddits spoke, the admins moved mountains for them. Case closed.


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It's even worse considering we know what AHS does to get subs banned...

How can Reddit support these people?

Nah, dude, don’t you remember that a AHS trannyjanny clearly explained they didn’t do it, and even if they did it, it was not child porn, it was “Tanner Stage 69ing a child” or something only a pedophile would know of. It’s very different.

who the fuck is tanner

They're the same people

Exactly all users in AHS are admin sock puppet accounts

AHS janies are always in lockdown and out of work. How do you expect them to feel useful to society at the touch of keyboard? Are you really expecting them to work?

There's no difference between AHS and reddit staff .


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Why wouldn't they? It's a sub full of autists who have dedicated their entire lives to getting rid of anything that might be slightly offensive on reddit by any means necessary, for free. Inoffensive, bland content means more users and better advertisers. And if AHS ever oversteps the line and gets caught, they'll just ban it and move on.

Chadmins only care about their bottom line, AHS is a convenient tool and a potential scapegoat.

Admins are those people

AHS jannies seething because they will never ever ever ever be women

they could if they focused their efforts on it instead of policing social media

if only I was literate 😭


who pinned this?

Damn, it literally never occurred to me anonymously send an award to say... things... to certain people.

Is it really worth giving reddit money just so you can anonymously call someone a slur? Just track down their Facebook profile by analysing information from their post history and harass them there like a regular person.

This is dumb, don't harass them. Save their photos, likes, and political beliefs. Then create a twitter account specifically to call their heroes fags and blast the n word. Then they get harrassed by their own kind. (I'm not joking if anyone is based enough to take this seriously)

Good observation but, I think this was already obvious to anyone with a brain. Those faggots will break every rule in the book to stop people from enjoying themselves. They’re a jannies dream, imagine you’re doing it for free and you’ve got a cabal of drooling retards willing to do it for free without any of the power. These people make jannies feel like hero’s, which is why they’ll never be banned.

Are the AHS mods the same as those on that massive list with 4 mods for 94 top subs? Because that would explain it.

Awkwardtheturtle is there from 2 alts

This is somehow gayer than gay porn.

Remember the days of silver, gold, and platinum?

Remember when it was just gold, and silver was a cringe r*dditor joke comment with accompanying jpeg?

i am a survivor of reading this gussy nonsense


  1. Ongoing investigation into Reddit a... -,

  2. Boris Johnson being hospitalized -,*

  3. Please consider giving subs the abi... -,*

  4. Allow moderators to turn off awards... -,*

  5. Reddit Awards: Its overload. Can we... -,*

  6. post -,*

  7. post just hours later -,*

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Wait so these people do this for free?

They will never stop the bruhfunny-brapbarn-deuxrama matrix

They managed to neuter T_D, maybe took few years, but they did it. I believe they are waiting for their payment first.

ASH provide them CP. Why won't they listen to the ASHcels?

remember the days of gold, silver and platinum?

Remember the days of only gold? Or no retard awards at all, for that matter...

What if AHS was just filled with the admins sock pupper accounts?

Tomorrow: Ongoing investigation into the sky being blue.

Who cares? Everyone already knows this. They're never going to address it so no reason to SEETHE.

Ok but when will they add the swastika award and the hammer and sickle award