baSed ZOOMERS?!?!?!

1  2020-05-14 by BiggestThiccBoi


Edgy hitler-posting in 2020.

They still live in the stone age.

They’re still in the womb, they’ll come to learn

You like Dick and Balls? Huh? Maybe a Little Bit of Cock? FuuuUUuk. It's Lit in Here, Huh? MmmmMmm. Y-you what? You like Cock and Nuts? Huh? Maybe a little bit of Penis and Cock? Cock and Balls? Mmmmmdm FuuuUUuukkk ,....


  1. baSed ZOOMERS?!?!?! -,

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Sentient mufucka

What’s the original video?

some gay propaganda of two like elementary age kids becoming gay faggots. It’s really disgusting if you think about it

Ah, typical propaganda from (((them)))

Hey I found the video try not to lull yourself from cringe

Way to go buddy my diets ruined

Serious question: How can I make zoomers mass bussypilled?

you can't, the tide is full force in the opposite direction

video link?

where the based comments at

Sort by new or check the replies from any comment. They are Kind of difficult to find

i found this based youtube channel from the comments which has a lot of seething from the 41%

I might make a post about his channel or you can do it. I honestly don’t care

It's not accessible 😭 😭

Rest in piece 😢

It was basically an anti lgb channel. They would burn tran flags in Minecraft, post a cartoon shooting and title the video when i see a gay person, and stuff like that. It really wasn’t a big deal

The videos averaged a few hundred views and there were so many 40% who were angry. And op would milk them for drama. The channel lasted a surprisingly long time, like a month maybe

What is this movie called? It looks disney is openly embracing pedophilia.

Not a movie it’s some pedophilic story of how interracial gay elementary schoolers try to be gay faggot lovers but “society” stops them. I can’t find it for the life of me, but it was popular in like 2016.

2016 this young? Really? Well I guess ponyfags were still around that time so it is possible.

Zoomers are the horseshoe theory embodied

I look forward to more developments

No one thinks theyre gay until like high school y did they make this with elementary kids lol