Mayo posts unhinged rant against SHAMEFUL WYPIPO protesting against the harshest lockdown in the world

1  2020-05-14 by soupercerealjanituh


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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  1. Mayo posts unhinged rant against SH... -,

  2. -,

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I have not seen one single black South African complaining about jogging times

You know it's bait because of course they're going to complain about not being allowed to do the past time of their people

im illiterate can someone shorten it for me

Many white South Africans are going to get smacked. It is inevitable. The only thing you have some control over is the timing and method of discipline. Because try as you may, you just can’t outrun apartheid. There are dramatic changes coming to South African society. If it’s not Cyril Ramaphosa who oversees them, it will be somebody else. But they will come. And you WILL come to the party.

But there’s good news. You are allowed to join voluntarily. You don’t have to be dragged. You can’t beat this movement of unity. But you can join it.

Lmao this dork thinks he’ll be excluded from the killings that will inevitably happen when things finally go to shit