Some of you really be actin like jannies some times

8  2020-05-14 by finejuggler


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I don't like rightoids because they never stop talking about interracial relationships. Yes, I stole a white woman. Yes, I am replacing whites in Europe. Yes, I'm taking as much welfare as possible and not paying tax. Get over it 💅🏽


Based mud skin

I don't like rightoids because they never stop talking about interracial relationships. Yes, I stole a white woman.

Go back to whatever shithole you climbed out of.

Yes, I am replacing whites in Europe.

I apologize for my previous comment, please continue.

Good. We need more single white mothers. Builds character

Yes, I stole a white woman.

Dog pill btfo?

Yes, I stole a white woman.

Cope wigga you got stuck with the consolation price

b-b-b-but the r*ght can't meme

r/smuggies has some good stuff sometimes but recently it’s been awful lol

Smuggies is the Nordic Chad for zoomers incapable of irony


Yeah true most of it sucks but I’ve lol’d a couple times


Don't feel so special, rightoids. The left can't meme, either.

I can't wait until the left start using "go dialate" as an insult. They steal every other meme, I see no reason why they wouldn't steal that one.

I can see it now "go procreate"

It's the PC version of fuck off

All the right does is meme, and fap


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They must be heading to the based department meeting

When the CEO of Racism calls a meeting, you better show up. Your absence will be noticed.

Is it wrong if I only find jokes funny if they're explicit?

No, being stupid doesn't mean you're bad


"Based? Based o–" gets hit on the head with a shovel

More like the basement. Ha ha

Convert to Islam or die kuffir.


I think its time for a reshuffle: Islam for whites, Chirstianity for Arabs, Judaism for blacks, and atheism for Jews. Everyone cool with this?

Jews are already atheists.

Ah yes, world peace.

Absolutely based. Forced conversions are pretty hot ngl.


I miss the old deux😔

nah deux has changed for the better for sure less soypills from /r/stupidpol and more funnys

No. Deux went from being a fun place to dunk on literally everyone, to a boring place to post memes dunking on the exact same low hanging fruit every time.

I can only scroll through so many of the same repetitive memes dunking on troids or basketballs before I feel like blowing my head off.

Deux was fun because people linked real drama that actually showed troids being stupidly hilarious. Now it’s just a bunch of the same shitposts.

I want to see the troid in its natural habitat, I don’t want to see the depiction of a troid made by some rightoid who hasn’t seen his penis in 3 years.

Bro don't you love it when the front page is nothing but BASED memes and 0 links to drama? Hahah based leftoids btfo!!


I respect this take


Just visit r/transpassing, for even more fun find pictures of attractive foids make an account and post been on hrt for 9 months


While I miss the days of pinging diaper fetishists to dance and amuse us all, by defending their disgusting side hustles in the reddit gig economy of absolute degeneracy, I can accept that those days are past.

The main sub is in decline - /r/drama is a tedious slog. Sure you might find a big ironic laff in the top comments, but go ahead and scoll downward into a stultifying parade of unfunny needy attention seeking. Petty in-fighting and codified nihilism from a pack of miserable thieves of joy.

Deuxrama, on the other hand, has received an influx of epic Cringe Anarchists who might be retarded (just look at Dr_Poop_Sex) but at least they're earnest. Honesty is something dramafags will never remember because they've descended into the low position of near constant "ironic distance" (read: cowardice) to separate their internet personas from trannybashing, teasing gays, hating blacks etc. because they can't handle the cognitive dissonance when a gamer can't just admit that zhes, like.. uh.. akshually, kinda racist (...?)

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Blackpilled again..

Lol imagine being unapproved u/nyacointelpro lmao 😂

Personally I think deux peaked a little over 2 weeks after they made r/drama private. There was some memes here and there. But pretty solid all around. Great drama was getting posted here and everybody either didn’t care about politics or was radically centrist

Yeah I agree that was also a great time

i havent seen my penis in 3 years because that was the last time it wasn't buried deep in your mom's poop chute


This doesn’t even have anything to do with (us) rightoids. I’m relatively new here. Did people used to post screenshots and link to threads?

It was mostly links to threads, screenshots were semi-common but shunned. Memes were sparse but high quality.

5-6k subs was peak deux. Not saying rightoids ruined it but agenda posting rightoids did. If I wanted to see memes owning the libs all day I’d go to T_D

Why am I being downvoted for asking a question? I would love to try and post things that are more like the original. Links to threads are way better for discussion than memes, even if memes are an easier and faster laugh

Don’t change anything. If you’re autistic enough to get butthurt over your deuxrama downdoots you’ve got raw lolcow potential, continue as usual

These words are literally meaningless in the order in which you put them

Holy shit, you really do have raw potential. I haven’t seen one of your people in a drama sub in a while.

I’m a stinky poopfucker

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Nigger moment

wellllll.... this is all technically the fault of ahs, and trannie jannies when they caused the cringe anarchy diaspora

You need to go back

They still come here every now and then to piss and shit all over the sub with their horribly unfunny agenda posts and seethe essays.

Are you saying you don’t enjoy it when the lolcows show up?

Absolute state of rightoids

Yo whitey take another opie and simmer down, the mayocide's happening

Me on the left.

Me on the far right.

All these years trying to larp as a centre left atheist who dabbled in edgy humour for the benefit of r/drama was getting really tiresome. I'm glad I can be my true self as an ubermensch DeuxCHAD.

when people call retarded frogposters retarded but it's OK because other people also called them retarded

Noooooo not the heckin dramerinos!!!


We wouldn't be if you were't such autistic agendaposters

this “guy” literally posts furry porn and is calling us autistic

No kinkshaming😤


Half faggot actually

Based fellow half faggot

Dookie skin


If you’re expecting the rest of that retarded ass kinkshame thread you filthy r*dditors always post, you’re in the wrong place

Oh really? I


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ok and?


Based btw I the transformation post is double nice

Some of these deuxcels fail to realize the difference between unfunny, stale Drama and the prime Deuxrama is the rightoids and fugees that Drama kicked out

When Drama sends it’s rightoids, they’re not sending their best. They’re bringing smuggies. They’re bringing stale pepes. They’re ConsumeProductcels

This, but unironically.


  1. Some of you really be actin like ja... -,

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Think of all the billable hours you're flushing down the drain!!

This is our redemption arc.

Ever since they took pinging we've been desperately short of lolcows and seriousposters to abuse.

The nazi invasion has given us back what drama needs most: people to abuse.

Me on the far right

Everyone knows why.
