Yellow foids fuck dogs - it's OVER for chinkcels!

7  2020-05-14 by SchnupfStaffel


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Chinks on suicidewatch

I always love to hear that!

I wish MacArthur could’ve finished what he started tbh.



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Linking subs is reddior behavior sir. Please step on the big comical sized red X

Fuck off back to SRD

mogged by canine bvll

this explains those webms of the chinkoids blow-torching live dogs

It never began

This drawing is racist

Whoever drew this has clearly never been intimate with a collie or frankly any mid-size canine. Laughable form really.

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  1. Yellow foids fuck dogs - it's OVER ... -,

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Cope 😎

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All foids fuck dogs

it never even began for azncels