'How is Denmark for blacks?' Asks basketball America and starts a shitshow

3  2020-05-14 by TakeMyVerySoul


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As a black Dane

TIL that Vikings were actually Wekangz

have you seen the BBC and Netflix shows, I'm pretty sure Achilles was a jogger

The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


  1. 'How is Denmark for blacks?' Asks b... - archive.org, archive.today

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Where is the shitshow?

Everybody tells him it's okay and nobody cares.

There's one guy who points out that blacks have a great deal in the US due to rampant politicised favouritism, to which some cucked bugman gets upset despite admitting the guy is correct. Still not a shit-show.

u/HellFeetSkyMind lmao why are you even arguing with these lobotomites?

Arguing with internet retards has been a pastime for me for a decade. Is an acquired pleasure to be sure, but a pleasure nonetheless.