
1  2020-05-15 by edboris


Oh no

r/hoggit confirms the autism, r/4chan confirms the edge, r/stupidpol confirms the cringe. Sounds about right.

How to make Deuxchad: add autistic obsession with A-10s, add 1 whole 14 year old, add 2 funkopops for the cringe and add khazar milk

Let's be real the most embarrassing sub is on that is stupidpol at no.3

No it's consumeproduct

I absolutely refuse to watch this film on principal. All it does is glorify the "lone wolf white male" archetype. It gives incels and and nazis a hero figure for them to look up to. It is absolutely disgusting and is NOT the movie that we need right now. Who the fuck thought this would be a good idea in our current political climate? The number one terrorist threat in the US right now is a white male.


  1. Hmmm -,

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> without hate


Is there any with hate one even still there?

There are a few but most of them are dead with no activity.

Yeah that's why I think all the refugees went to without hate sub. Last year or so there was lots of overlap with braincels, though that sub was also really big.

to be fair deuxrama had a few 100 users with max 50 upvotes before braincels got banned

Yeah drama still had a lot of overlap though and most ppl here come from drama only.


Trust me, I cry daily about the fact that my favorite sub of 2 years has been banned. It has not been easy taking this in.

I wasnt there for the og incels sub, but braincels was the best community on the internet with just the right amount of memes, cope and shitposts. Miss those days.

I wasnt there either during the r/incels days, I was an IT user (lord forgive me for this, amin). Braincels was the best sub, especially around like January to March 2019

> I was an IT user

Always cracks me up. IT was doing God's work.

> lord forgive me for this, amin

"The Lord, St.BlackOps2cel, is gracious and full of compassion" Psalm 145:8

the others dont exist anymore

OK joined.

Can't believe people who write long posts on stupidpol are the same people who only reply with based and cope

fucking refugees man.


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Whaaaat that's crazy



Is DCS based now?