MDEfugees irl

1  2020-05-15 by JanetYellensFuckboy


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Guys I swear I'm a 6'5 blonde, blue eyed guy, I would never lie on the internet

Why would I want to be ar*an that is like being G*rman, which is haram

Yeah. And?

I also have six white blue eyed babies and a pregnant church going wife even though I spend all day posting about troids and interracial couples on reddit

Ok, I'll admit it. I'm actually only 6'2.

I'm only 6'1 and, though I'm deeply ashamed to admit it, my eyes are actually green.

Smh, what even live?

>TFW only 6'2


Why even live?

6' blonde green eyes AMA

Same but swap the digits

I believe women are evil and that the gender of the devil is female. Products of the female psyche including liberalism, political correctness, multiculturalism, promotion of the metrosexual (woman with a penis), yoga and Marxism are all evil. Humanity will become redeemed when women become human beings. Right now they are mercenaries and blame everything on men. Pure evil.


  1. MDEfugees irl -,

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Fugees get the bullet too. Although, I hear the jannies here can be bribed with feet pics.

Doin your mom doin doin your mom

Jesus, you're old enough to remember =3 and still on here? You are as pathetic as me.

I joined like a month ago. I'm an internet migrant

Like an online gypsy, but sightly less subhuman

Only slightly. More like a displaced person, part of a diaspora, with a distant homeland. Possibly in the middle east.

Ngl first good leftie meme I've seen

Oh well, can't expect commies to have respect for IPs.

It’s that plus words words words

Good thing I’m australian and do not care about jewropeans trannies or cringe Amerijew memes

Based. Wh*teoids get the rope ✊🏿✊🏿

Trannie cope

They're so much worse looking

This is proof that MDEs are as fragile as troons. Trans seek affirmation through “Isabelle says trans rights,” mdes seek affirmation through calling each other kings. Two sides of the same autistic coin

You're not wrong however trannies still look worse

"Everyone's insecure except me"


Not everyone, just troons and people like you

😠😠😠 DELETE this right now, or face my cock maggot

Big penis sekx?

post body


Go off, king.

The king thing became cringe within a week

Can someone please tell me what the fuck MDE refers to?

An infamous now-banned rightoid sub that consisted entirely of "jew bad."

What does the acronym mean tho?

my dollars (are) enormous

Lol "million dollar extreme" - based on eponymous tv comedy show (or netflix whatever) by altrightoid Sam Hyde that got cancelled.

Sub was mostly just another pol circlejerk though, hardly about the show.

when your ugly but at least you look better then the bottom of the barrel

lmfao rightoid cope

I fucking hate yes man so much

You are the bravest man alive saying that. You have my respect

Hey... you're making fun of me, aren't you?

What was MDE?

Meinkraft Deutschreich Elitenrasse

Ugly fascists could look more masculine, if they went to them gym. Troomers will never look like a woman, no matter how many times they have surgery or take hormones.

What if you... clicked my link to DeuxCHAT... Haha just kidding...


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Yoof & ikes

delet this

Yeah lol, so?

Me on the left

its leftoids most major cope when they try pretend they're the good looking ones, btfo ugly

Honestly being openly fascist has become so rare and neutered in our society that I don’t even know how they look in real life.

The real redpill is everyone on Reddit is like that even this sub

As an mdefugee this made me laugh :) thanks op good meme


Is this the written equivalent of your flair?

:) no I’m not seething

At the end of the day, MDEfugees don't have to cut their dick off to continue to be white

At the end of the day they will still be white, and trannies will never be female.

MDEfugeees btfo!

Fake, his hair and skin are too light to be an MDEfuger

I feel attacked

Fugee seethe cope fragile dilate. Now r-words cant post any of the magic words


How does the fact that trannies are ugly preclude mdecels from being ugly?

I think you're seething and coping boyo 😲😲

Post a selfie, i want to see what someone who spends that much time on that subreddit looks like


You can tell how true a post is by how much serious-posting it incites.

I know it’s still a Smuggie clone but this is the first good lefty meme I’ve ever seen

I have been called out.. ..but I don't seethe, since funny.

For once, actually based in reality