So basically i had a boner and had to hide it and i put the dick like up towards my stomach i was wearing a hoodie and a tshirt and if someone lifted it they would see it . I got this feeling that some shit would happen so i put my dick back down and like 20 seconds later a guy pulled up my shirt and hoodie as a joke and yeah my dick wasnt there
1 AutoModerator 2020-05-15
Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.
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9 reetface3 2020-05-15
Is that the OG coomer wojak?
1 PunishedApple 2020-05-15
MC Ride is god.
2 reetface3 2020-05-15
/mu/ser detected
But I never knew he was the base of the coomer
1 jamthewither 2020-05-15
Anthony fantano!!!!
2 SnapshillBot 2020-05-15
So basically i had a boner and had to hide it and i put the dick like up towards my stomach i was wearing a hoodie and a tshirt and if someone lifted it they would see it . I got this feeling that some shit would happen so i put my dick back down and like 20 seconds later a guy pulled up my shirt and hoodie as a joke and yeah my dick wasnt there
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3 Luka_95 2020-05-15
3 AutoModerator 2020-05-15
I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.
1 Luka_95 2020-05-15
embrace monke
1 goblincocksmoker 2020-05-15
fuck this is so epic
2 LetsGetSQ_uirre_Ly 2020-05-15
soy routine!!!!!
-1 Sp0k3 2020-05-15
1 nomorefedpost 2020-05-15
Did you make this?
2 Mitchle 2020-05-15
5 googleussliberty 2020-05-15
Based and retardpilled
1 deezds007 2020-05-15
Bla bla bla I crazy now !!
1 silverpanther17 2020-05-15
My political activeness consists of me posting pictures of representatives I don't like with this caption.
1 Luka_95 2020-05-15
baby’s 1st /mu band
1 caffeine_g0d 2020-05-15
that would be mbv.
1 Luka_95 2020-05-15
no that wouldn’t even be all mbv, only Loveless
1 BiggestBoiAround 2020-05-15
No it wouldn't be loveless, it would be In the Aeroplane Over the Sea
1 csuddath123 2020-05-15
Coomers go demmmmmm
1 GOD_HATES_DORKS 2020-05-15
have a sad cum bb