Check out this drama I created 😜😜😎😎

3  2020-05-15 by CornReaper


What if you... clicked my link to DeuxCHAT... Haha just kidding...


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You're not funny, you're not clever, and no matter how much or how often you tell yourself otherwise, making other people angry has absolutely no value whatsoever. Even the enjoyment is fleeting; you know that. The rush you get never lasts. You spend your days being shocking for the sake of it, rolling in deeper and more wretched sewage like it's a race to the bottom of every ladder in the universe, and for what? You're not special. You're not in an exclusive club of the clued-in and the free-thinking. You are wearing a thin mask consisting of edgy memes, shock value and faux nihilism that you've convinced yourself is good enough to call a personality, that you think will cover up the nothing behind it. You're wrong. Step back, reflect, admit your faults and grow up.


  1. Check out this drama I created 😜😜😎😎 -,

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Jesus fuck snappy what did I do to deserve this 😭😭😭😭😭😭

Snappy has been killin nibbas


You said stuff like loremaster and figurines and apparently they are expensive or are you just so poor and frustrated that you can't buy more because they are just expensive to you? I was a counselor for a few years before getting a way higher paying job so let's break all this down. So lay down on the couch sweaty and let me at your head ok? You try to project yourself as a badass manly man and any fool can immediately tell that is an insecurecel coping and coping hard at that. You keep bringing up " we " and " us" in your posts like you are the member of some elite group of chads but in reality you have no friends outside of reddit really. You have a few from school but it's not like you keep in touch. You go to places like consoomproduct not because you're some Spartan living type. It's because deep down you're jealous of the people who can actually afford to waste money on shit ( I agree some of the stuff people blow money on is sad. But that's how some people try to fill a hole in themselves they think they have.) So it's literally sour grapes. Your spelling of defense in queens English also tells me that not only do you have bad teeth and look like a toad but that your racism isn't from observation (since there's not nearly as many nignogs over there as there are here. Lovely country btw I went there in 2015 and really liked it. They put down your food but I liked it and my foid did too. I however only saw about 20 nignogs the whole time I was there. A ton of inshallah brothers though) so you most likely either admired a girl that ended up with a Kang , (a plain girl at that because you didn't want to aim too high. You're very aware of your limitations. ) Or in your loneliness you latched onto a community of other lonelycels and was indoctrinated into it all. You have a whole persona you try to portray online and it's becoming exhausting for you trying to keep it up and remember all the bullshit you made up about your personal life on reddit. See that wasn't hard at all was it sweaty? When we can look into ourselves and admit the faults we have then we can heal. This was my Jannie like act btw cause I, like them, did all this for free.

totally not mad btw lmao

That nigga practicing for the ap English test or something?

the truth is he isnt a pyschology major, just someone very high on meth who reads pyschologytoday in his sparetime

i recongize the meth tweaker grammar and rambling