How could it be a job when they do it for free?

14  2020-05-15 by DeadMemesFrom2010


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I am an essential public safety worker in a major city that requires me to be onsite 3 times a week. I wear a P100 respirator and rubber gloves on my way in and out of the city and treat everything outside my sealed office as a hot zone. I take extra measures because I have a daughter who is immunocompromised. Going to work is an occasionally harrowing experience, but I do it because I have to.

But I cannot even imagine the pressures faced each day by Reddit moderators who have to read dirty wordies and then push "delete" for zero dollars.


Lars, there is basically zero chance that any of this is true. The best I can tell is that you're a crooked landlord, bigot, and a troll. You just got 37 points for a comment that is 100% total bullshit. You are the most fascinating person I've ever seen. I love you Lars. It's time for you to give me the speech Lars.

How did the world wrong you Lars?

Tell us again how to respect women Lars. You said you love women and all, except for "trannies and whores".

Tell us about your essential work Lars. Tell us about your fake daughter and how important you are to her.

Tell us how much you should be respected Lars, because you're essential Lars. You're not just a crooked landlord Lars. You're not just a sexist and a bigot Lars. YOU ARE A FUCKING ESSENTIAL WORKER AND YOU DESERVE RESPECT LARS. Tell us about all the respect you deserve Lars. Tell us how essential you are and how harrowing your life is Lars. Tell us how that shaped your outlook on women Lars.

I want to know Lars, and you want to tell me. I know that you do.

jannies gonna flip!

Imagine raising a child only to have it grow up to be a, may Allah forgive me, Jannie 🤮.

all i heard was 'based'

Allah, forgives you but will not show mercy on Jannies.

Yo, I'm looks a normie, so idk who the heck Reddit Jeannie is. Could someone help please

jannies are a group of people who's "job" is to find and delete mean words said on their subreddits for $0, absolutely free. They are the most useless people to walk this earth, and are often told by DeuxChads to "clean it up" after one of us drops a pool of watery shit on the ground in front of them, making sure to splatter it everywhere. There is a high overlap between the jannie and the omega male average redditor funko pop-obsessed consoomer.

Being a racist loser that makes fun of racist losers doesn't make you any less of a racist loser. Pretending you're too stupid to understand how you spend your free time doesn't make it any less pathetic to spend your free time that way.


  1. How could it be a job when they do ... -,

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It says jobs not charity

>implying they are doing any good

schadenfreude is a good feeling.

A job, by definition, must have some retribution for the work done.

But for jannies? Nothing, zero, $0,00. They do it for free y’ know?

What about landlords

landchads getting the dough and evicting soycuck consoomers who just happen to be not paying the rent since they earn $0.00 from being pathetic jannies

Now the next thing they'll have to clean up is the funko pops

You're looking in a Coronavirus exposure database. Secluded basement dwellers that never go outside don't get exposed.

Janny janny, clean up it up!

We can't behave so lock it up!

Janny janny, this thread's dirty!

You'll be cleaning through your thirties!

Our janny janny loves you and me!

Because our janny janny does it all for free!

jannies btfo

Jans rights are human rights 😡