Pack it up, Deuxchads. Jannies finally rose up.

6  2020-05-15 by Rosey9898


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i'm a vegetarian and i ain't fucking scared of him

lyrical genius

One of our moderators sticked a serious post about the lynching of a black man, Ahmaud Arbery. In response, a troll gifted a Reddit Community Award of "Im Deceased" on the post. The award is a skull laughing and the text says "Call an ambulance, I'm laughing too hard."

The jannie salary doesn't cover PTSD therapies iirc

Today I was taking a jog and noticed a landwhale on a scooter. I laughed.


  1. Pack it up, Deuxchads. Jannies fina... -,*

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Snappy was a jogger all along 😳

Dubteedub I'm pretty sure is hitler 2.0 blackpeopletwitter is like super aids and fuck ahs

So that’s why there had been an avalanche of these nonsense awards. I’m behind the times.

Don’t you have to spend money on this retarded shit? Rightoids are paying the madmins their mom’s hard-earned cash to trigger the libs 😂

Right on.

If they allow more """offensive""" awards, then Reddit will let MDEs reopen their subs for more revenue. Much like r/Consumeproduct

They should, the fugees need their safe spaces.

I mean, buying rewards is pretty cringe, but at the same time, the monkeys and skull are fuckin hilarious

this is all just one big marketing campaign to get people to buy reddit awards