Not only do you say horrific things, you also actively contribute to a misogynistic thread to continue flaming the fire. Honestly, there is something deeply, deeply wrong with you as a human being. I hope one day you find clarity, and let go of the intense hatred that is in your heart.
Reading is overated and will become obsolete as technology advances. An electronic computer can "think" faster than men, make more complicated calculations (or compute as the scientists say) than men, store more information than men. In the end men will be like women, we won't have to think because someone smarter is doing it for us
1 AutoModerator 2020-05-16
What if you... clicked my link to DeuxCHAT... Haha just kidding...
I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.
2 8x186 2020-05-16
Me when I find a leftoid meme π³οΈβπππ¦
1 SnapshillBot 2020-05-16
Not only do you say horrific things, you also actively contribute to a misogynistic thread to continue flaming the fire. Honestly, there is something deeply, deeply wrong with you as a human being. I hope one day you find clarity, and let go of the intense hatred that is in your heart.
I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers
1 ChapoDestroyer 2020-05-16
Found the yuropoor
1 Supremely_Obese 2020-05-16
Only pinko Commies read theory.
1 arsepirate69 2020-05-16
I make sure to use my son's school coursebooks as toilet paper so he dont grow up to be no faggot.
1 ChapoDestroyer 2020-05-16
Hell yea
Sent from JEEP vehicle
1 TerribleBus9 2020-05-16
Reading is overated and will become obsolete as technology advances. An electronic computer can "think" faster than men, make more complicated calculations (or compute as the scientists say) than men, store more information than men. In the end men will be like women, we won't have to think because someone smarter is doing it for us
1 languidhorse 2020-05-16
This is your understanding of computers of you don't read.
1 5StarUberPassenger 2020-05-16
wow getting this tattooed ASAP
reading is for faggots
1 toomanytabsopen 2020-05-16
All the books in Europe have been burned for being anti-trans
1 SynthGood 2020-05-16
1 whatdoestherocksay 2020-05-16
Who needs reading when I can bomb my way to the top?