Cover blown. Pack it all up.

1  2020-05-16 by The_Airwolf_Theme


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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You absolute numbskull, you bumbling idiot, none of the constant dribble that has came out of the word spewer you call a mouth has made any sense in the slightest. I hate you and everything you stand for, you fucking devolved orangutan wasting everyones time. Instead of constantly spewing nonsense, pick up a book and learn something, you IDIOT. I have never met someone that's as much as an absolute CRETIN as you. You are a childish and idiotic excuse for a human, you absolute fucking idiotic, brainless, believes everything people tell you, BUFFOON.


  1. Cover blown. Pack it all up. -,

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Oh shit they found me out

Homosexual privilege in action.





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holy shit, go slay some bussy you fag.

yikes are you aware that in ancient rome it was considered the height of masculinity to fuck boy bussy?

Yes also Greece, doesn't make it less gay honey πŸ˜‡

It's not gay if you are top.

Saying boy bussy is the same as saying wet water.

This’ll get ya some clout for sure

My son is a clout I need to stop fucking him in the ass.

Clout scout

Have you tried just hocking lougies in his pee hole?

Yes last Thursday. It didn't stop it.

lmao fake news, it's not called "clout" it's "karma"

and they aint pretendin

being this much of a redditor

Anyone who hasn't sent this to their parents yet needs to do that immediately.

How did you know?

Uwu tbh

I wanna suck dick, now give me internet points.

Mr.Quad can you not read? It says you have to pretend to be a fag to get the points.

dude bussy

The Deuxcel is immunized against all dangers, one may call him a troid, MDEfugee, chapocel, jogger, it all runs of him like water off a raincoat. But call him a gussy lover and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: 'I've been found out"

Bussy pilled

Only when I'm done packing up all that fudge

look dad i can explain why did you remove your belt

Will you people ever stop reposting this?


Acting faggy online is fun. I pretend to be a delusional trans person sometimes whenever it'd benefit me, little do they know that I'm actually a perfectly passing and well integrated anime girl.

Which of you deuxcel retards paid reddit money for this post.