Someone posts a heckin yikes of a starterpack and reddit flings tendies everywhere

3  2020-05-16 by MrGoodieMob


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Me: Oh boy I bet there are some fun drama comments in here

The Comments: bootlicker bootlicker bootlicker bootlicker bootlicker

"Sorry, I wanted to be inclusive and use a photo of a white man robbing a 7/11, but all I could find was framegrabs from Raising Arizona"

A fucking great movie

Lol at pig bootlickers being so butthurt about the “cop starterpack” they make their own 😂

Have I told you about DeuxCHAT?

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Have you posted bussy yet?


  1. Someone posts a heckin yikes of a s... -,

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lol it was me and I can tell you the comment section is a steaming pile of hot garbage



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actual drama in deuxrama is a nice change of pace

WTH is this palce.. looks pretty based if you ask me

The internet’s bussy

Based on what?

Based on the hit novel "Jurassic Park" by Michael Crichton.


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My fat voluptuous balls

its r/drama but no wh*te people

You mean krakkkas?



wh*te people


wh*te people

No such thing. You must be talking about the snow apes that stole our kingly ancestor's technology



Fuck whyte pipo. And saying this is not even hate speech. Best timeline

no mayos

were it so easy

segregation 🦹🏿‍♂️

Based and basedpilled

Raced and bedpilled

Alhamdulillah brozzer

Based on what you mongoloid

based on yo mamma eyyoooooo

Based on what?


I would tell you that this would be a lot better if you included rightoid bullshit like "he had a hammer!" and "he was wearing boots!" that's the exact parallel of the "hands up, don't shoot!" bullshit. But then I see you in there claiming that George Orwell wasn't a socialist and I desperate cling to the hope that you're a troll.


anti-communist counter-propaganda

Everyone to the left of Pope Benedict is a communist, so this proves Orwell was actually tradcath.

set up by the Labour government in 1948

The late 1940s Labour Party that was extremely hostile to socialism.

persons he considered sympathetic to Stalinism

Only really hardcore right-wingers were opposed to Stalin in the late 1940s. It's not like the vast majority of people around the world hated him and communism. So Orwell definitely must have been an /r/ConsumeProduct subscriber.

On a scale of 14-18, how much of a zoomer are you?

Here's a sneak peek of /r/ConsumeProduct using the top posts of all time!

#1: Facts | 256 comments
#2: Consoom r/chonkers | 107 comments
#3: Girl? Must consume! | 223 comments

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I was going to wait for your reply to reveal to you the truth:

Orwell only narced on people more famous than him. Definitely /r/drama material instead.

Imagine knowing this much about a failed ideology

Orwell liked to provoke arguments by challenging the status quo, but he was also a traditionalist with a love of old English values. He criticised and satirised, from the inside, the various social milieux in which he found himself—provincial town life in A Clergyman's Daughter; middle-class pretension in Keep the Aspidistra Flying; preparatory schools in "Such, Such Were the Joys";

nazbol orwell

noooo not Orwell! next thing you'll tell me is my favorite horror author is a racist!

idk if orwell was much of a socialist. i think you would enjoy reading his short book The Road to Wigan Pier, its about this one time he went to the industrial slums of england to get to know the poor working class, and it left a profoundly sobering impression on him. the book is quite short so i encourage you to give it a try

idk if orwell was much of a socialist

Lmao he literally volunteered to fight a civil war on the side of the Spanish Republicans and wrote extensively about his socialist beliefs. How dense can you be?

What the fuck are you talking about?

The "hands up" is usually a struggle. I've watched enough videos to notice a trend of ignoring explicit instructions

Not enough PoPo speak jive.

I desperate cling to the hope that you're a troll

Yeah I'm thinking he's based. I find it hilarious how the same people calling you a bootlicker would be the first ones to disarm you, only letting the government have access to firearms.

Nooo you cant criticize the media you hecking facist bootlicker!!!!! Funny how these brave anti-capitalists simp for corporations, all day, for FREE. 🤣

Did you see how woke their last commercial was though

You’re a bootlicker for defending cops and the people who want to disarm you are simps. It can go both ways.

As-salamu alaykum, brother 😄

alaikum as salam, arkadasch

dude wtf is up with all those awards lmao

You sir, are a retard and a faggot.

Have my upvote


reading them now, lmao so many pissed off unemployed people

based king


Welcome home. That was some of the best shit I’ve read this week.

Bootyblaster redditors are my favorite kind of stupid. Absolutely fantastic work to that OP.

What does the first part mean ?

I'm guessing bootyblasters make people butthurt

Ah thank you fren. I love them too

Bootyblasted but I was drunk.

LOL all good

/u/bryannagraham97 please expound on which parts of the united states are a totalitarian state controlled by a police force and which parts aren't.

Very interested in the boots-on-the-ground takes of a barely fully cognitively developed young adult

Under 287(g), ICE provides state and local law enforcement with the training and subsequent authorization to identify, process, and when appropriate, detain immigration offenders they encounter during their regular, daily law-enforcement activity.

Theyve been taking children away from parents that dont need to be. Black and brown communities have more police although crime rates for area codes surrounding black and brown ones are higher in most cases. It's really about perspective, and since most people on this thread dont live in black or brown neighborhoods, they dont see all the police that roam the streets or just hide out hoping the catch someone doing something, or even worse.

When you actively avoid the truth of the matter then you remain willfully ignorant.

and since most people on this thread dont live in black or brown neighborhoods

Amazing how you know where everyone lives!

I can report from South TX, no police randomly roaming the streets, even in the sketchier parts of town. In fact, I can report POC communities down here having a pretty open dialogue with police, including regular meetings with our chief!

You've linked two different locales. Perhaps the authoritarian police state is only on the eastern seaboard? When I was in Boston in Feb I didn't see any cops cracking down on the homeless or Mexicans but I am 20/100 without my glasses, so who knows.

having a pretty open dialogue with police, including regular meetings with our chief

weird flex but ok

our whole community is brown people and our chief has an open-door policy. the kid doesn't know how the real world works because he's lived his entire life being fed a narrative by teachers and the internet

but buzzfeed said so... buzzfeed is always right, even when they said iron man was going to come back to life

Nah I'm starting to think these "people" are the real paid shills trying to influence public opinion

although crime rates for area codes surrounding black and brown ones are higher in most cases

Wow, I can't imagine why.

ssh, that frog in a tuxedo is about to make an announcement

Lmao god damn the lack of self awareness in that statement is hilarious.

those area codes were the ones who participated in the FBI’s optional crime study lol

I live in a high net worth area, why would I decrease property values by joining that study?

lol you are an idiot

most people on this thread dont live in black or brown neighborhoods

considering that east alabama where i live has like the highest proportion of black people per capita out of anywhere in the entire country, i respectfully disagree lmao

and since most people on this thread dont live in black or brown neighborhoods

Thank fuck.

You lost ICE activities like they are a bad thing. You have no Nation if you have no borders or don’t defend and enforce them.

I used to live in Detroit for a time, and I can tell you there were no cops roaming the streets at all. They actually don’t pull you over for running red lights as long as it doesn’t result in an accident, and they don’t ticket you if you don’t have insurance in a lot of cases. They generally don’t show up for traffic tickets, and their probation system is known to be a joke. They are generally killed in assaults. if you look at the numbers here, 48 of them were murdered by gunfire, and another 14 were run over

and here's why that's a good thing!

When you actively avoid the truth of the matter then you remain willfully ignorant.

When you actively agendapost on a drama subreddit then you remain a humongous faggot.

I grew up in the fucking hood. there were no cops around ever. everybody who ever lived in the ghetto know goddamn cops are never near and God help your ass if you ever need them. your pasty milquetoast gated community ass doesn't know shit

they don't see all the police that roam the streets or just hide out hoping the catch someone doing something

You have described the function of a police officer--that is exactly their job the world over. If you don't break the law in front of them you don't get shit like 99% of the time.

I've talked to more black people this month even with social distancing than you have your whole life and it shows.

and since most people on this thread dont live in black or brown neighborhoods

Why would I go to those places?

all parts of the us are an authoratiran police state until we outlaw taxes

dodging taxes is your civic duty as an American

Wow the first Ted talk that wasn't retarded.

The thoreau talk

this country was founded on avoiding taxes


I am one of those tendie flinging redditors and proud.

The reason Reddit hates cops is because they get arrested a lot, which sounds pretty badass (like "Yeah, I got in a fight, jail don't scare me!") until you hear that they got arrested for either shoplifting (I needed that new Nintendo Switch, but Capitalism won't let me) or going apeshit over a different opinion (not only political, but if you don't like Harry Potter, they start slap-fighting).

I just thought they were self hating mayo liberals who bought into the propaganda that joggers are being jailed for no reason while countless violent mayo on mayo crime go unpunished


If you think of them all as Chris Chan, their retardation and arrests make a lot more sense

I disagree. The reason Reddit hates police is because they only have ever see the police on reddit. Now think about that, they only ever see the police on the internet....that means they never rode bikes past dark as a kid, never went to an ill fated house party as a teen, never stood outside the bar past closing as an adult, they never walked around the fair with their families. They are losers, they are nobodies and they are easily swayed by internet propaganda against police.


They are afraid of the police because they know any day police are the ones who will be knocking down their door to arrest them for CP

All of the above is true. At the same time, cops deserve everything that happens to them.

I agree they deserve never getting convicted fuck criminals. who cares if they get blasted

Lmao imagine thinking reddit manchildren put themselves in positions to be arrested. They hate cops because they're contrarian and because dem dere darkies hate them so they do the right thing by joining their side

Well Chris Chan did get arrested for pepper-spraying a Gamestop employee all because Sonic had blue arms in Sonic Boom.

Or from taxes. vomit.

post body

Inaccurate, since it’s America they should both be noticeably overweight


That's pretty much every day at this point


How can you possibly consider a screwdriver to be a weapon. Maybe they were just repairing circuit boards 🤔

Gotta love how their knee-jerk response is to just call OP a bootlicker rather than contest anything in the picture because it's all true lmao.


They are just mad because they love commie flavored boots.

Whoever out the wholesome award on it... Nice.

NOOOOO You can’t use awards like that!!1!!

Holy fuck the bootlick.

Make an argument instead of calling everything a bootlicker



Holy fuck the lame

Your mom licks boots under the overpass for ten cents a pop

If you are ready for some wordswordswords this pretty much 100% explains the meme. The non-controversially wrong police brutality cases everyone agrees are terrible, and so they don't go viral and no one cares. The controversial ones make mayos mad which then feeds back into the outrage and makes it go viral.

I probably didn't need to explain that last part though as drama subs are the dregs that are left after several cycles of outrage feeding outrage.

non controversial blah blah

Except they won't shut up about that one guy in a hotel hallway, despite everyone agreeing the cop was in the wrong

  1. I've not heard of that

  2. The point of the article is it took shitty unclear cases to generate controversy that expose the obvious ones. Obviously wrong ones being talked about now on the back of a meme parodying the unclear ones just proves the point.

Wait what is this referencing? It's not ahmaud, did ANOTHER black man get killed lmao?

It references the majority of police shootings that reddit propagates as “bad.” The fact of the matter most police shootings are justified.

Oh I thought it was talking about something specific

Nope. Its always the same old story with an interesting lie. This week’s lie is that it was the “wrong house” despite being specifically listed on the warrant. Reddit doesn’t know warrants are hard to get and need to be signed off by exceedingly liberal district attorneys and fairly liberal judges.

“Unarmed” is usually means they didn’t have a firearm but had an assortment of other weapons, was reaching for the officer’s weapon, their own or implying they had a weapon. The Dreamers in Gran Turino even fell for it when Clint Eastwood implied he had a weapon

The fact of the matter most police shootings are justified.

Especially the ones where they’re the victims

okay edge lord

Seethe. Is your bf a cop or something?

okay edge lord

Mayo fragility 😂😂

okay edge lord

a classic case of reddit chatting shit, but not being able to handle the bang

Im surprised the jānnīes didn’t ya’ll that thread for wrong think. Maybe they left it up to distract from how 6 powerjans control what 300,000,000 monthly users see

They're all too busy eating. There was a successful Dominos astroturf campaign today so all mods got a 50% discount on pizza

Pizza you say...

300 000 000? That number seems pretty high. If you said 6 million I could believe it.

There’s probably like 100mil legit users and a bunch of based retards making new accounts every week

Making new accounts is fun. Farm enough karma on based subs, comment on quatentined subs so NPCs can’t see any previous comments, play along on cucked subs, then set them up for the troll. Like do these retards not read my username?

I just make another account when i get sick of my username tbh, so far FORESKIN-GANG is alright

Day of the rope for internet janitors when? This is a call to violence against jannies!

Its shøåd now

It's like a narrative war on the sub between this and this.

The seethe especially from europoors is incredible.

These retards don’t know how to say anything but bootlicker


Thank you

Oh no lol

I feel like that sub is going to get brigaded soon.

I've seen rightoids and leftoids hate cops for police brutality but only when it affects the race they support.

The fact of the matter is that all police-associated violence is good

Deux fell off 🤦🏾‍♂️


Bet you can't get 100 upvotes on /r/Bad_Cop_No_Donut with this.

is no one going to talk about the awards? are the chapoids doing it again?

58% upvoted

Holy shit Redditors are mad

This will be a wrap


lol at the chapotards taking a break from defending dictators and denying genocide to call conservatives "bootlickers"

Honestly, who cares about all this shit? Fuck niggers.

That comment section proved as to exactly why redditors should be considered subhuman.

I got banned from there for posting an Ahmaud Aubery starterpack. It was removed for politics and bigotry.