
22  2020-05-16 by JeffWeiWei


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Haha gas chambers go brr


Are you saying the holocaust is a joke?



Cry white boi!

Have I told you about DeuxCHAT?

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Not only do you say horrific things, you also actively contribute to a misogynistic thread to continue flaming the fire. Honestly, there is something deeply, deeply wrong with you as a human being. I hope one day you find clarity, and let go of the intense hatred that is in your heart.


  1. Yes -,

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"You're laughing, Arthur. Six gorillion died and you're laughing."

"they think we'll all just sit there and take it like good little goys?"

Are they wrong? 🤔🤣

"How about another gorillion, Murray?"

„You‘re laughing, my granddad died in the masturbation machines and you‘re laughing.“

das rite

the best part was that arthur had severe brain damage so its accurate to real life

More like severe based syndrome💪

Bash the fash

cope seethe dilate

in super smash?


t. chapocel

I hate those retards as much as you guys, I'm a centrist



sucks off troids with proper pronouns

Sweaty, there’s a lot to unpack here.

I replace my flair every week to shitpost. I'm banned from basically every big left leaning subreddit for transphobia and racism. I just want trigger faggots who can only exist in their echochamber, so in chapo I was a nazi, here I am a progressive.

Ah, my apologies, you dropped this master shitposter 👑

Very impressive, your awards are being shipped as we speak

This is a based centrist sub dumbass

remoove the joos.

I mean, it WAS kinda funny you've gotta admit, right?

God this meme should be stale but every once in a while it gets a good laugh out of me.

Go off KING!!