The pharmaceutical revolution and its consequences have been a disaster to the zoomer race

54  2020-05-16 by Dimbledorf


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Minecraft is the reason Gen Z is becoming so redpilled. Here's some fun things to think about:

Steve: A white male ubermensch who conquers nature and carves it into his own dominion. He builds beautiful structures and ingenious redstone technology.

Zombies: Represent the bugman. Slow, stupid, and outnumber Steve by 100 to 1. They have no ulterior motives beyond consumption.

Creepers: Represent muslims. Not only do they blow themselves up but they are also green which is a color strongly associated with Islam.

Enderman: A tall black man who steals shit and can't swim

Villagers: Big nosed merchants who live in the desert and have their hands constantly rubbed together

Notch saw that Sweden was getting cucked and made Minecraft in collaboration with Pewdiepie in an effort to redpill the Aryan youth


  1. The pharmaceutical revolution and i... -,

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Steve isn't white


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Yeah he is?

I thought he was black

No he is white

Steve is a nog

no hes dark skin look at him

He has blue eyes and is just tan. Plus the funkopops have him being pale

Never get your news fromm funko pops brother.

The guy who made MC was a Swede so it would seem weird for him to make the main character a minority with blue eyes

you really think notch would make the main character of his game a [REDACTED]?

the mojang paradox

If he was black he woulsnt be called steve. Thats a cracker name.

Only the indev version

He's med, pls no bully

Now this is a based comment if I ever saw one

Unimaginably based

We need more chemical enhancement for our youth, not less. I'm putting any sons I have on adderall, HGH and testosterone to become JoJo character lookin-geniuses. Shit nigga PEDs for kids are seriously underutilized.


based on what?

On jojo obviously

Curious. I concur.


Cope it's all genes. If you do this your kids will become bald and nonfunctional by the time they're 30.

Then you can pocket their life insurance and start over šŸ˜Ž

Maybe not testosterone but if I sneak some aromatase inhibitor into their food they'll be at peak natural testosterone levels with a fraction of the estrogen levels of their lanky awkward zoomer (or whatever comes after zoomer) peers

The gif doesn't load, but I can imagine

he doesnt put his 8 year old on adderall

are u some sort of faggot or something

No joke I got put on aderall once. They took me off because I kept harassing other people.

Ypu have any pills left over you can sell me?

this sissy needed aderall to harass people

I was on ritalin for years because doc sayd so. Was a massive crybaby faggot who never moved an inch if he could avoid it. Became fat and universally hated by everyone in that time. Then I just straight up told him I wouldn't take that shit anymore, was having headaches from that garbage, so I went off it, and I actually bacame a functioning member of society, lost weight, maned up, became more unhinged and able to talk to people. No shit, I think that garbage med made me autistic.

Uh oh this kid has ADHD! Instead of finding an activity they may enjoy, expend energy and learn to focus lets just put him on ritalin to get him to focus, xanax to calm him down after then ambien to put him to sleep! All healthy alternatives to playing baseball!


You messed up the gif you nonce.

Someone should write some dystopia in which all anti-social behaviour is medicalised instead of treated as a crime. So society responds with increasingly compulsory treatment for antisocial behaviour. The state will have a duty to treat all citizens who act up because they can't punish them, but obviously this will be misused (especially against anyone who thinks that just punishing shitheads is effective in any way).

They could make it a netflix show if they made the hero plucky women of color and all the bad guys old white men.

idk just sounds like the real life future.... fuck a book you'll live to see shit like that

The move to attribute free will to external factors while demonising negative reinforcement has been a disaster for the human race.

a life without responsibility is the life of a child and the world is increasingly becoming daycare

Humans have free will. If you assert you have no free will then I assert you're abdicating your right to be treated as a human.

100% based

The greatest of copes.

Equilibrium 2002? Emotion is illegal and there are drugs to suppress it and not taking the drug or showing emotions means you literally get incinerated alive.

Pretty cool movie and the only down side would be that it was written by the trannie bros who wrote Matrix.

Bruh this is accurate. I had mild adhd and I still do, but they put me on Adderall when I was 6. Luckily they took me off when I was 9. And then put me on Zoloft and Ritalin

If you've ever done coke you'd know how similar the all those drugs are to coke. Its not okay that it's prescribed to kids.

Ritalin is actually almost exactly the same as coke. There's actually a method of freebasing it so you can make ritalin-crack

So glad Iā€™m off that shit

Turned me into a husk of my former self

The sad thing is, if was born 5 years later I would probably be on Adderall rn. šŸ˜¬

Born in 94 I was put on ritilian when I was 8, then adderall, then concerta, and then vyvance, tried to get off of it my senior year and the exhaustion was horrible stayed on till I was about 20 and then let it go.

started showing signs of intense anxiety sophomore year and they threw in Low dose Xanax to take at the same time.

Schools should have no right to force nor recommend this kind of shit.

Yikes, really sorry to hear that.