Learn to code

10  2020-05-17 by boyoyoyoyong


I have information that will lead to DeuxCHAT's arrest.

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No direction and it talks about meaningless garbage posts on reddit. This sub is like something beneath reddit, eating whatever shit falls out of its ass. Pathetic and cringe. End your existence, all of you.


  1. Learn to code - archive.org, archive.today

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Keep it cozy, Peter cozy

low quality meme

the best kind

I kinda miss 2019 twitter

Why did the creator of this meme make the characters nose so big? Whats up with that?


Oh, that explains it.

Despite making up just 2% of the population, they are responsible for over 50% of Vice articles



Who? Who could possibly be responsible for this? And why? For God's sake #why#?


I donโ€™t understand.

Who? The nose knows.


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I have no idea what youโ€™re talking about.

I'm so sorry you're retarded! Hint: 6 pointed

I feel like Iโ€™m playing a round of Taboo. Will somebody for fuckโ€™s sake just spit it out?

Damn you're dense. But since you want it so much:


is that a pentagram? bro what do Satanists have to do with this

Silly! It's the irish!

best we stop asking questions

Its based on real life

The journalist is cosplaying ad Squidward.

Pinocchio is behind it

People who can code don't have kids either๐Ÿ™„


What ?

Answer my question





It gives me great joy to know washed up commie journos are suffering.

It brings me joy to see them flounder in their pit of self made failures

They made their own bed when they gave up on journalistic integrity and created mass amounts of low effort articles that rely on buzzwords, half truths or complete fabrications. The corporations probably saw that those articles generated more clicks and fired their journalists. Now they have people writing opinion pieces framed as articles for free or just strait up copy and pasting old articles with relevant buzz words without having to pay a journo 200k a year to write the shit

low effort articles that rely on buzzwords, half truths or complete fabrications

If you change "article" to "meme" that pretty well describes the content of this sub as well. ๐Ÿค”

I'll bet you thought this was really clever.

Nooooo we dare not insult the honor of deuxrama!


Deuxcels owned epic style ๐Ÿ’ฏ!!11!!1@!!! ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž

Nigger you should have thought twice before pressing the post button.

Ever read their statuses about being fired for schadenfreude? The only people offering commiserations or support are all blue checkmarks, but the vast majority are dancing on the grave of their careers

I wonder if โ€œjournalistsโ€ realize just how much everyone hates them

uses Harry Potter books for life metaphors

You're voldemort

boomer meme

Get s girlfriend chapo

PepeLaugh :point_right: chapo

*Why ๐Ÿ‘
*The fuck ๐Ÿ‘
*Does every line ๐Ÿ‘
*Start with a '*' ๐Ÿ•ท๏ธ๐Ÿ‘

Sick of this fucking retarded โ€œjust learn to code broโ€ like teaching yourself python online will give u a chance against the millions of pajeets and chinks graduating with CS degrees every year

The market is becoming oversaturated, have to specialize in whatever new meme technology is making Silicon Valley VCs cream their pants.

There is a high demand for competent coders most ppl in the market suck right now.

If you are in a western country and are even a mediocre programmer then you can get a pretty good job straight after your bachelor's.

  1. Study leetcode problems
  2. $$$

Thing is, the majority of the millions of pajeets and chinks are fucking awful programmers, and most companies have realised that now.

they can't read Stack Overflow

Journalists are the worst professionals in the world, they feel superior to everyone and at the same time have the most useless job that literally anyone else can do.

Hava Nagila starts playing