DeuxCHADs reclaiming the rdrama Lebensraum [2020]

1  2020-05-17 by HaltOverDow


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Ball cleveage shorts should be a thing.

I feel like society is ready.

I can imagine all sorts of cool outfits that show off my ball cleveage, for the office, for the pool, weddings and any sort of occasion.

Wearing ball cleavage shorts will allow us men to use our assets to flirt with women who are in power in hopes of gaining some unfair advantage over those who are less endowed.

There would be "wonder shorts" which push the balls up front and accentuate the cleavage. Like diamonds on a pedestal.

There would be a little hole in the shorts to let the ball cleavage poke through


  1. DeuxCHADs reclaiming the rdrama Leb... -,

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Alsace Lorraine belongs to the ducks chad folks

its time to take what was our's boys

B b b but you can’t strangle me, I banned you for posting in cringeanarchy that one time! Mods!!!

Someone help this deuxchad made an agenda post!

I am fucking tired of people forgetting that this a FRENCH subreddit. We should honestly ban any angloid, germoid, slavoid, or god forbid any minoritoids from this subreddit.

Germoids invaded you without resistance 😎

yeah, ignore the millennia of Germans being BTFO by France


yeah, ignore the millennia of Germans being BTFO by France

France was an actual country then.

Germany was ten thousand and some odd number of ooga booga pissant lords, doing whatever they wanted under the holy hot mess.

Ne parle à personne dans la langue de les chiennes

Allah knows no races, infidel! France is only the first ummah country out of many more..

The French surrendering their subreddit like they do their country. A tale old as time.

le funny reddit france surrender meme.


English please this is an American sub

Go back to r/historymemes. This is a chad-only subreddit.

Hon hon frogs