Straight facts 😤😤

1  2020-05-17 by LoftCoiffure


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Who invented world famous TikTok? Boy.

Chinks and gooks and should be classified as their own gender, no wonder why k-pop stars all look the same

No, that's all the plastic surgery.

Who invented shitting in the street


Horny? Chat live with hot autists in your area today with DeuxCHAT

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10-4 good buddy heard ya loud and clear, I'll get that concrete mix to you as soon as I'm done eating my early bird special at Denny's - oh, I didn't see you there, little millennial. Little millennial bitch. I used to buy crappy quality tools, shirts, and ladies perfumes at Sears and now you killennials have killed them.


  1. Straight facts 😤😤 -,

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Giving internet access to india was a cruel idea.

Watching them embarass themselves onl8ne every day is like watching old Chris Chan videos.

Their accent makes them unbearable. Only redeemed by a British accent.

The br*tish accent is the most horrible thing to ever exist.

Dude loiscense lmao

Indian accent is far worse

This is what mayos actually think lmao.


America first

America first in standard of living

Based and gronald glormpf-pilled

Not possible. They became a superpower January 1st this year

Keep dreaming stinky hand, xi is going turn your pathetic shitting streets into glass.

Ngl I’m ctfu

Only Western Europe should have Internet access

Then I'd have to see the fucking anglos, frogs and krauts all the time.

Yeah I'll pass, europoor.

I’d rather not see fat American women getting into fights all the time

I’d rather not see fat ~~American British women getting into fights all the time.

Now, now, now, that is not only an American problem.

I am French. We have very little obesity. Anglos are honorary Americans

Snail moment

French you say? 🤢

🤮 at least I’m not a yankeedoodler

I have half a mind to drone strike you guys with a deodorant bomb. But i dont think it would hit you, because I have to aim it at a local hospital, as is the American custom. 😉

tu veux m'aider à établir la Légion Française de Deuxrama pour détruire les ricains?


On trouve un 3ieme et ça suffira je parais

Ok. Blend in with the Yankees and Angloids

I sure do love transexuals and taking my car instead of a 20 minute walk



No you wouldn't, because you wouldn't have an internet connection.

Which Australian fucked your dog ?

As Allah intended 🕌


Foids BTFO

When he said half-eaten apple I thought it was some Eve reference since she was the first to take a bite out of an apple in Eden and doomed humanity.

But no he just meant iphone.

I don't think street shitters are acquainted with christian mythology

The chick in the red top kinda liked it.

Poocel = volcel

She was like can’t beat em, join em. And she may have gotten a little excited.

Lol soys mad 😄😁

Lmao bodied


w**** BTFO

At least he walked away and didn't rape them.

The cam was still rolling

Based Chadjeet

Who invented toilets

American or Indian


“Huh? What is a toilet?”

This pajeet really put down on those broads and that's what I like to see.

Feminist destroyed with FACTS and LOGIC 😤😤

Yeah, but he forgot one:

Literally every invention ever.

What did he mean by this

girls invented half eaten apple in the garden of eden when they created original sin

7.8 and 6, if anyone was keeping score

Based tech scammer